Category Archives: General

the lice programme

urgh :( it is over a year since we had nits, last were a generous present to my youngest from her cousin :) this time it is my eldest and her hair is thicker and longer. what is more i combed the rest of us and found 2 on me and none on youngest – going for persuasion on dh to actually comb.
last time we just combed using the lice programme and it worked well. this time i am adding in full marks solution to hopefully aid the combing ptogramme. I have to say that it does seem to make the combing easier for sb, and get out more eggs or detritus!

wodensmeet – nonsense poetry and disgusterous experiments

It was a full wodensmeet this time – well nearly :) and we were late due to a combination of police/ambulance and tractors causing quite an add on to usual journey time :( . however, the girls were happy to walk straight into an activity and get started. With a change of technique, i have given BB a single refusal card she can ‘play’ at any time, but for that I am allowed to tell her to do some other home ed from my box at any time. We had an agreement. this is because she can sometimes take ‘so long’ warming up that an activity is nearly done, and then she loves it. Other times she remains reluctant, and it is v difficult to see which she is being – hence the refusal card. This session she used it for french conversation.

We started with a craft zoe had set up, decorating jars with wrapping paper to use [presumably??] as gift containers for xmas? BB won’t part with hers, but SB does plan to use it. Since they were happy, i took that time to write out some easy to v v easy recorder parts for a piece of renaissance and a piece of tudor music. Chatting to Merry, Zoe and Em as we went on.

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BB finished quite quickly, so came and did a small bit of explode the code, the children then played and we set up science for me, and silly words poetry with Merry. for the poetry, the girls all had to think of lots of rhyming words, assonance, alliteration etc and then make a nonsense poem [+/- illustration] BB and J again shared their poem, and BB loves doing things with J, so this works well. My girls did poetry first and then science after lunch.

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i was mostly talking about eating and the early bit of digestion. SO had set up the table with variety of foods in the sweet, sour, salty, bitter and just plain nasty categories, blindfolded the children and the taste testing began! They were pretty good at it, made some great faces along the way! and then identified bits of tongue that were better than others. I love tamarind paste, and it surprised me that only BB really seemed to appreciated its fruity bitterness, and most others, including adults, had a wrinkled face look, and Em only managed to swallow with extreme willpower!

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After they had swigged drinks and swilled their mouths :) we then moved on to see how salivary amylase worked to kickstart the digestion process. I just used flour, and those that put more flour than i suggested in had to do a lot of spitting!! we then added pre-diluted iodine, and saw that we made a black blue solution, as iodine is an indicator for the presence of starch. then we got spitting and shaking until most of us managed to break down the majority of the starch, and the solution went a yellow colour again. obviously time, not just volume of spit plays its part in this process, but it took so long to spit 1/3 of a test tube… We then talked about polysaccharides being broken down into mono and disaccharides on the whole by the action of amylase. We finished by adding acetic acide to all the test tubes to mimic stomach contents. This puts a halt to the amylase reaction as it is denatured. we could see some appearance of ‘curdled spit’ – lovely :)

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O had run out of whatever toddlers run out of, so the children ran about playing a game for a bit, and then I offered singing – so we are gradually learning the ash grove as a new earworm :) a quick google for the words ;) and a make up harmonisation and we were away. a few more times to get it under our belt I think :) . Em then got the bells out, and the children shew us how much they had remembered from last time = loads :) Only BB and J weren’t so keen, and BB shew off her ds draw game and they were both v happy.

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Sb did a short piano prac including duets with me, and a short treble practice [so we left the book at zoes :roll:] and BB also did a short recorder prac – just trying to get her confident with c and d, and she is pretty much there. SB, em and I had a go at our adapted renaissance and tudor tunes. deciding the tudor sounded best with a garklein tune, and the renaissance with a treble. S wanted to join on the piano, necessitating a quick part written with her range in mind. then adapted as the piano is a whole tone out…

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Merry got all the kids [bar bb and j] to read out their nonsense poetry, which was all fab, and then had to leave. the rest of us finished with some line dancing and an early dinner before setting off home. Thanks again to zoe for great hosting :) .

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I didn’t post this on her birthday, as too busy celebrating i guess! also persistant migraine is making prolonged screen time a problem, and blogging without looking at the screen does lead to some weird speling mistakes! But our wee baby is getting older! Adorable, mischievous, unique in character, loved by us all and now 7! She was very happy with her gifts of fish tank and lego as well as a ds draw game and a small craft kit, and very happy with a birthday treat to see arthur christmas. She decided not to eat out, but to have pizza and icecream at home watching birthday dvd toystory3 [so quite a screeny day!] and loved her angry birds cake. Happiness is being 7…

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catch up catch up!

argh – as the girls often say! They have been doing varying amounts of the normal home-eddy stuff. Sb has ‘lost’ her galore park books apparently! however the spelling books on the advice from layla have been a hit – she preferred smelly spellings etc from letts, but has finished those, so we have gone back to an earlier book from the collins series. Spelling is still a bit hit and miss, but definitely improving, and the whole writing thing less painful for her!!

SB has also been working through some primary maths practice papers, she understands more of the concepts than last year, but is equally skilled at dizzy mistakes! However, think these things are good to do! SHe is practising for her grade 4 ballet as well. also going to be part of the gym club display. music practice is a variable feast! but she has got the hang of staccato on the piano and spiccato on the viola. otherwise things tick along. ooh, she did some more delicious baking :)

BB has been doing a fair bit of reading, and i acquiesced to buying her the starter spelling book like SB’s new ones. She hasn’t done any yet tho. DH says they have both been doing maths fairly regularly, and she is now reading level 4 books. not easily, but is persisting! She spent a lot of time this week drawing a plan for an angry birds cake for her birthday, and using jenga to recreate angry birds traps!

At friday arts award there was a bit of junk jewellery making, sb made 2 necklaces, but plans to turn one into a bracelet now, and BB made a thing with her name on it :) . usual running around a bit and there we are :)

Saturday I was at home – woohoo!! we spent the morning doing a few bits of general HE stuff – viola prac, reading prac and a PMC paper, and then spent the afternoon crafting. Initially SB finished her sand craft whilst BB surprised us all and had a 2 hour nap! Then we sat down and did some tile painting all together, very companionable :) chit chatting as we went along.

final bit of the day was tea in front of pirates of the carribean 2 – don’t think this one as good as 1, and the girls not so keen on it, nor was I!
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Historyetc – antipodes and franks

this was a wierd group of subjects tied together by their order in story of the world! Aboriginal australians and dreamtime, maori, frankish empire with cathedrals. We had lots of fab crafts brought again. I love the historyetc days as we get our children of different ages and ability moving between different crafts, aided by different adults and giggling and laughing with friends of all ages.

Starting with my craft, as first out of the bag ;) We did aboriginal stencil art. instead of blowing around hands, we used cut out stencils. I made a variety of australian animals , some hands and some stick people, and various children made their own stencils. We ground down our rock/ochre – mostly colour chalks! we prewetted the paper, applied the stencils and then blew the chalkdust through straws. I did have some natural straws made from rolled eucalyptus bark from a ghost gum that some of the children had a go with. We discussed aboriginal art, colours from rocks, marking of important sites etc as we went on. We got some great results.

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I wasn’t the only one having fun! Jax had brought a kingdom plan, each child to mke up their kingdom and draw it on paper, then make some rules with it and if time draw a family tree of rulers. This was a runaway hit! my girls had a molly fish kingdom and a toad [mario brothers] kingdom. I loved that M made factory kingdom to provide other kingdoms with goods. and all through the day they were making and breaking alliances. V V interesting! Jax had thought this would be an ‘if there is time’ filler activity, and i think it was one everyone crowded to do. Obviously the pictures can’t show how this activity panned out!

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Zoe did some maori face-painting – lots of hands and a coupke of faces that were fab. Also made for snack some traditional australian fried moths!!! except these were popcorn and peanuts in honey – phew :) In the pm she did maori bone carving [since michelle couldnt come] using soap. Also worked brilliantly, and had the added advantage of making the conservatory smell nice :)

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Meanwhile Gina had brought beautiful dreamcatchers to make, with wire hoops and different wools, beads and feathers. i didn’t get to take so many pics of this as was keeping the majority of blown chalks on the table as a losing battle! Sb made a really gorgeous one all by herself, but I helped do BB’s as the wool winding took longer than her attention span – she did do 3/4! Ginal also brought a stained windows craft that i managed no photos of at all, as i was engrossed in fimo!

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Merry brought the fimo, and we made dreamstylish pictures of a variety of australian animals. I found this very therapeutic ;) SOme great animals made, and lots of chatting whilst fiddling – always good. Ultimately of us competitive adults, think Zoe did the best!

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Nother pictureless craft is the sword making with katy, which BB did very happily and has been waving hers around – should be able to grab a shot at some point! and then a play and discussion of frankish laws and the fairness of them. [or not!]

overall a fab day.

finished with a surprise stay by jax et al :) due to their house having a flood scenario :( , and also zoe and family, but just for tea :) SB was succesful in her judo grading.

A weekend a deux

My lovely and charming husband arranged for us to go away for the weekend, found a lovely B and B at not to far a distance, and gave the girls to M-I-L.

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We went pretty much straight out to a great Thai restaurant and had a lovely meal. the next morning we had a fab cooked breakfast and then made a lazy start to the day. we went geocaching :) and did a really fab series around santon. Most were cunningly disguised micros, so particularly good for adults that like geocaching! this , i guess, is in the nature of being spoilers, so look away!

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After a lovely walk and found all we looked for, we made it back for toast and a free standing bath soak before going out to a tapas. another lovely meal. a cooked breakfast the next morning before going to inlaws to pick up the children. Thankyou for a lovely weekend :)

BB had had a bit of a wobble earlier in the weekend, but both had had fun, and were happy we stayed for roasties at sunday lunch before coming home! we cuddled a lot, and when home did some wii playing, crafting and then snuggling watching Merlin. I was way way behind on work, but had had a lovely time!

Wodensmeet – Poppies and Gases

I am so far behind in blogging that I am not sure where i got to or how to catch up!! However, I will at least type some of it! There has been a great arts award with oil paints, i worked all weekend :( , a reasonable home ed week, with wodensmeet on weds, and then a knex home ed group on the thurs and the woodcraft meet on the fri. SB has been signed off from hospital dentist who has rebuilt her tooth :) . She had a fab sleepover with her friend G from guides, which they both v much enjoyed, and have also been to spymaster together with guides – again v much enjoyed. SOme v expensive boots have been bought. SB took her grade 3 music theory, and thought it went OK. BB’s fish died, and so she got a replacement molly, and then we bought 2 guppies, so we currently have 4 fish in the tank. Work has been v busy, and lots of stuff to do in the evening. General home ed has happened. BB has finished level 3 books and has had a bit of a breakthrough really.

Anyway, having done that very quick potted history, wodensmeet was fab, so deserves a bigger bit of a blog. Unfortunately, for variety of reasons it was just us and le ciel rouge. not that i object to spending time with them on their own :) but it was sad to miss the others. We started with a poppy craft to think about remembrance day, and what this meant. It was a mixed media craft/art, making poppies by painting various papers red, texturising them, or using red wool etc, having a textured black background. It took quite a long time but they did a fab job.

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As the older ones got to then end, they helped us catch up a bit with story of the world by reading between them a chapter. I like listening to our children reading out loud, though it can be difficult with wierd names! they all did very well at it. Yummy snack and then set up for science.

I had been going to do a spit experiment ;) but instead, due to the shortage of people, thought we would do some scary science again, so got out the 3 gas experiments to remind us all about how we can tell experiments have happened, what diff kinds of chemical reactions there are, and then, how to test for 3 gases.

1. calcium carbonate [chalk/eggshells/marble chippings] ground or cut small and 5 mls of dilute HCl [you can use acetic acid if being more cautious] and a balloon quickly popped over the top of the test-tube/flask. There were clear gas bubbles, and the balloons dilated :) we then tested the gas with a lit match, and it went out.
2. manganese dioxide and then 5mls of hydrogen peroxide. there was a disagreement here about what gas might be going to be made here! but it was a v v quick reaction, and hard to get balloons on quickly enough. However, we did manage to test for gases. the lit match perhaps slightly popped sound, whilst it flared brighter. the glowing spill definitely relit. this was v popular, and we did this one a couple of times each :)
3. but i saved the best till last… for the final, we had an inch of magnesium ribbon and added 5mls of dilute hydrochloric acid. [i should say that we do have all 'the gear' with coats, gloves, flasks, test tubes and holders etc, and it is all done with stern safety advice at the start, and any warnings or advice required - including having sodium bicarb avail...] . The pops were resounding!! we didn’t try putting balloons on, but instead we had the lit spill or match ready for when we saw the bubbles from dropping in the magnesium ribbon. This reaction is particularly exothermic. We did this a number of times too.
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We had lunch and then got out some sewing. we had planned to do some french, but no-one seemed that enthusiastic, so the girls all had a play first and then we made owls. These were brilliant. Lots of nattering whilst we did them, and P turned hers into a cat.

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finally we had a bit of music, with all 4 girls doing a short piano practice, cheering each other on and being really positive about each other’s skills. I was really surprised that BB happy to join in, but not about to turn it down!!
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on the way back we got a replacement molly for BB’s dead one. they gave it to us free. it is a halloween molly apparently, being mostly black with some orange. we also got the photos done for BB’s judo passport. she is ambivalent about judo. partly as she hates not being able to do something, worries that she has it wrong. we negotiated with judo that for now, SB will go to BB’s session and be her partner and she can stop at next grading if not comfortable.

can’t stop the music :)

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click and it should play [i hope!]

a visit from my parents and a journey to the past

less dramatic than it sounds probably! my parents came to visit for the weekend. School run for my sister’s kids means that they are tied to weekends only for visiting as well. We were very pleased to see them though. We are trying for a do something one day, rest one day kind of weekend. Partly so I have done something with the children, yet had time enough to recharge before startng a new week back at work! I noticed that West Stow had some saxon re-enactors there and we are currently lookng at saxon with our history so it seemed perfect :) We didn’t quite get going as early as we would like, but reassured mum and dad there was a lovely cafe there. I was utterly mistaken :( the cafe has shut!! there were 3 vans – ice cream, funfair stuff and farm foods with loveling home slaughtered pig products. i know, most ppl woudl love, and dad did! luckilly they did have a veg butternut soup [in a polystyrene cup!] and that is what we had, in the cold on picnic benches. it was delicious, but…

However, once we got in and got started we had a fab time. we went to watch the DVD and saw the little museum first and then wandered to the animals. Loved the saxon scarecrow :) .

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WE had booked onto the archaeologists tour. She was very enthusiastic, explained things well, answered questions, and there was only us and a couple, so just was great. found out far more about west stow in the 1 hour + she spent taking us round. did i say she was very enthusiastic??

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We then chatted to quite a few of the re-enactors – actually we had spoken to the blacksmith before the tour, and he had talked about apprentices, costs etc and the huge importance of the role. Afterwards we spoke to the dyers and weavers, someone about the clothes worn, and the woodturner. Fabulous :) ended with an icecream by the play area.

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We took a ‘unique’ route home, that dad was not impressed by as in convoy – oh well :lol: i had loved spending the day with my parents. It was noticeable though how much less energy they have currently. Mums walking not so good due to foot probs, and i think they are both shattered by having parental roles for my nephew and niece. We got home later than expected so had a chippery tea and bedtime for the girls. we chatted whilst I sewed :)

The next day was a games day. BB demonstrated her ladybird game to nanny and grandad, who were duly impressed :) SB did some music theory [good girl ;) ] SB then played ticket to ride with nanny and grandad. We have the nordic version, so only for 3 players. She was a bit over confident, so got -8!! [and took it very well - far better than grandad might have, and he won!]

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They were in the conservatory, so could be sociable with BB and i, who were carving halloween pumpkins. SHe was pleased to carve one for yoshi and pteri from the mini squash and pumpkins we had grown, as well as from her own gourds she had grown that had done very well :) we did lots of carving together. I, obviously, did the messy part!!

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We carried on for most of the day on and off :) the girls also did the crazy-but-fun wii family trainer [recommended!] and SB played her clarinet for nanny, as with a filed off tooth it is more bearable. Best of all they did some lovely duetting with the jazz book :)

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A fab weekend spent with my fab family :)

getting some fish, plus rest of week.

do you know it was half term! so lots of things didn’t happen. However, I really can’t think of what actually might have happened! I think DH and the girls chilled a lot of the week. SB did a lot of music theory prac as her grade 3 exam coming up. Some socialising, Monday with friend G who used to be in guides, and a sleepover arranged for a fortnights time :) SB v happy about that. Tues went to DH’s parents. Weds was wodensmeet, thurs I think had shopping and dentist in it, and dunno re friday – prob getting house tidy as parents coming :)

Anyway, for me the exciting thing was getting some fish :) [and for the girls ] we have bought 2 mollies, BB called hers ankie [short for anchor apparently??] and SB called hers shimmer. Both supposed to be small mollies, but SB’s does look v different. Hers is a girl, and on close inspection BB’s a boy. hoping not to breed to readily i must say.

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OOh, tues eve we all did some marbling, as BB had been v keen to use the special paints. Unfortunately, as i found out, she hadn’t realised this was a technique of painting, rather than an alchemistic way of turning paper to stone :( She was somewaht disappointed, but the results were great.
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