a month ago – Canada 1

we were manically packing up and driving down to my parents so that dad could drive us to Heathrow the following morning. odd not to have mum there [on a hol with her sister in france] but lovely to see him and have a hug :)

next day off to canada!! we did make a mess, as we had packed washkit in handluggage and also medicine kit – so a number of tubes to get out and put in plastic bags and a reminded not to do that on way home!! the queue for checkin was enormous as their computer systems had gone down but now just back up, so not allowing the precheck in which we had done. the staff all v friendly and it was well organised, but a bit of a urgh start. however, all in and an easy wait for the plane, a game of ingenuity and some food bought and we were all set. on the plane it wasn’t quite set out as i had hoped, as the rows out of synch, so we were 2 and 2, so changed return seats so we were 2 and 2 behind :) . Air Canada is a good way to travel tho, indiv screens and plugs and ports for charging, food ok and enough room. I was with BB and i think she beat all my expectations on how much a girl can need the washrooms in 8 bours… the in flight entertainment was deemed fantastic, and rango and gnomeo and juliet were watched :) . SHe was v happy with fruit platter chosen for her food, and SB with oriental vegetarian :) we looked at the ice as we went over greenland and the northernmost bits of canada – looked beautiful, and finally bb slept for the last hour and the landing. it was rough getting in, as it was 2am our time, so girls totally pooped, and we wsere not much better… however, the passage through the airport was straightforward. and it was totally wonderfulto see aunty marylyn :) she drove us to pick up the motorhome and we went back to her house, stayed up as long as possible and collapsed into bed :)

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6 responses to “a month ago – Canada 1

  1. Exciting! Can’t wait for further instalments :)

  2. ooh exciting! You’ve landed :-) :-) :-)

    Next bit please!

  3. Hope this isn’t a weekly documentary! Looking forward to part 2 :)

  4. I don’t know, you go away for 3 weeks and come back saying ‘washrooms’. ;)

  5. Photo processing is probably the limiting factor Zoe

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