Virginie and Eric came to pick up FrB. We had had a long and terrible journey from our holiday home, so had v little time to prepare, and less house tidying that hoped for! FrB and I made the dinner she had chose and pudding – chilli sausage hotpot and then a cream tea afterwards! [i know, slightly weird!] and we chatted in the evening. in the morning they got crumpets for breakfast – which I think they thought a bit weird too!!! but FrB loves them. and finally, after some goodbye photos, they left and caught the train home. so there we go, our years en famille adventure is finished, and it feels kinda weird too! but i hope that we have made a connection that the girls can keep, and certianly have a planned swap of holidays next year.
and to celebrate, DH has fixed flickr widget!
so, a beginning and end shot
As they would say, sisters forever!