aarrgh, and outrageous – found via Gill’s blog



Research and Advice Commissioned by the Department for
Education and Skills

6.10 It is suggest that the legislation should ensure that:

a) a standardised national system of registration be implemented by each
local education authority in terms of assessment criteria;
monitoring/inspection visits; and the time sequence related to these events
b) the wishes of children are established and taken into account in the
assessment process.
d) a clear curriculum entitlement is defined which is broad and balanced.
e) all children to be registered (irrespective of whether they have ever been
registered with a school), and that all children registered under EHE are seen
initially and in the teaching and learning situation on a regular basis defined in
law and a standard format for post visit reports and their distribution
f) all children registered under EHE are assessed on a regular basis in
relation to expectations of educational progress.
g) that a timetable be established and defined in relation to the procedures
incumbent on local authorities pursuant to assessment judgements of the
provision being unsuitable.
h) parents and secondary aged children have the right of appeal at any
decision by the appropriate authorities in regard to an application and
continuance of elected home education.

13 responses to “aarrgh, and outrageous – found via Gill’s blog

  1. That’s it then! – Which Country shall we move to? I’ve had enough of this one!

  2. “all children registered under EHE are assessed on a regular basis in
    relation to expectations of educational progress.”

    and are they going to measure ALL children within the school system for progress too I wonder… no, wait, they fudge the results in the earlier years so that it looks like they have progressed already so what’s new? (not being cynical there either, I have teachers in my family who think that this is acceptable behaviour)

  3. oh, and somehow my glum star avatar seems very apt to the comment!

  4. i’m thinking melrose is a nice place…

  5. It is indeed outrageous but not new. I think this is the Ivatts report that was discussed on lists some time ago – before the consultation that led to the 2007 guidelines, I think. Shame he’s on the ‘expert panel’ for the new review but let’s just hope he doesn’t have too much influence.

  6. That’s the review of a member of the independent panel? Who won’t be exhibiting any bias at all? Do we not suspect that the findings of this panel may then resemble this review – Melrose was nice, wasn’t it?

  7. yeah, allie, i remember the discussion, and had hoped that the last consultation and review etc had stopped this bit of influence, but that he is on the panel, well lets count our free days left.

  8. they will assess my children’s improvement over my dead body

  9. Where has Ivatt’s name come from listed as a member of the panel, I can’t find him? Or am I missing something (ie Ivatt isn’t his name but it was the report name from someone on the panel)?

  10. me again! just gone and read the whole doc. Amazing isn’t it, up til the last breath it appears they are merely making sweeping statements about travelling families (they are all thick, insular and don’t want their girls learning that there’s life outside their community) but then it swoops in with
    “6.9 Legislation should apply uniformly to all families with children currently being educated at home and those wishing to elect for home education in the future.”
    despite teh fact that non of the “research” for the doc has anything to do with non-travelling home educators!

    I sort of feel I should have known about this a few years ago rather than now as it’s a 2005 document, adn somehow writing letters of complaint about it now seems a bit too late!

  11. the thing was, in 2005 we were in a diff home ed place, and i remember the discussions on prob eo, and they just terrified me, and i put my head in the sand. i imagine others didn’t. this kind of thing is why i write and write and respond to wherever i can think in the hopes that if enough people do, it will be the ants moving mountains thing.

  12. *dives for deep sand*

  13. I foresee a big exodus of HEors to Scotland…

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