what is it about me?

mum and dad brought little nanny to our house on the way to their house. she fell over and is hospital with fractured neck of femur and for dynamic hip screw tomorrow.
she is being very stoical – again. we’re wishing for a straightforward op and speedy recovery

8 responses to “what is it about me?

  1. Oh no! Hope she gets better soon *hugs*

  2. Oh, that’s crap – hope it all goes well and she makes a really good recovery.

  3. Yeah, it was rather shame to say the least. she hadn’t even been here that long. SB had been doing her Estate Agent bit and shown her around the house and garden. This was uspposed to be another free family weekend with no real commitments, I’m starting to worry about them…..

  4. :( that’s really awful, poor thing. Hope all is ok with the op.

  5. hope she’s ok and has a speedy recovery

  6. Oh no! Hugs to all….hope everything goes as smoothly as it can.

  7. oh no! I’m sorry, that’s awful – I hope she makes a good recovery.

  8. “what is it about me?”


    Hope op has gone well for your Nanny, such bad luck.

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