I am just not so good at this time of year. I get grumpy for no apparent reason, decided that I am crap at everything I do [well, even crapper than I normally rate myself] and just fid it hard to shift. Thinking about whether those lights actually work, whether i should get one – what a lot of money! and whether it is because I am actually just crap. This time of year is a big reflection time, so will be putting up something home-eddy at some point! [not a surprise announcement of schooling!]
This week may have gone more sadly/badly because of the death of my godfather, but I have been crap and morose at work as well as home, and it just isn’t on. Work is not a place that accepts [or should accept] anything less than as near perfection as manageable, so feeling that let things down there a bit too.
SO at home, chris and the girls done lots of shopping trips as far as I can see! we had that lovely day at Michelles, and SB also has had a lovely playdate with Rainbows R. oh, the girls had a midweek swim, which they both enjoyed too.
I was at home thurs, but not sure what we did at all, apart from Chris took the girls shopping. SB did some maths, something on the web, we watched some downloads?? Nope, no idea – should have blogged! oh, a lot of playing with the castle! Oh, and the lego. Bit of a little house on the prairie revival as well.
Today both girls have spent a fair bit of time on the computer – poisson rouge and starfall for BB with a bit of rainforest maths, and education city and rainforest maths for SB. SB and I read the fall of the romans in story of the world, and then some more about atilla the hun in raiders and invaders – and discussed why both books might have what might be ‘key facts’ different. The some looking at their internet links – which were poor. luckilly Sarah blogged, so we snitched some of her roman links instead. might look up the usborne ones- must be some quicklinks on their site.
SB did some running and sports with Chris in the garden – new trainer/running shoes from la redoute which she isn’t sure whether she likes. BB and I have had lots of snuggles and silly play. SB took herself to the piano to do some practice – asked me to help when her new piece has made her move her hands – cue much panic! do I play the note they’ve written or the finger number? both dear, you have to move your fingers – aargh.
i had set up some pots of glue, assorted bits to stick on and some pringles tubes in the kitchen for them to fiddle with. SO they did that for a bit. SB got glue all over a new dress, despite me begging her to take it off and minor scene about that with me stumping off into garden – just as she spills it everywhere.
SB and BB rather nicely playing together – BB is doing match and sort with lego with SB! Dinner ready. off I shoot.
Back again. SB fancies watching robin hood, so we will do that. Chris has downloaded torchwood as we have run out of regenesis. Enjoying that too. they do like filming the girls bottom in tight jeans! That isn’t exactly the bit I watch for though!