A shorter post

maily to catch up on blogging as we are well behind on flickr!

SB had CHEF sports and a romp in the park with friends today [chris can elaborate?]

I got home from work early while chris went to dentists. SB did explode the code 4 whilst BB used me as climbing frmae and trampoline – nice! She also had fun with a generic builder kit toy, particularly the hammering – ouch! Chris came back, and I retired for a short nap before dinner having take some migraine tablets, SB I think did some maths.

After dinner/bathes, we explored my naughty book people order. SB was very taken by this atlas, and looked through it whilst I plaed with BB, and the we read this roman flap book together, which had been the real reason for the order. As predicted SB loved it. romans and flaps, what more can a girl ask for [she has the castle one already!]. She also impressed me by trying to read some of the flaps [after I had, so very scaffolded, but a definate interest in reading now]

So we were late to bed. For the last week when at home I have been reading poetry to her [at her request] as bedtime stories. We have now finished the book, so wonder what she’s going to go for next! Oh, and we ended the day with an ebay purchase of an abridged story tape of the railway children, which she very much liked. I have the book somewhere!

3 responses to “A shorter post

  1. Ah, I just got that Roman flap book (free!) with my latest Usborne order – fab, isn’t it??!!

  2. I have the Puffin utterly brillinat children’s poetry book and would be ahppy to loan it if you like?

  3. that would be great, thanks

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