Category Archives: General

a historical weekend

sat looked pretty gloomy, but we had arranged to meet jax and family from making it up at Ickworth Hall where they had a woodfair going on. SB and Big have been great friends, but as is the way with ppl a year apart, they ended up on different sides of the elastic stretch, so we thought some time a deux would help them reconnect. They had an utterly fab time :)

We started eating in the restaurant our lunch, which was delicious. I promised sb and big that when they were 16+ they could share with friends a chalet at centreparcs whilst we wer ein a nearby one. they were v v excited! [it is miles away :) ] . we then went on to the wood fair. the weather was on and off drizzle/rain, but there was lots to look at. we let the big 2 slip the leash and wander around together – which they seemed v happy to do. there was some beautiful wicker work, pottery and wood carvings. all a bit too pricy for me as a spur of the moment purchase! there were woodturners – happy to speak to bb, ppl chainsaw carving and my fav, a steam engine sawing wood :) . BB purchased a wooden sword and SB a wooden box. BB and small got to create with clay v happily. BB made a penguin and small an ugly mug. he was skipping and dancing with happiness over it.

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Jax and family said goodbye and we went to look round the rotunda bit. I whizzed with BB and SB took more time with DH. It was near empty so the volunteers were desperate to volunteer knowledge :) We finally left and drove home listening to a french CD. Lovely day, thanks jax :) We finished the day watching carrie’s war.

The next day we had decided to do a bit of tidying – well, the desks are clear now, but that is it! read some story of the world [and SB dod some junior history] and do an autumn craft. after lots of hmming and hawing we settled on an autumnal still life, and picked some squashes and pumpkins from the veg bed, and a variety of orange and golden flowers. We painted using gouache, and both girls did a fantastic job with it. [i might even add pictures!]

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We had a games pm with puerto rico with sb and then all on the wii with supermariobrothers [which I am still poor at!] and finally ending the day with the prev days merlin episode.

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a state of waiting

i am waiting to hear that my cousin’s partner has died. She was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer shortly after my sister died and it seems that the processing of one is blended into the other. I have found myself to be quite emotionally labile during this time. Currently she is holding out, but in a coma. She has had a far swifter move from managing to hospice than my poor sister did. I hope for a swift and peaceful passing.

But, other things have been going on this week! SB had an opticians appointment, who made her eyes approx -4 [approx cos i can't remember, not because he didn't know :) ] She and BB had their usual groups and clubs. Great step forward in that BB thinks she is ready to consider judo :) [ i am a firm believer that girls especially should do a martial arts/self defence ] and, even more surprisingly beavers!! So am feeling a bit positive about BB going out into the world. One of my worries is that she is desperate to be friends, but not got the automatic knowledge of how, and is v shy about it. I do remember worrying about SB, as I had to introduce her to everyone, but she seems better now, so hopefully with help and encouragement…

Home ed has happened. Well, definitely SB has got through some ‘normals’ and with that practice for music theory exam [slightly worried = grade 3 - eek!] and ballet exam [ ditto, grade 4] . Me working such a lot has meant a nose dive in quality music practice, but hoping to get back on track with that too [except the clarinet, as tooth still too painful] lots of la redoute trousers arrived – always good as slimfit :) BB has done reading practice and music theory, and lots of starfall and poisson rouge. she has had a wobbly over maths as there were too many boxes!

Going out and about also happened, as well as the usual things. On Weds we went to G’s this was supposed to be for clarinet lesson, but due to moratorium currently on clarinet playing, we had piano and recorder instead also music theory. As the exchange, i did some sciencey stuff with the youngest ones – we smashed egg shells and mixed with vinegar in 2 conical flasks, and in 2 others we placed some small marble fragments. we covered the tops with balloons and waited to see what happened. Pleasingly it worked :) and a gas was produced which we convincingly tested as carbon dioxide. Afish had an egg in vinegar to take home and observe, and sbiff had a chicken bone in vinegar. Yes :) we were happily joined by the fishes, breaking from their school-run. I also did a mosaic sticking craft with the younger ones, a bit of music theory with them and there was lots of playing :) Instead of a lunchtime departure, due to dbiff at home, we stayed and decorated masks for a bit. On our return home we were joined by mil and pil after a hospital appt. we demonstrated our carbon dioxide making, and then sb demonstrated making oxygen with hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide [again with balloon over top] . felt like a proper home educator :)

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SB also had HE multisport, which she has always really enjoyed, but apparently it isn’t as good with the new ppl as it was with Chris. Will see whether it is just ‘different’ and she will start to really enjoy it or not. Another HE group activity quite new was the new forest group, the made fires and attempted to cook far too much pizza in an earth oven :) both said they really enjoyed it.

getting a grip

I did chat to SB, who says she knows I work,and would love me to be at home more, but loves me for who I am, and that I do lovely things with them etc etc. That girl has a heart of gold :)

SO the weekend! I was at home the weekend, and we got up, did some home ed and then went to the library for the big read presentations. SB and BB are keen supporters of the library. Was very proud of BB that she went upnon her own without SB for the certificate and medal. a big step forwards for her. When we got back DH was painting the big window and both girls did some maths and i did some sewing. We all played board games BB’s fab labybird game that she made in fimo s a copy from poisson rouge, and supermariobrothers ds, which i am entirely hopeuless at, and bth girls scream for me to turn myself into a bubble!! SB then went off for pretty much the rest of the day. She had a swimming party with her friend in guides and then was invited back to her house. BB felt a bit lost without her. We agreed on a craft to do, but it was one of those annoying packet crafts that you can’t actually do straight off. grrrrrrrrr. i have made a fix for it, at least part of it, so it can be started on. instead we finishd a santa craft we have had for ages, played games and watched something :) – mostly dinosaur and natural history progs. A lovely relaxing bath and she went off to bed as SB came home. To be fair this is a fairly sanity edited version of the day as BB was finding most things a trauma so we had a number of emotional high and lows.

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Next day we concentrated on doing things we enjoyed with each other. we were outside in the garden, BB did some crafting and then a science experiment. She wanted to use her cuttlefish bone for something, so we put rough chunks in vinegar and also more powdered in another and popped a cork in the top, which got pushed out. we tested the gas and it was carbon dioxide.

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After lunch we then went out to a 40′s village shindig and met merry, zoe and girls there, had a wander round, learnt something, chatted and played and generally had lovely time whilst the sun was shining. BB got a cute ladybird pendant watch, which now doesn’t seem to work despite change of battery. will try a new battery. Definitely ice cream weather :) home to chill out and watch dr who and the new merlin all snuggled together. :) :) DH had put second coat of paint on windows too so all right with the world.

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this boring blog

more or less a Smiths title, certainly you can hum behind it. I am kind of wondering whether to keep on blogging. Not that I don’t want to blog, and I really would like a record of what happens. But mostly because I am working so much that DH truly is the home educator, and he just isn;t blogging any more :(

He and the girls did a fair bit this week. SB was fairly productive on the home ed front, BB did some. but nore interestingly that that thy had 2 great home ed trips out. Neither of which i went to :( tho had hoped to go to either at some point. ws working :( Think my girls will look back on their childhood, and I am going to be the working nagging parent :( I know someone has to, but the hours it takes up, and the huge stress levels are just making this a bit of a nightmare time, and I feel their childhoods just slipping away from me.

Anyway, amongst other things they went to Hedingham castle for an early mediaeval re-enactment based session. it was fab apparently. they also went tobogganing on an indoor slope. Also fab, apparently.

Do I sound jaded. I am. I am heartsick.

Kentwell at Michaelmas

All this year we have been meaning to get to Kentwell to the tudor reenactments having heard so much bout them. various things got in the way, camping, canada, my family visiting etc, all good/fantastic/brilliant etc but left us with one opportunity to go, this last weekend for Michaelmas. Got there pretty easily as easily found and parked the car off the lovely winding tree lined drive and had a brunch before going in to save the i am ravenous as soon as in approach :) we also picked up a geocache right be the gate and dropped of a geocoin.

we then went in, confusing everyone by having paid with in advance and showing them the email on the iphone. did get sorted and in though :) the shop looked tempting, and had to promise a fossil to bb to get beyond the shop :) Nice to be welcomed in tudor english on the other side, and have some tudor peddlar wares just ouside to view. Then we set off, I think we talked to most people, and got a really thorough feel for tudor, and the re-enactors were all v friendly. favourites to talk to were the heraldic man, the alchemist [v much so], dairy and the corn favours ladies. mostly due to the amount of time they were happy to talk, and going beyond what we asked as well. particularly the corn lady, but all were good. SB most impressed with alchemist, corn favours weaving and the still room, both for their manner and the jobs they were doing. she offered herself up to work in the still room, but has to be of 14 summers – some while yet then! I loved the alchemist, as he made me laugh and was slightly bonkers and genuinely interesting :) and also in no order, the dairy, dyers, weaver, corn dollies and lutanist. but apart from the cotte, where i think there was some in-joking going on that made us feel a bit intrusive – everyone answered loads of questions and were very enthusiastic. We looked round everywhere, had a great lunch in the barn of some yummy soup and adored the carved tree. there was a little bit of drama, with a catholic relic being escorted back to bury st edmunds, and did like the idea of life moving forwards rather than being static. we only left as it was closing, with an icecream from the shop and a drive home. we really enjoyed ourselves and will encourage other families to visit too.

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not to lose out on educational opportunities, we listened to our island story, but both girls fell asleep.

very tempted now to be a tudor myself and buy a rebec and early music recorder. must not give into temptation!

when we got home both girls enjoyed reading some of a series of books we have had for a while – graphic non fiction. must have got from the book people. think they are excellent!

Lets round up the week!

Not such a brilliant week home ed bookwise, have to be honest! but the kids were historying on weds, and out most of friday and a whack of tues with hospital visits. SB finally got to some maths she is having a struggle with – word problems that rely on a bit of subsitutions of equations [not quadratic as yet :) ] so we did a longggg bit of that and she started to get the hang of looking for the bits of puzzle to fit in. BB is finding her maths easier, she has got a handle on her hundreds, tens and units with a bit of help. Anyway, we are hoping for a better week this week tho loads of appointments this week too, so lets see.

ANyway, have blogged weds historyetc, and it was sandwiched either side by visitors, before by jax and co – v lovely, fair bit of chatting and cuddling soa who is quite gorgeous, and also talking about making secondary HE work and friendship groups [and there is now an online space for them to meet v safely] . Fterwards nana stayed whilst grandad had his gallbladder out [not without complication but not too drastic] and the puddle girls stayed. so a v jolly sociable week, and lots of late nights!! I think that makes up for lack of HE sometimes :)

Friday also a jolly day as after dropping nana at the hospital to pick up grandad, the beans all went to the deependers and had a fabulous time. I believe the adults were making electronic kits ;) the kids seem to have had fun designing , building, sculpting, whatever with boxes. BB brought hers home with her. She has continued to add to it and has had great fun and excellent planning and making from it – including the rocket launchers she built :) must make sure i take a photo.

At the weekend we went to kentwell – which i hope to blog separately – to visit the house but also to see a smaller tudor re-enactment. And sunday DH put the first of the white paint on our arched window – woohoo :) Me and the girls did home ed and i also did sewing. I am trying to play at least one board game with each girl each week, and also a wii session, so mission accomplished :) the rabbits had a good tidy too.

Have i said bb wanted a tropical fish tank for her brithday [and lego etc etc] and so we got one from ebay, and are currently testing every other day the ammonia and nitrite levels as we need apparently a number of bacteria before introdicing the fish :)

Historyetc – the anglo saxons arrive

first historyetc of the new term and we are off to a flying start with book 2 of SotW . these chapters recap the fall of rome, the celts taking back britain and then being attacked by the anglosaxons, and the coming of christianity to britain and the art of illuminating. also a bit about byzantium/constantinope.

These are the texts we are predominantly using this year

And for some extra celt/anglo saxons we have been reading

We had the pleasure of jax visiting the night before and had a good catch up and chat about moving on to secondary school home ed, life stuff etc. I cooked croissant/choc brioche and pain au chocolate bread and butter pudding – it was yummy ;) as was the bit left over that we then had for breakfast. kids on the whole got on v well apart from one incident better completely and quickly glossed over…

everyone arrived early the next day, and we had a full house! v glad the deependers could make it as they are currently having a v tightly scheduled week :) so we had loads of crafts and the day went v quickly and was excellent :) . thankyou to everyone :) Z brought anglo saxon cooking, and it was all really delicious :) oatcakes, creamcheese and honey squares and something else also yummy. B brought weaving, I was particularly impressed by BB as although hers was small, it was really perfectly tensioned. SB also did weaving but not sure where she has hidden it. Merry brought her rather fab celtic motif hama bead patterns which I would really recommend, some really beautiful designs made. Gina brought lots of glitter glue and made calligraphy badges. I also did a different calligraphy badge, around their initials, and also read a bit of beowulf and had them design and illustrate their own anglo saxon chronical – lots of monster stories and some cross with how to train your monster ;) . All worked out well. Jax struggled a bit with the tablet weaving, but having worked it out, we are going to do that next time :) and K ceremonial anglo saxon badges also worked really well.

Lots of socialising, lots of giggling and lots of good friends learning together. Perfect :) . hopefully Merry will like some of the books, and photos may follow. Did miss the 3 kids who are now schooling, but glad they are having a great time. Home education is a choice not a life sentence :) currently the home educated contingent of puddle girls are resident, and i need to start chasing them off to bed :) . Def looking forwards to the next one :)

the weekly update

i don’t like the fact that i am blogging so little. it means that i am not home much, it means i am not seeing my family much, it means that i am feeling disengaged, not part of what is going on, separate from family and friends . I don’t like it. :(

The girls did pretty well as a home ed week, with a fair bit of chugging along with the bookwork. SB has read lots of books – not much of a surprise! Friday they had arts award and came back with some great gouache pictures. BB fell nastilly off her bike on monday and her hip bone is still sore. hmmm :( she is still running about and cycling and trampolining. i think prob whatever it is, time and rest is the answer… the usual clubs and groups have got going again, and SB is working towards grade 4 ballet this term – fingers crossed! they have been listening to bryson’s short history of almost everything in the car.

we weren’t sure what BB made of it, but she was apparently chipoping in when they talked about Kelvin and glasgow university. DH likes listening to it anyway, and hopefully the girls pick something up :)

SO on returning home [late] on friday, i was determined to ignore all work! We went to the fair in the village. just small, but fun, and i laughed and enjoyed watching my girls so happy. i prob was a bit indulgent wrt the number of rides… SB loves to dodgems, and BB got a bow and arrow from hook a duck.

Saturday was a relaxing day at home. we thought to do some home ed type stuff in the morning, particularly as raining! SB did some maths – has got to bodmas, tho explained in a less antibarbara way :) and BB was happily doing subtraction. SB also did a quick viola and piano practice, whilst BB and i did professor layton together. With lunch we watched one of those Brian Cox looking at planets, and BB had remembered alot about us seeing jupiter and saturn through a borrowed telescope. After lunch SB and I made tomato chutney, and BB and DH did diy – putting together a computer desk. SB and i picked the ingredients – loads of ripe toms, some apples, some chillis, lots of mint as well as ustilising our onions and garlic. SB is a great cook and we enjoyed making this together. the onions made me weep excessively however! Whilst this was bubbling, we were doing a geog extension q from galore park. She decided to make a poster to exhort ppl locally to do their bit for global warming, so has come up with a design and the words she wants to say. pretty fab in rough :) if she does it in neat, she wants to send to blue peter for a second badge and also put in our window… BB therefore also wanted to do something, and decided to write out the caterpillar poem and illustrate it. This was a v stressful experience. she went wrong half way through, and would accept no crossings out and so i wrote it out, and after some practicing she was happy with her toad, but then drew a bird… some sobbing later i wrote it out again, she practiced a bird on the failed one, drew on the new one, and prefered the old but only wanted one bird… we gave up and cuddled at some length, had dinner watching bang goes the theory and read harry potter for bedtime [sb is getting dark materials from DH and harry potter from me, but bb shares the book between us]

Sunday saw SB resolutely loll in bed and read until midday and then be a bit waily because she had missed baking bread. i have the patience of a saint on occassiona and promised we could juggle making bread with eating lunch and prep to go out :) and we did, and she was v happy. BB had got up, and watched some dinosaur prog, played prof layton with me and then made bread. both girls v good at making and kneading, we are using river cottage bread book, and both doughs were left in the conservatory when we went out geocaching.

when we went out, the weather was so fab that DH was wondering why i was bothering to hunt around for packamacs. 10 mins down the road we were in a tropical rainstorm, without the heat. mmm. BB was grumbling about geocaching in pouring rain, and i was being resolutely optimistic singing italian colour songs at the top of my voice. BB fell asleep and the weather was less awful tho clearly variable as we reached our destination. Followed shortly by le ciel rouge. the first geocache was an excellent hide, we both suspected it from the start, but initial investigation proved fruitless, having exhausted other possibilites we tried harder at it, and this time had thegreat reveal :) we then followed the circular route with another micro success and a large cache to swap tat and TB’s and then had a romp across freshly ploughed fields – nice and muddy! we knew from the google map we were near enough following the path, it just had been ploughed across so entirely invisible. a ftf though next and a wrong path choice [like everyone else it seems reading the logs] had me doing a roll under a metal gate, as my muddy slippery shoes didn’t have the purchase to go over it – it was quite high! giggle :lol: we found number 5, skipped number 6 and did number 7 [bb's find this time] by this point we had been drenched by a number of showers, and fortified with loads of chocolate – some of the children are pretty receptive to a chocolate boost :) so we decided to then cut across [along a path for a change] to number 16, micro not quite at coords, 17 – footpath sign pointing to entirely the wrong direction, and then a fairly awful trog across v v muddy fields with our shoes accumulating inches of mud :( chocolate and 2 finds kept the kids going, but when it started to pour it down, and we were v v muddy, bb lost her will to live. I think she had done pretty well tbh. SB fell over in the mud, but she is such a jolly girl she laughed and got on with it. both had chosen to wear crocs against my suggested wellies… a fail to find for last one mostly cos it was raining and we had had enough! so back to the car. once off the mud and onto the road good humour returned for all and we paddled in puddles to get off the mud. Had a great walk, and lots of laughing and chatting.

Back home bb and sb knocked back and proved their loaves – sb a plait and bb in a tin. unfortunately i left it 15 rather than 10 on high, so sb;s top slightly burnt, but otherwise they look good. girls had bath and shower and dh made a yummy winter walmer sausage in gravy with mashed pots and cabbage. mmm mmm. watched in front of yesterdays doctor who and the stories and bed. time for my bed too

birds and bees resources ;)

we have found a number of books helpful at getting over both the straight forward, and the not so straightforward things

if i were to order them in ease of parental viewing, it would be 2,1,3. bb and i have read 2 comfortably together, sb and 1 i think are a good age match, i bought 3, and gave it to her so she could read it, but think might want to pre-read before you decide


see, we get about :) . i had a conference up in glasgow, and i am currently v keen to maximise time with family, as work is eroding on this time hugely for one reason or another. so decided we would all go up by train, and then dh and the girls would museum for 2 days and i would join them afternoon of one of the days, and then for the third day. excellent :) we had a plan :)

the journey up was pretty uneventful [well apart from a minor problem with tickets, luckilly resolved in the nick of time] we played board games – mostly ingenious, mostly SB – ds-ed [not me!] and read books. did play i spy – arguing with bb over s and c starts in some cases, which she is right, are unfair to her :) and silly games on the iphone. weather was lovely up and journey v easy :) loved that as we were staying at the premier inn charing x in glasgow that our train from edinburgh stopped at charing cross, making the whole thing v much easier. i did feel ill going up tho, and when we got to hotel, a bit late to catch the last conference session that day, so went with DH and girls to ‘the park’ where they had a great time running around, and then we ate prob the best meal at the little cafe [really really lovely seed past salad - you know, that tiny grain pasta]

next day saw me leave bright and early and part with huge wads of cash at the conference! it was a v good conference on the whole, and i also saw some ppl i hadn’t seen for a while, so opportunity to catch up etc. definately worth the money! that afternoon session was on the section not so relevant to what i do and the AGM bit, so i skipped out and joined dh and the girls at the science museum across the clyde. they had already looked round loads of it, and so took me to their favorite bits :) BB was ecstatic and loved it lots. SB said she is getting to old for a mostly levers museum :( that was a bit of a shock!! but she did seem to be enjoing it loads anyway :) it has changed a lot since we were last there when SB 4-ish and bb v little :) but we still got sb to put on the tabard with the body parts for good measure.

by the time we wended our way back to the hotel bb had ‘gone over’ . not helped by not having any money, and sb buying bb a birthday present with hers, but not wanting to let bb know, and so not showing her what she had bought etc etc. sb is such a darling and a fab big sister. BB really did want a telescope tho. she has added it to her birthday list, but wants it to be exactly that one [nat geograph] we snuggled bb and she pretty much fell asleep on the train back so we let her snooze a bit when we got to the hotel and then had dinner there. not a bad meal either.
placed here to remember seems better tho

i conferenced solidly the next day with another early start. dh took the girls on a boat trip up the clyde to the transport museum – newly opened. they enjoyed both the boat trip and the museum. the glasgow tall ship has moved to there as well. when i finished the conference they were still there, so i walked from the secc [at a fast clip as it goes past a very building/derelict area] i got shown all the fav bits, and did like how the old glasgow underground used to work. obviously we were there just slightly too long, as the shop closed, and bb had a massive melt as apparently they have the best drinks bottle she has ever seen there. if they had an online shop i might buy it for her birthday. they don’t, and i didn’t see exactly what she fancied anyway. cf the telescopes above. we walked to the train station and she pretty much fell asleep on the train back… this time tho we went out for a meal, and went to the pizza express. we all had yummy food, the kids behaved perfectly and all was right with the world! think it may have been fri they watched x factor? or is that a saturday thing? i actually fell asleep!! first night for ages – having an insomnia thing. was v happy to have family up with me for conference. SB is turning into a young woman as she is at threshold of teenageryness, and bb is leaving babyhood at 6. just want to capture all the precious time i have with them.

loved saturday :) had a big breakfast and then had arranged to meet some scottish home ed friends at the hunterian museum. unfortunately it was shut [cue massive bb wail, partic as she had wet trousers from not quite going past the slide in the park...] so we met at the huntarian art gallery [cue bb, it is just pictures, i hate looking at boring pictures] lukcily there was a welcome institute thing on dirt in the foyer, so we got to look at ascaris lumbricoides and other worms. one of the few things i remember about worms is what they look like on barium meal and follow through :) . girls v interested, and picked up some parasiteology mags to read later. then they did the craft – bb made vibrio cholerae – she made the flagellum particularly curly whirly, SB made influenza and H made lactobacilli :) H also ate some insects, which we thought was v fab and brave :) they were apparently quite nice! so she got a peppermint and ant lolly as a reward! the girls all did a handwashing excercise. was partic impresse with SB, and bb not as bad as anticipated :) then sb and i looked at the pictures, sb rather likes art galleries, but bb wailing was off putting, so we all went to the botanical gardens instead.

following a theme, the cafe was rather unfortunately shut! so we had food out of a van, and bb was v persistant in keeping pigeons away so friend didn’t have to shudder quite as often by proximity sensors :) . we then warmed up in the large glasshouse, and i partic liked the tropical bit :) bb partic liked the fish bit [it reminded her about a promise for a fish tank] and sb was happy with it all really. i did wonder whether we were being a bit boring company, espescially as it had taken them ages by bus to join us, but i am not that good at scintillating [always oscillate there between rolf harris and caractacus and PET scans] but i very much enjoyed seeing them :) it is good to see the real ppl behind the online friendships :) and just chat. could have done with proper cafe being open tho!! they went back home, and we raced around the other glasshouse [and got told off!] it had the nepenthes in it – i do like carniverous plants :) and then we found a micro geocache too.

walking back to the subway [we thought we couldn't make bb walk much further...] we went past a coffee and icecream place [we should have stopped there on the way too the botanics!] and treated the girls to icecream – they were v happy :) before getting on the underground and walking to the tenement house, as we had just got time to fit it in. great shame that we didn’t have current national trust memberships with us – :roll: so quite expensive, but v interesting, and declared worth it. SB was particuarly taken by it.

finally we walked back to the hotel, and even i thought we might have done enough walking… BB had a bath and we went out for a curry. the walk there was ‘illuminating’ we were quite early in the evening, but obviously glasgow starts its ‘revelry’ much earlier than i am used to ;) i enjoyed the curry, partic the one sb chose. bb’s came extra spicy, altho requested extra mild, so a modicum of fuss there…

having collapsed into bed, the next day we ambled to the park for a chill out before catching the train home.
great time in glasgow and lovely to meet friends :)