in praise of my family

i am going to start with 3 cheers for my dad. Despite not entirely approving of home education, he is going all guns against eh Badman report and writing to everyone possibile about it. go dad! also to my inlaws, who also completed the review.

And my sis, who i love dearly for just being here. We went and visited today and had a lovely time. we talked about lots of things, resolved lots of things, sat companionably and loved lots. mum was there too for part of the day, so felt v lovely. the kids all played beautifully together, including hysterically on mariokart, as bB is just wild, and sb kamakazi! BB got her birthday present of a ds early, and was absolutely overjoyed. further comedy moments with her arguing with brain training over the colours!

so a relaxing and connecting family day. just what the doctor ordered! we watched the doctor btw – weird wasp one!

3 responses to “in praise of my family

  1. Wishing you many such days :) Sounds lovely.

  2. Tell your father I said Thank-you!!!

    Glad you had a relaxing day!

  3. Sounds wonderful from all points of view. Likewise hurrah for your dad.

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