Super Saturday and Psychotic Sunday

The girls came home :) :) :) :) OK so i was very happy to see them :)

SB and I did some piano prac, I made starter and part of main course for the eve meal with friends. SB Painted her trick or treating bag, we snuggled and cuddled, looked at rabbits and waited for the manorborns to say they were ready for us :)

When they were we went geocaching together, meeting up at a charming olde worlde pub, where i amtempted to take the parents for lunch :) and then walking to first geocache – a multi. unfortunately, we saw our path was straight through a herd of cows, with bull and calves. We thought about it, but decided against it :) the next cache was far more straightforward, with no cows :) and a nice tranquil walk – once we had got off the main road.

Home then for dinner. We had lovely company, and the girls went off to bed without too much of a fuss, leaving us to giggle and laugh for the rest of the evening into the early hours. :) sometimes it is easy to forget how nice it can be to be grownups without visible offspring :) A thoroughly pleasant catchup.

Sunday, some more piano prac for SB, and then finished making her ‘headless cloak’ made BB’s little ghost costume, SB painted her papier mache head, and then i glued on [hot glue gun alert!] the golden locks and gobbets of blood she provided!! BB announced it looked a bit like the manorborn daughter! We did some great pumpkin carving, and then had lunch.

We had a surprise for the girls afterwards, and we went to the circus! [no animals]. We all enjoyed it, though was a bit nippy in the big top! Lots of tumbling, and gymnastics. I did love the lady and the cube, and the 3 tumbling lads. the clown was actually v funny – and i am not a great clown fan! it finished slightly later than anticipated, so by time home and girls dressed up, we were a bit late for trick or treating in the village.

In the village there is a strong pumpkin ethos, and most are finished by 7-7.30, and we set out at 6.15. oh well!! still a reasonable hoard, and ppl complimented SB on her costume, which she liked :) , and I love the convivial atmosphere in the village on halloween. Doesn’t feel at all an imposition.

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Home for candlelit [some inside pumplins] halloween dinner in the conservatory – yes, pumpkin soup!! and a merlin to be scary before bedtime.


edited to add – this post has so many emoticons in it, it looks like yellow measles. I could weed some out, but…

4 responses to “Super Saturday and Psychotic Sunday

  1. emoticons are good :) :D Sounds like a pretty good weekend :) I haven’t been for a geocache in ages, there are some new ones near us which I ought to do really!!

  2. with the gobbets of blood?

  3. wool strands :)

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