Sneaky Saturday

I was working yesterday [and I am today ? typing this at work in a lull!! ? though the system is logging me doing it as the site is unauthorised]. I came home at lunchtime and had a lovely afternoon with the girls.


We had lunch and then piled outside to play. After games and swinging about etc, we decided to get the Happy maize out. Now I think it?s a really good idea to have something that damping can stick together so you can build something 3 d without glue and other messiness. BUT? did they have to use dyes that would stain?? Seems barmy to me. Especially as SB was wearing her new skirt and all 3 t shirts simultaneously from la redoute [they sent me a 10 voucher and then I bought some more things!]


That brings me onto a whole new rant. I bought a denim coloured floppy hat with wired brim. Looked perfect for me for Kessingland on the site, and indeed in the packet. Except?. It only just fits SB!!!!! It is adult. Would link, but its no longer on their site. SB thought the colour too boring for her ? and they now have plenty of sunhats anyway ? but I offered it as one we could add things to in her design and she thought this fab. So while they were maizing, I sowed some lace on the crown ? as instructed ? and it looks v nice. It is planned to be beribboned and belled!!!! [an over the top girl just like her mum!]


SB did some maths ? as it involved writing, we just did a page as it was v slow ? and she hopped around the garden for about 30 mins to find the best maths place ? by the pond ? no BB was pond dipping and making a mess! The perhaps on the swing, but it kept swinging about making writing harder! So finally back under the MODHEU where it was shady, and the task done.


BB and I pond dipped ? trying v hard to miss the enormous goldfish that BB particularly wanted to catch ? rofl! Then played in the sandpit ? I was supposed to be eating the dishes she brought me ? she warned me it wasn?t tasty though and just pretend. I filled up the pool with water, and BB had more fun bellyflopping in and out of it. Then she gave me a big cuddle and fell asleep. SB was racing around on her bike having invisible races.


Chris, who had been planting the final potatoes, raced up and swooped her up into the bath, where she tried to fall asleep. SB read to me some more magic tree house, and then went outside to bellyflop and slide into the water ? which had warmed up a bit.


I had been supposed to make her up some elaborate story to play, but instead she had beans on toast, got some pj?s on, and then it was game time [BB fell asleep straight after bath anyway]. SB chose our scrabble word game which takes ages.


Unfortunately on going upstairs, BB woke up, feeling it must now be morning ? sigh! SO SB had Angelina stories and made up ones, and BB then came down with me, and shared my takeout curry [an unusual treat!]. An early night for me.

In the garden we have loads of strawberry flowers – feeling hopeful!

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