Kessie blog

Kessingland, well, what can I say! It was really wet, we had to move the tent due to flooding, but there were friends there, and fun to be grasped!


Children still having fun. SB played with loads of different friends over the week, few spats, lots of laughter. She did stay up way too late a couple of times!

Sparky?s was a great hit for SB this year, she hadn?t been much before, and she loved it.

Both girls enjoyed swimming ? we went a lot to warm up!

BB?s excitement on seeing a real lion!

BB?s excitement on running, jumping and falling into muddy puddles!

The valiant craft sessions that still went ahead ? we have new tie dye, bits of air dried clay, an aquabeads thing to grab from merry and some gods eyes.

SB going off with friends and their parents happily to the park and to the beach [there was a lot of swapping children!]

Friends ? for chocolate, compassion, cups of tea and chitchat ? weather permitting! Thankyou lots and lots all of you, as particularly the first few days I was lost in a work world of misery.

Meeting New Home edders


Well, the biggest was the boggy muddy pondy field.

Rain ? though it actually was only bad a couple of days, its effect on the field was awful!

Not getting to sit out as much to chat, while keeping a loose eye on children

Not getting to know people on the other side of the boggy quagmire!

The swimming pool changing rooms [perhaps that should be higher up on the list?]

Other things

I got 2 sparky?s certificates ? one was for my dancing skills ? rofl!

My mitts and camping socks from t-bird Anni were truly fab

The new airbed also far better than the old!

Doug makes a good fire


When we flickr, I will link here. And I reserve the right to add to this things I think of!

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