catchup panic!.it was a holiday orchestra week, SB did both intermed and senior strings on the viola, which she really enjoyed, and pushed her to want to play the viola a bit more. she also loved singing in the choir. we have loved the opportunity to do hoiday orchestra, even if i have rarely managed to make a concert – and this was no exception! she dressed in concert black this time, as she is growing up
on monday she did a musical theatre session with the deependers which she had also really enjoyed doing. it seems so long ago now that i may have completely forgotten what she did! but there was some using the body to make beat sounds with, racing around, singing, dancing acting etc and she loved it. she would like to do the whole week in the summer, but we already have a week holiday and we already have a pgl holiday and prob holiday orchestra again, and maybe sailing, and likely a visit from the cousins… life is soooo busy!
wodensmeet on wednesday was a bit of a relaxed affair, and we had the fishes over too we made some excellent bread rolls, but i blew the house ring main rather than successfully do science – oops! there was recordering , lots of chatting and sitting and nattering in the sun rather than working hard this time.
And my phone ran out of charge.