still contemplating painting!

added more to the set, including a fair number of SB. aargh, just so not sure!

My girls

4 responses to “still contemplating painting!

  1. I think wait until you are sure. Then you’ll be happy with the result as well.

  2. Tent hunting is easier than this! I think maybe if you print them out and you may find you like the hair in one picture, the smile in this, and so on and write that by the printouts and give all those elements for him to pull together. I’m sure he can do an outline sketch for final approval before commencing the painting if you tell him you feel unsure.

    That’s his expertise otherwise it would just be a copy of an existing photograph which quite frankly wouldn’t give him the satisfaction he so clearly gets from his work.

    The “Trust me I’m a doctor” expression is coming to mind. Trust him to deliver a painting you will love. This is meant to be a fun process for you.

    ((hugs)) though as I would def struggle too!

  3. From looking at the photos–it’d be hard to pick. To add to the dilemma-an idea I had was can you do two paintings, one of each girl–yet pick three different facial expressions to be done on the one canvas? The three of SB–5045,5280,0680-all show such different glimpses of her personality at this age. BB would be great with 2169, and ‘lovely pic’ and ‘very adorable’–or one with a more serious or mischeivious look.

    I’d do two seperate canvases, just so that when they are older, they can each have their own.

    You have two very beautiful girls!

  4. what a good idea elisabeth – would have to speak to artist and see how expensive that would be.
    of the joints, i do love the 2 in the paddling pool. however, a bit tempted to have a large print of the mosaic

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