where is the blogging muse?

and as for putting stuff up on flickr, i might never manage that. part of the problem is that of an eve i am currently often doing bits and pieces for work rather than blogging. AND DH doesnt blog the things he does!

But i did want to say how much i love my girls, they are great to be with and I am proud and happy to be their mummy. i do wish that i was the one at home with them [quite often!] but hey, i earn more and actually like my job so… SB is kind, thoughtful and considerate [mostly] and very loving. she is a great companion, and her thoughts and chatter lift my heart on even the most difficult days, when i am grieving for my sister, or stressed about work. i love being with her, and listening to what she has to tell me and knowing i love her ‘too infinity and beyond’. SHe is a brilliant sister for BB – who perhaps doesn’t realise this as much as she could! She likes people to be happy and is very generous. I do worry sometimes that this means she doesn’t put herself first as much as she could – it is good to be kind thoughtful and generous, but you should still be important and appreciated. a hard one to juggle! She has done loads of music prac this week, particularly recorder. we had a lovely time in the garden together today, first doing some of the gardening, and then in the paddling pool and then demonstrating to me on the trampoline. I also loved snuggling up, as always, to do the bedtime story. My big girl is growing up, and i plan to appreciate all the time that i have with her :)

BB is one of those girls that grabs your heart. she is an adorable mix of bright, enthusiastic, cheeky, jolly fun, and yet also unsure, averse to change, quick to anger and shout. Every morning she comes into our bed and wants a tickle and mammock :) and she is so demonstrative and loving. today she had prepared a carnival for us. last night she had taken our ages and drawn pics of our hair and mouth [slightly odd!] and then randomly put hearts and crosses on the back. this morning we got to see how many hearts or crosses we had. i won some fimo, and dh some toilet cleaner :lol: . then she musthave spent ages doing raffle tickets. we each had a set of 5 numbers and she had a bowl full of numbers. unfortunately not all our numbers where in there, and SB and i had 2 numbers the same. but a good idea :) and we really enjoyed it. i won glitter, but sb won toothpaste!! finally she put on a sock puppet show. she switched on the radio and had 2 sock puppets miming. it went on for quite a while! giggle :) she didn’t really help in the garden… but did have fun in the pool, on the trampoline, and climbing trees. particularly cute hearing her sing whilst strumming open violin strings sat up a tree…

And for a while now both girls have been playing together mostly beautifully, listening to laughter, giggles and silly play talk is quite a joy. and it is just a lovely gift, parenthood. i don’t think i blog that enough, possibly because it feels a bit, well personal i guess. but girls if you do read this one day, you are truly both a blessing to us :)

yesterday was the village carnival, which the girls have been looking forward to for a long while. we got to see a fab molly group dance, as well as watch the float procession – it seemed shorter this year? then after lucn [home grown] we wandered down to the field, the girls met village friends, and had a number of rides whilst we looked around. loads of girls say hello to SB as we walk past, but she rarely talks about girls she knows. i might just have to remind her about being always enthusiastic, so friends feel appreciated [not something i am good at doing either - friends, you are all v much appreciated :) ] SB did manage to give herself nasty friction injuries on helter skelter and take off the top layer of skin in 2 places. mm wondering if first aid kit for holiday big enough! anyway, a lovely day.

sb and bb have also done something for arts award this week, been shopping for holiday things and who knows wht else :) but we have been quite insular i think, and since this is a more difficult time for me, as well as hugely busy at work, i think that has worked well. we did ge to lovelyem and her family on weds, and sb and e always seem to get on well these days, but all 4 of them seemed to have fun together and play well – tho obv not *all* the time, as that would have been unnerving ;) . O was gorgeous, and getting the brio out for him reminded the girls how much they loved it too :)

Hmm, bed time methinks :) was going to say the garden blog fairly up to date, and eating lots of home grown produce really good.

oh, and i bought shakespears animated tales, and both girls have been transfixed by them, watching them a number of times. well worth the money. As was the recorder scale book, as recorder scales are just weird :)

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