so, we had fun this week juggling things all over the place! Monday DH took the girls to his mum’s. as winter is drawing in, trying to see more of her as losing john is a huge gap. the girls did home ed and enjoyed her tv package!! [as well as seeing nanna of course] . tuesday was a staying in day [mostly] doing bookish things.
weds was a weds4ed day.
we had a great time doing the modroc degas with kfish, and they worked really well. SB enjoyed the music consort work and then did really well with TB with maths. she was a quite relieved when I said TB was pleased with her, as she was a bit worried that hadn’t got a high percent – think she said 68 – but she was def within the pass on a GCSE paper, and she is planning to do it next year, so think on course there!
Science was quicker and simpler than last year. thought i would go with an autumnal theme and look at the different chorophyls and also other colourants within the leaves. we had yellow, variagated, red and green leaves and used acetone for some and isopropranolol for others and it worked beautifully.
thurs was an out day, with french and clarinet lessons for SB, and multisports for both of them. so lots of out and about and socialisation. Friday also with conservation group. SB decided to take some of her gcse subjects with her as she was feeling the need to do a bit more on them – good for her!
SB has been thinking a bit about the future, and liking her psychology book. she says she wants a job where she makes a difference and helps people. she doesn’t fancy medicine as that is a mugs game and has decided not for nursing either. SHe and bb had quite a chat about how to choose a job where you arent on call. BB is quite keen to be a zookeeper in the future in her ideal world. SO psychology seemed to SB to be something where she was helping people with controllable hours! [not a bad plan] she still has police/MI5 as a backup!! or baker . BB has been moving on with her piano as the big thing recently, which is lovely as she is no longer having such stress over it, and actually turning pages in the book and trying new things! very happy. otherwise she is being slightly more emotionally wobbly than normal. do hormones switch on at 10 then? [she is a titch, so hopefully some more growing to do!] . She getting a science kit in the post from the electronic wizards apprenticeship as she is an expansionist phase! she always likes science, and we were looking for something handson that she would enjoy. with gcse starting, a lot of focus is on SB, but actually BB needs a fair bit, as she is still missing the companionship and play with FrB now she has left, and SB is so teen. unfortunately young engineers hasn’t restarted after the summer, so we need to find something BB-ish to keep her interest.
i always liked the look of the wizard apprentice course. Never got around to it here. Needed to have had more childer to do things with that I never did with C!
yep, they are good so far! trying to not put all our attention on SB! and looking for fun things to be the things BB gets to do.