in other news

obviously most of the girls home ed is not blogged! [frowns at DH] .
Monday i think was mostly a work at home sort of day, with ballet.
tues was a home morning and an afternoon HE group. the group is often a bit young for SB but fine for BB. they used to go more often, but it is a bit of a distance. BB had made meringues for the party there, saying goodbye to some home educators. they were v v yummy as she saved one for me :). eve is swiming, and BB was v proud to ome home with 2 swim-for-life badges, her levels 5 and 6. She gets moved up a class. SB has a couple more things to do for her final one, and is then considering swimming club.
weds – i blogged :)
thurs – mostly at home in the daytime, some home ed but no tidying :) and then gym
fri – arts award – both did fab pics, it was themed around illustrations. Love SB’s, it is really atmospheric. BB drew a reasonable dog. apparently it looked initially more like a dog body with a dinosaur head, so was coaxed and coached on how to doggify it. still has dino claws…
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