dunno a lot of what has happened this week. been a bit otherwise focussed. Otherwise focussed always has a detrimental effect on the family. DH gets grumpier and shouty, BB gets massively shoutier plus waily, SB gets tearful and martyred, and I feel a failure. SO through this stress, I have tried to play it low key! i have loved them, read to them and played with them. However, I have had some v v late working days as well.
What has happened this week then? the usual groups, a sprinkling of home ed, lots of playing – the girls are having an adorable cooperative time currently, and this does make me really happy. Seeing BB and SB sitting with arms entwined [much better than the times when I have to remind them to use their loving voices to each other...] Since we have done a lot of gardening, the girls have spent a lot of time outside. they have made a den area by a climbing tree, helped me with some of the veg bed stuff – mainly I suspect so they can hoover up all the ripe strawberries, raspberries, mangetout and peas!
they had multisport, and then played with the deepedners before gym i think. it all went pearshaped on friday though, the day that DH realised he had lost both sets of carkeys, and possibly they are in the boot of the mondeo . all weekend he has looked for these keys, and the house has been turned inside out to try and find them all the girls also then missed the arts award class whcih they had been really looking forward to since it was mosaic
however, the other thing in progress is SB working on things for the village fete. she is hoping to enter hundreds of things it seems. on weds and sat she was hard at work on her entry for ‘circus in a shoebox’ . i will pop in a pic of the clowns. Unfortunately i failed to realise that fimo goes floppy again on rebaking, so her ladder has taken a few goes, and the person will have to be glued on, as too heavy when it is all wobbly. I think it is such a fab idea she has had . And also today with the jam. when she wants to, that girl can be very focussed
We have also had some surprise visitors. My parents on friday, and staying over to sat. they came for dh to fix dad’s computer, and played with the girls, and lots of card games, chatting, and just feeling loved. Then on sat, M-i-l was rushed into hospital with suspected temporal arteritis. awaiting biopsy as an inpatient, and actually feeling ok. we , therefore, have f-i-l staying with us, as wouldn’t want him to be at home on own. I hope you haven’t forgotten the keys saga, cos we have just one car… Anyway, sat a mixture of fimo with SB, gardening and playing with both, DH rushing around in my car and entertaining my f-i-l. I am going to give today a separate post.
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