this weekend we went wandering off the path to play board games with friends. It was a fab weekend, and worked really well, mixing at least 2 portions of friends from diff parts of life . Playing the games eliminates awkward silences or clumping in friend groups
We got there early [ish] and had brought along enchilada to add to the lunch or whilst gaming food. we had had for lunch, and i have to say, even nicer than expected [is it bad form to like ones own brought food??] then helped spread table with foodly offerings [i particularly liked M's choc and nut biscotti - brownies receiving their 2ce baking in a row and being v delicious for it] and the tables with games. Various ppl came who I didn’t recognise, and a family that i did. I enjoyed playing smallworld, Mao [much more than i anticipated!] and then a round of extensioned agricola [tho my brain a bit swimmy at that point, so did crazy things!]. DH also got to play Ingenious Strategy Game , which i think would be a good addition to our game stash some time . The following day, we nearly went home but were strongarmed into playing another game before we left. we v much enjoyed alhambra .
The children all had fun, i know SB played 10 days in europe, giro galloppo [which we left behind ] , dingo and a large number of imaginative games with C and M. BB mostly played riotous games with J and R. they make a lovely posse together. Unfortunately BB did struggle with bed time, but hey ho!!
lots of scrumptious food – would like the veg cornish pasty recipe tho. There was a fab birthday cake as well. Thanks for a great weekend