Who lives in Canada. We had a day of her busy itinerary, looking into the family history – see post below! So we did try and madly clean and declutter, and didn’t look too bad.
SO very excited, we made cakes, got lunch ready and waited! Chris also went and picked up Little Nanny to take to Mum and Dads. Wish Dad had been there too so that all 3 siblings could be together. Hmm. Anyway, we had a great fun time together, particularly playing dinosaur ludo.
Sb and BB got a toy that has a website, so SB got herself hooked up with that. BB also impressed with her IT skills on starfall. SB read , sang, played the piano and was generally charming. BB was a munchkin of cuddliness, and also played and pattern blocked. By 6, when the guests all left, SB and BB had had enough, and in fact SB has gone to bed without tea as she was exhausted. Well, she has also been to rainbows, and we had a HUGE lunch. Both now asleep before 8!!
Thankyou for visiting Aunty Marylyn. Must save my pennies so we can all visit you in Canada.
Caught up with blogging, even over here!