i am not sure exactly what! but i know on thurs there was a bit of ‘normals’
fri they went to a fab session at one of the not very local groups all about dyeing. they made their own natural dye with paprika to take with them [i have no idea if it worked] and whilst there did some tie dyeing, which they enjoyed.
mon, picking up SB’s glasses – which look great on her, except she looks older… she notices a difference in vision. i cam home and we used some photochromic paper to make pictures – which was great fun, and she made a raindetector kit -like the einos but with a different badge. again it totally failed to work. has anyone had the burglar, rain or any of the ones with piezo electrics work? tempted to write to makers and complain. she made the circuits all by herself perfectly.
we played games, BB loving memory pairs at the mo. SB fed some of my endagered animals in the reserve – i am losing money hand over fist!!