what is BB, butterbean for the chubby baby, blessing baby for the second miracle success of treatment, bouncing bean, for all her energy? She is gorgeous, adorable, frustrating and utterly unique Her addition to our happy family has been a great joy, the much wanted sibling SB begged for and we had hoped for without necessarily expectation.
At 6 she is a walking contradiction still, the girl with the curl. She can be adorable, loving, sunny and smily, with her cutie dimple and beaming smile and then lose it in a second over something we struggle to notice as a problem. She plays endlessly and happily imagination games and can really concentrate on a craft, she loves playing with SB and is still v v keen on dinosaurs, lizards and amphibians, though big cats and rabbits get a look in too now. She is a musical little dot, and is often singing and humming as she plays or crafts. Ah, crafting, i am amazed at what she can produce on her own with crafting. I do sometimes help, as she has v exact expectations at times and this can frustrate her. She has had a pic published in a magazine and got a blue peter badge on the back of her painting skills.
She is still most comfortable staying close to home, and not really keen to join groups, apart from swimming and gym. She prefers to stay reasonably close to a parent until she ‘warms up’ which can take quite a long time. She is v physically affectionate and also ticklish. I adore her for her impish and intransigent nature. Even when feel driven up the wall and to the back of beyond she can deflate this with a smile. yes, she has me she has all of us
Happy Birthday BB!
BB is definitely one in a million! Hope she had a great day