2005 photoday

here we go, a day in the life of us!

See the photos in this album

Woke up with the distinct impression that I may have mumps, but didn’t let that put me off! [v sore neck and bit of a temp]
SB rather keen on the photo idea, and took rather a number of them as well. today was v child led. SB usually just coming up with ideas, but offered choices if stumped.

Cuddles in bed – always a good start to the day!

SB helps change BB nappy – slave labour! Didn’t fancy baby massage today.

BB then has waggle practice while SB and I read a book. She then reads book to BB when BB on tummy practice.

came down for breakfast – rice crispies. BB wanted to play as well, so went and chose 2 ‘match and sort’ books – maths. Also had some manipulatives.

This followed on into measuring, and heaviest/lightest. Also that due to cheap nature of scales, the position the cubes were placed in affected their weight – in the heavier further from fulcrum idea [ can i call this mechanics??] The post arrived, and we cut up various bits of rubbish.

11:00 SB wanted to be a princess. So we dressed up, and I did her hair. Then she decided to be a doctor princess. So listened to each others hearts and lungs

On listening to our tummies, we decided mine was rumbly – as some great coincidence I had an usbourne why do we eat book out, so we read that, and decided to do the taste test experiment – which was an absolute hit. We had sugar and choc drink powder and custard powder as sweet, stock cube and salt for salty, tartar powder as sour, coffee as bitter. Also cinnamon and turmeric. Bicarb of soda truly foul!!

12:00 veg soup for lunch followed by orange.

13:00 to tots group until 15:00 – water play, fun and singing time. BB was delighted by SB bouncing her in the bouncer – though she did nearly ping out once!

Chris came home and was subjected to the taste test again, and SB played BTB. I felt decidedly crap so had a nap. Chris forgot to take piccies.

I returned and looked at blogs – SB commented on Sarah’s. Prob shoudn’t have let her, as she seems to have done the same to Jax without us knowing – sorry.

we looked at different coins with her bug magnifier, and then to bed.

chris will now link this to the photo album [nudge chris!!]

You wish is my command…..

See the photos in this album

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