very very tired

something to do with a game of risk.

last week did have some redeeming moments – one of them being SB saying we were best friends… like Becky and Barnaby !!! And actually, we have had lots of spontaneous home -ed type activities and conversations all over the place, from ordering counting and using multiplication to work out how much money she had in her purse, to how to make money! Bits of history, science and anatomy thrown in for good measure.

But the week really got to its high point when we went off to Barbara’s. We went fri rather than thurs due to an appalling night. this did mean that her and E missed skating, which was a shame. Lots of adults nattering and children playing with all sorts. i liked their showing off what they had learnt! They conversed in French, did multiplication tables, counted, read danced etc, all not quite competitively beacause of the year gaps between B, SB and E [youngest to oldest] Though SB was a bit panic struck when she thought the maths on the table was E’s, when in fact it was from an A level tutoring!!!!!! [that would have been scary]. BB and R got on very well most of the time as well, though BB seems to be acquiring a delight with scratching that we are going to have to deal with.
the next day Jax and co popped over in the afternoon as well and stayed for dinner – I have to say we were treated to gourmet vegetarian – yummy – from someone who said she had only one dish to her repertoire. SO anyway, lots more adult chatting and children playing.

Having access to children’s channels on freeview, SB also watched a fair number of adverts whilst we adults had a lie in, so now she HAS decided what she would like for Xmas [a baby Annabel and accoutrements] . Humm, so I told her all pressies bought, so she needs to think earlier what she might want for her birthday [not really that far away] whether it be towers of doom and knights or yet another baby. [oh, her hair tangler had arrived when we got home - fab!]

they mostly played imaginative games, with the dolls house, pattern blocks, hama, lego, trains and infact everything and anything, and without fuss[much] on tidying! so a great time was had by all. I was impressed by E’s handwriting books. We must get on with handwriting – our getty and dubay is languishing in a cupboard!
Us adults were not AT ALL sensible though, as we started a game of risk [which I had never played before] at 9.30, and at 4am decided to just all retire!!!! TBH, I think Barbara had a slight edge, but after a rocky start from me, and some mistakes – and some appalling dice throwing! – there wasn’t much in it, though the lads [helped also by appaling dice throwing] were in decline.

Unfortunately we woke BB going to bed, so i am fairly sleepless, as Chris was driving back I elected to be the early riser – aarrghhh. So, am about to watch some Robin Hood with SB and then to bed.

oh, education city is being a real hit at the moment, and they have added lots more since we last trialled it. I am going to buy it this time when the free trials run out!

2 responses to “very very tired

  1. was good to catch up – and thanks for the advice :)

  2. Risk is always like that, ime! Glad you had a good w/e :)

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