both girls have got new to them bikes this week. SB has got a bike from ebay [islabike] and BB has SB’s first bike, the Puky bike that SB got when BB was born – awwwwwwwwww. So we decided we would go cycling and caching today. It didn’t quite happen like that … the window ppl finally came, so we had to get things ready again. i watered the plants, DH sorted out bikes, i did some pre course prep, SB did some galore park junior history and then finished her singapore maths books 4 [woohoo!!] we had thought we had got level 5, but i was mistaken. SB now v happy that there is land mail, but she will have to do mathletics and other maths instead in this time! BB also finished a book, her explode the code book 1, and was v v happy with that. She read another level 2 book with near no help, so i think it is time for level 3 . SB did some piano prac as well, both had great fun roller skating in the garden, and we finally went out cycling after lunch.
[flickr id="5762091441" thumbnail="small" overlay="true" size="small" group="" align="left"] unfortunately… the route we planned to take had been shut 2 days ago and won’t reopen for a couple of months!! argh. We did a different cycle ride instead, but no caching. BB rode really well as we didn’t have a trailgator and she didn’t make any fuss. there was an icecream involved – which always makes life easier though and lots of shrieks of happiness and fun. We really enjoyed it. shame we didn’t get out earlier or be able to do the initial route tho . BOTH girls did judo tonight. BB in the younger group and really enjoyed it and is happy to go back – phew. sb and i did some crafting and bottled up our elderflower cordial whilst BB did that, and I read an usborne book about romans. then SB did the late session. does make for a late bedtime, and hence late blog. night night all
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