Ok, that’s not exactly an unusual occurence…
But we were fully expecting much wailing from BB over her loss of night time milk, but she has been fine about it.
I explained that we were going to be stopping and she seemed happy about it, the first couple of times she did ask for some milk, but when I said there was none she was pretty happy with that.
However there has been a knock on effect. Typically if she woke say around 5-6 am she would have some more milk, and then doze back off again. But now she is waking up and basically staying awake
next stage…. now you are a big girl who doesn’t need milk, here are some really cool toys that you are only allowed to play with in your bedroom in the morning until mummy or daddy gets up. ooo, aren’t they lovely, won’t it be fun playing with them really quietly so mummy or daddy doesn’t wake up? well, got to be worth a try!