and i really enjoyed it!
SB got on with some maths and writing for the first time this week, and whizzed through it whilst BB and i did an alphabet jigsaw together with some letter practice, and then read some books together – including the excellent there was an old woman with doll she got for xmas. SB also had DK cdrom/dvd on the rainforest which she enjoyed watching, and quoted various bits to us.
We then had a huge hoover of the playroom. out mouse traps are untouched, and there have been no sightings, but our house is a good place for mice to hide, so lets see! ANyway, both girls enjoyed the hoovering, as we opened the sofa bed to get the crumbs, bB had a good bounce too.
After lunch SB did some violin practice, and BB played pools with the dinodoors. then we all played with some airdrying clay bought with ELC vouchers. I can’t say what SB did, as it has to do with a birthday this month. BB in the end made dinodoor eggs – she is looking forward to painting them later! She has quite a dinosaur thing going at the moment, and flicks through the various dinosaur books we have. SB was reading the i wonder why… series, so BB and i read the dinosaur one.
A bath and some games with BB whilst SB did something else secretive and birthday related and then chris came home with a pencil sharpener. So we sharpened all the pencils and SB did a card of the aurora borealis for grandad’s birthday. then it was teatime. SB and i watched the last 2 walking with beasts. We read some more ballet shoes, and she read me some magic tree house knights and it was bedtime.
i have managed to get 3 triples in a row in a scrabulous game. SO feeling rather happy!!