some of our friends have decided to have a life changing year. they have resigned from their paid work, rented out their house and bought a motorhome. They are going to spend the next year WWOOF-ing and following that [or during i guess!] have a good think about where they want the direction of their life to go next. SO they had a goodbye party this sat. tbh, i think i shouldn’t have spent until late fri taking photos of all the texts i had from viv last year in case lost or destroyed camera, as didn’t really do a mood improver! But once there, seeing all my friends, and just thinking how lucky we are to be part of such a fab wider community was the perfect boost
lots of other home ed friends there, we all brought food [grin, much of it veggie/vegan] and kids raced off and had fun. Loved the line dancing lesson from em and was v v glad that the wanderers loved their tablecover and kindle great day. the evening also lovely and chatty, and we finally went to bed at the rather too late time of 2am, as did our kids leaving us with some ‘challenging’ behaviour today, luckilly mostly when just us – phew!
today we had a lazy morning and then went down to the beach. lots f kids got their feet wet, but SB took it to the logical conclusion of body surfing that girl!! i do love her BB was less impressed by wet feet, but insisted we found a geocache, which we did back for a restorative hot choc and a look round willow-the-van and we were off.
Have a fab time WWOOF-ing, I know you will have a great adventure, and look forwards to hearing all about it
Thank you so much for coming, for being fab friends and for, well everything really Love you xxx
My Mum thinks it’s great idea
Brr to body surfing. Crazy child.
sounds lovley. So glad you had a good time!