first true day off in a fortnight! phew!! i was working last weekend, and actually, latinetc days for me no longer count as days off as they are such hard work. Different from work work, but i have to concentrate and be organised none the less! on latinetc, i do think the effort we have all gone into to try and tweak and jiggle about the timings has given us what looks like a fab day
I had thought to rouse myself to go out, but in the end had a lovely relaxed day with the girls!! SB didn’t sleep well last night, so i slept with her and we woke up late! downstairs and a bit of music theory – i do wish she would write the sharps and flats on the right line and in the right order! she also finished her galore park junior english 1 and started her junior history 2. she was somewhat mortified to be ‘behind’ in age, and i told her this was ridiculous, the galore parks were perfectly timing with our story of the world in history and best kept that way [and she has finished book 1 in a term], science was science, and she was getting a good grounding [nearly finished book 2] and english wasn’t her strongest point, so it was best doing thoroughly in order. [actually, she is now much better at english generally, but spelling abysmal!]. [ aside -the junior galore parks say book 1 for when 7 at beginning of year, book 2 at 8 and book 3 at 9, so we should be at 9. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she didn't become a bit more keen to get through the galore park to 'catch up' tho]BB and i did maths together, where she swore she didn’t understand what ‘take-away’ meant. i explained in all the different ways, and then she said, ‘why hadn’t i just said take-away at the beginning’ argh!
We did a fair bit of fimo-ing. my big blue pack of fimo tho is really dry. i opened it at christmas and it was diff to use, which i put down to the cold conservatory, but it still is v cracky and hard to work. too expensive to junk, but the girls won’t use it either – any suggestions on how to get it workable? never had that prob before with new stuff. SB was doing some lovely cut in designs, but didn’t like any of them and scrunched before i got a pic, but was finally happy with a leaf imprint design she has made for a travelbug. BB has made a travelbug fob remarkably like the tanith charms. I made 2, a union flag to set free in Canada, and a turtle one with scraps. [i don't allow myself the nice fimo]. BB did a fab plesiosaur, but we had constant arguing with SB over pronunciation [ply vs plee] , so it is now an elasmosaur [it does have a long neck] actually it is now broken, so i need to find UHU before bed!
we also did some sowing and growing. Our hanging gardens of babylon have sprouted, tho some of the seeds have gone a bit mouldy. We got the potato council potatoes – rocket and rudolph – and put them out to chit, a bit early, but other years we have forgotten, so they have chitted in their bags! DH was also being a good gardener, on the clearing front he has done an excellent job on one of the jungle areas, aiming to have the greenhouse useable soon! That meant we had lots and lots of branches and bits for a big ginormous bonfire! so we had one and cooked baked pots in it
Girls also spent ages trampolining, general larking about and watching back dr who whilst eagerly awaiting the start of a new series we also looked at my pics of canada from a holiday there when i was 20 with parents. All v excited . Also our rabbit sedna, who has had a stormy course post op neutering seems a lot more lively today.
All in all, a great day! I might even have energy to go walking tomorrow
Yay, a great day I am quite jealous of bonfire-baked potatoes!
You must have needed that restorative day so much, sounds lovely mix of things to have done.
Really good to read about such a great day