well, still not quit right on the arm front, but good enough to return to work. Which is a rliefe, as i felt I would need to go back whatever they said.
On genes reuinited now i have 14 levels of generations, back to 1550. the question is, although I am probably descended from them [it isn't matrilineal, so you can't be sure!] the actual amount of my genetic code I share with the upper levels is tiny, so what does it matter? i sort of concluded that once you got beyond the people I have an oral family history of, it didn’t really matter very much. Its a bit like pokemon though, you have to collect them all! the only bit that this doesn’t hold true for is the direct matrilineal descent. not only do i know i am related, but there are those mitochondria we all share!
Fell asleep reading SB her stories tonight – luckilly by the time I awoke she was asleep. BB in her cot – we shall see!
Well, glad to hear that you are better-ish…but will miss your being able to comment so much.
So, did BB stay in teh cot??? Did you sleep? or, actually, looking at teh time, are you still asleep? (hope so!)
she didn’t Katy – surprise surprise!