SB, BB, M and E have continued to enjoy playing together and it has been lovely to have them. i was concerned about how well E would settle, but it really has been no problem at all. would be happy to do again – perhaps at a time when i was at home more.
today we were joined by the deependers and so we had a group of daleks racing around as M inducted them into the subtleties of the dalek homeworld etc. lots of swinging and sliding and generally having fun. BB managed to collapse the table in the dining room, but katy came up with a plan that antiques roadshow wouldn’t struggle hugely with. now one of the segments has a huge gash in it, there isn’t so much to be worried about anyway.
katy also brought with her some biscuit dough that L had found arecipe for and was v keen to make, so we made swirly biscuits, which was much enjoyed and stained everyones hands with food colouring. they tasted good too.
my sister arrived earlier than expected and has now been happily reuinited with children [who aare now all asleep] i must have an early night as completely shattered. we have started to think about what to take to yorkshire, and go aargh baking!! and also look at our camping stuff and see what we can cut back on.