just finished submitting 2 abstracts with co-author. 01:14
been manically doing it as soon as free from general work commitments.
Hardly saw my girls tues, thurs or fri as home after 7. big sigh. I just cant find the comfort zone of work/life. When I’m there I have loads of work ideas, andfeel badthat I’m not overextending, and wen I come home I wonder what was so important I left so late.
Part of the problem is that I am at the time of my career when I actually need to overcommit to make a stable basis for the next 10 or so years. I am also at the time of my life when I want to limit my commitment… bugger for vicious circles
Chris is wittering on about scratch and sniff books. BB is asleep onmy lap, and I did take time out to read SB bedtime story.
Oh and on another negative, I forgot to budget for my study leave. sigh. Maybe we will get a lodger.
oh, we have a portico elephant btw
I just wondered what happened to scratch and sniff books, ewhich I remembered from a kid. Helen didn’t sem to belive me, or remember them. But it seems they are still around according to Amazon
Elephant??? Oh, do you mean horse?
Really feel for you with the work/life thing – watching C trying to work it out here is painful enough, and he at least is at a point where he can plateau for a few years at work (even if the actual job keeps getting stressier).
Could you live with a lodger? It might be a good solution for a while if you could.
thing is, would a lodger manage to live with us? would have to be a special type of person I fear!!
nut yes, we had a lodger when we bought our first house to make ends meet.
i’d lodge with you if this lot would let me go We had one for a while before our children outnumbered us.