Category Archives: Daft Stuff

Take one spare rat….

Well, I guess it would make an interesting HE project:

How to make an LED rat throwie?

Note for the squeamish, this page does show shots of skinning and stuffing a rat etc.

I’m slighty disturbed by the thought that Stringbean would fine the whole process fascinating.

HT to Crunchgear

For Merry :-)

control freak – moi?

You Are 60% Control Freak
Generally, you are in control but not a control freak. You life is usually in order. However, sometimes you get too obsessed with making everything in your life picture perfect.

You Are 60% Cynical

Yes, you are cynical, but more than anything, you’re a realist.
You see what’s screwed up in the world, but you also take time to remember what’s right.
Your Stress Level is: 78%
You are prone to stress, and you’re probably even pretty stressed right now.
Life’s problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out.
Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It’s the only wa you’ll get through the bad times.

‘Chips! chips! Chips!’

Getting dinner for the girls ready tonight, I put a bottle of tomato ketchup on the table. Butterbean (who was pottering around in the kitchen) pointed at it and started shouting ‘Chips! Chips!’ (Ketchup mostly comes out when we have chips – it was lamost I suppose – sauted potato)

Quite clever really I thought, as well as rather amusing. :-)


One of BB’s early words has been ‘duck’ – as in ‘stuck’, not the animal. Duck in the high chair, duck in the car seat, duck in your arms, duck getting out of buggy etc.

Well she really got duck today. Hear shouting and knocking on her door this morning about 7.15,, went up to find she had managed to lock herself in. (She sleeps in what is basically a bathroom, so it has a lock on the door. It ones of those lock/catch things that screw on the ouside of the door, rather than being fitted into the door, and it has slidy catch thing, that I’d forgotten about as we never used.

A bit oworrying as BB was the otherside wailing by this time. The bit the catch goes into was only screwed to the outisde of the frame, but it took a fair bit of kicking to get it to open (if it has been in the frame it would have been much harder). Helen was wondering about taking SB up a ladder and putting her through the window…..

The door did open rather forcefully, as part of the bit fixed to the frame broke rather than the screw pulling out. Luckily, BB had had enough sense to go back ino the room with the banging on the door so it just missed here.

time to check other possibly locking doors methinks…

SB was in the room next door asleep, with the door open. Did she notice a thing…..?

Well this looks like a recommendation.

Katie (or is it with a ‘y’ – can’t remember), brought along some homemade chocolate sauce, which was rather yummy on the Saturday morning breakfast pancakes.

It comes highly recommended by Teeny:

Yummy Chocolate Sauce on Vimeo


As I just ran down the stairs, I trod on dead mouse. It made a squishing sensation and since partially dismembered, a blood an entrail imprint on my foot. YUK!

Pop, fizz, bang.

For all those who were wishing that the teacher would put a bigger piece of sodium in the water bath in the science lesson demostration. Scroll down to end to find the videos.

Thanks to the Grauniad’s? Bad Science column

Muddlepuddle Camp Snippets

Helen has already blogged on Kessie, but I was reminded of things looking at the piccies.

So here are few of my personal snippets, in no particular order.

Ducks – One of her words of the week. Butterbean was endlessly running off to the bridge to look for ducks (which was rather tiresome at times…), and would look over both sides either commenting on the ducks she could see, or hopefully calling out ducks if their weren’t any. When they came into the campsite she was ecstatic :-) I do think my plan for tethering her down in the middle of the camopsite had merit though
Dik-dik – BB’s word for biscuit which she used endlessly.

Small boys - Small boy ‘holding up’ another boy with his water pistol. ‘Show me your willy or I won’t be your friend’ – ‘victim’ was happy to oblige :-)

Playing – the endlessly playing was lovely to watch, the big space opposite us was well used once the other tents had departed. Having friends and space and time to just play and play like that in the sun must be some sort of kiddie heaven.

Water pistols – well it was perfect water pistol weather/territory

Small Girls - one minute sitting playing with dollies, playing babies etc. then arming themselves up with water pistols for a battle :-)

Layla’s rants – I particulary liked the ‘come near this cake and I’ll chop off your arm’ one to assorted children desperate for chocolate cake.

Biggest embarrasment? – Knobbling Emma’s BMW. BB got her keys and dangled them into a mug of juice – which wasn’t very good for the remote keyfob/immobiliser thingy. Only discovered it wouldn’t work of course once they were all packed and the kids hidden by lots of gear….. Arrghhh! – Luckily the RAC man was able to dry it out with much blowing inside with his airjet.

Teapot – tea is designed to be made in a pot, not dangling a tea bag in a mug. So how can you not take a teapot camping. It also makes it much easier to keep your neighbours supplied ;-)

Chillin’ – so which tent shall we go and sit outside (and drink aforesaid tea) now….?

Gazebo’s? - you can never have two many gazebo’s at a Muddlepuddle camp. What is intriguing about them is the magnetic effect they havee on people – they even collect under them in the dark when there is no shade benefit to be gained.

Small children and shops – Well it probably was a bad idea? to let Big, Small and SB go to the shops by themselves – Big to get bread, Small and SB to get sweets.? Poor Small didn’t get his sweets, Buig did get bread, and her and SB each got? lolly, though apparently Big took the one SB wanted – she is still complainign about this. Just what confusion they sowed in the shop can only be inagined :-)

Thanks Sarah – My website as a graph!

as seen first on Sarah’s blog

and yes, I did do the garden blog too!