wednesday madness!

quick sum up of week so far [am trying to persuade chris to do the odd blog!]
mon – HE sports in city1. BB does the younger class and SB the older. they both really enjoy this session, and the teacher that takes it is fabulous and enthusiastic. After that they went to a snowy park for a play. I met up with them at tesco, quite accidentally. i was buying a couple more of the £7 pine coffee tables from tesco as they are such a bargain, and recognised the spotty jumper down an isle, and shortly afterwards realised it was indeed on SB!

i took the girls home, and we did lots of squabbling. to be fair, i have insomnia, job worries and go to bed too late and haven’t completely shifted a migraine for ages now, so i didn’t defuse and alter the flow of dynamics as well as i could have done. but they really do seem to be horribly squabbly at the moment, and argue about pretty much everything. i am hoping that this is a post christmas come down stage!!

anyway, after i had removed various toys, stopped doing fun things like soap making and in the end sat down with a maths book each, things settled. but wasn’t really what i had planned [no, the maths wasn't a punishment! they both enjoy it. but i find that sitting them down with something that is individually theirs can stop the perpetual squabble cycle]. chris took ages to get home, as he hadn’t shut the boot properly and the shopping flew out at one point to clear up. :roll:

we are doing doctor who watching in the eve, we should have caught up by the time of the next series.

tues i went to work before the girls woke up, and got home after bb went to bed. but did catch a bit of sb, and we made chocolate gifts together. they had all had another busy day. library day and craftxs at the library for bb. then various bits and pieces in the afternoon. sb did her piano, some galore park, some maths and then had first swimming of the term.

today was latinetc. always enjoyable, and this time with added merryness. i was even on time! [just!] we have a slightly different running order to make the most of things, and this seemed to go well. SB enjoyed her latin, and was showing off her declension of the amo amas! and she was v keen to tell me all about doing music with gina, including recorder practice apparently. BB loved doing the felting kit. and also v happily went off and did french. i really enjoyed the science, particularly with the older group as they appeared to have so much fun doing it. we did some general lung things, and then made our own lung capacity measurements. v watery and messy!!

merry came back to ours with the girls in the afternoon, and they ran about crazilly whilst we chatted. chris had taken down the christmas trees while i was out – always a sad moment. we might try and do something SOTW activity related, you never know!!

after they had gone, SB did a lovely piano practice and some music theory – encouraged by doing music with gina. bb did some more before the code. and then we slumped infront of dr who again. i am totally worn out now!

BUT I have found my new years resolution for this year. I plan to remember that i am an adult with more stores of patience [hopefully] than my girls. and that i will find a squabble box, something that we can use to distract us all.

One response to “wednesday madness!

  1. Squabble box a very good idea. Hugs for crap stuff.

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