migrainous day for me, coldy day for z, shattered day for k, and very grumpy day for g as the road she needed to drive along was blocked and so she had a fab time getting to latinetc . but, despite that, actually i think we did well!! The children all enjoyed it, and did a fair number of things. we adults i think got an idea for fiddling around with what we do when to try and make the flow easier for us [cos it is a 'hard work' day]. so 3 cheers for latinetc!! we did try out me having a gap between each science, and that made quite a difference too.
SO, for science [since i do that bit] we did acids and bases, recapping on chapter 4 of real science for kids chemistry. What an acid and base is, what pH is all about, different indicators [we had prepared cabbage water and also had litmus papers and indicator paper]. I had made a sheet so that we could test our solutions 1 and 2 [dilute vinegar and dilute ammonia] and see what happened to the indicator and litmus, and then use this to determine whether our other 6 solutions were acids or bases, and we also then stuck all of them down. the cabbage water I had in test tubes, and it went such beautiful colours. my favourite was the emerald green with the ammonia :). All the children seemed to have learnt something and been happy with the experiment.
Loved the torn architecture art that z did with them this week, both girls made really lovely pictures. definately ‘portfolio’ art type material . BB again had a recorder lesson, and was v happy to now be playing hot cross buns. me too, as little fly was wearing a bit thin… i heard the middlies recorder ensemble sounding fab as well, and saw some music theory in action. Minimus also occured, they were supposed to march outside, but it was absolutely freezing!! [and no grown up fancied it] so they were let off .
I think that for all the stress and effort we adults put into this session, it is replayed a hundredfold by what the children get out of it, in view of tailored education to a high standard, with individual care. Great friends to do it with as well. Something to be proud of [even if, with migraine on weds i would have prefered to duvet, and in fact by the time i got home, i just couldn't do anything else ]
brownies cancelled for SB, but she did judo. BB continued to be ‘challenging’ but did do loads of jigsaws! SB did a minute bit of mathletics, some dk project book and we all did mycenaeans in SoTW. i have been to mycaenae. it is a shock to realise i went there over 20 years ago tho!! the memory still v fresh.
lol, we have had a scrap of paper with Mycenae, Thebes, Athens, Sparta on it stuck on the wall for the last few days in an attempt to remember the city kingdoms of the Mycenaenean period (ch 7 of the GP Junior History)!
yes, it has been good holding the junior history alongside SoTW
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