While i was at Rainbows, H was at home with BB making her birthday cake (me and the girls were going to make it this morning, but it didn’t happen) we were going to make a marble cake, which after BB saying she wanted to make two cakes, they ended up doing.
Looks rather like a volcano to me.
Anyway, after dinner me and the girls were doing the candles etc. on the cake. we were going to make the digits 39, but BB was helping, so we decided just to put as many candles as we had on.
I lit them, it all looked good:
and then the of half the candles which we had lit first had ot so hot from all the candles being together they were melting and collapsing, which ten set fie to the ruff round the cake all rather entertaining.
So, we had cake with added wax decorations
“all rather entertaining” – did everyone else think so? I was imagining a certain amount of shrieking and “CHRIS”ing going on during the burning ruff!
Well, H missed it to start with as she was in the other room – we were going to carry it through but thought better of that idea. Me and the girls thought it entertaining anyway
ROFL! And I’m sorry but BB looks alarmingly pleased to be setting fires, do you hve a pyromaniac streek in the family?
Happy Birthday! Oh to be so young again!!
BB loves anything destructive. But yes, I think we are all at bit pyro