well, I am going to start with the happy dance of exam news SB got a merit in her grade 5 music theory SO we are v v happy [and she is one step closer to getting the 3ds animal crossing - needs to pass her ballet exam too]
Currently she is trying to do 1000 starjumps a day – she has a chart to tick off! crazy girl.
in fact she has done a lot of charting and tallying, as was looking at her clothes to see what she might need to take to France.
can’t believe that in just over a month she will be off off and away. I do hope she has a fab time. The family she is going to seem lovely, and have done this before, so I have faith in the process.
today was a slow start. bb needed a filling, and today was when she could be fitted in, we should have gone to duxford, but bb wanted to have a day with me, and i am feeling all wobbly as tomorrow is my sister’s birthday, but she no longer gets to celebrate them, so it is a day of loss. so we stayed at home, and maybe i should have gone out!
But a bit of home ed was done. BB and I are at another musical impasse. i need a very easy book of piano recognisable tunes for BB. I am hoping that this one will do , we ill see when it arrives! SB did maths and geography and english.
I planted the sweetcorn, pumpkins and butternut squash. need to plant out courgettes too! did do the weeding and admired the flower arch over the back door.
The girls spent a long time playing sylvanians together, which was lovely, and then we did some djeco crafting in the lovely conservatory. Merry sells these kits. BB also did some etching kit.
I read about the pointless wars in story of the world, and we finished the day with Judo
PS did I mentions SB got a merit in her grade 5 music theory??
Well done SB
lol did you? Well done SB! All that work paid off for her :-).
Congrats to SB! Hazel passed with an 89 as well!