Category Archives: Daft Stuff

from nic

Your Political Profile:
Overall: 20% Conservative, 80% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
I was shocked to find that i was half conservative on defence and crime – i think it was that plea bargaining thingie- well, we don’t do it over here! [do we????]

daft stuff!!

You Passed 8th Grade Geography
Congratulations, you got 8/10 correct!

I am midnight – apparently. I certainly stay up late!

You Are Midnight
You are more than a little eccentric, and you’re apt to keep very unusual habits. Whether you’re a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence – you like to experiment with your lifestyle. Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it. You enjoy staying home, but that doesn’t mean you’re a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends.

Shorts snap

May 2004:

P5100025 edited-1

April 2006:

IMG 3647

Good value those shorts :-)

Help -we’re trapped!

After Helen’s exhaust falling off episode last week, I had to take the car off to Kwik fit for a new one. My mum came round to look after the kids to save them being dragged around with me.. I had an ok time – off to the garage, had a bit of wait – once I would have been ‘grr!’ now UI just enjoy the chance to sit and read the paper for 45 minutes uninteruppted – i was quite sad when the chap said it was done ;-)

Went off to do a bit of shoppign as well, a little while alter there was phone call from my mum, they were all shut in the playroom! The handle came off the outside of the door a week or so ago. I was waiting to get some new screws since it didn’t seem to have any, other the one I could find – coincidentally I had just got some when my mum rang me. THe metal rod that goes through the door, ahd of course come out and was sitting in the playroom. Of course my mum shut the door….. soemtie later they tried to open it and were trapped – so I had to cut short my shopping.

Whiel I was out they seemd to have fun. SB and Nanna did some more patterns on a couple of T shirts wuith her ‘Puff up paints’, BB did some ‘drawing’, some general playing, some reading etc. more playing after I’d freed them and we had lunch etc. SB did read one of here Red Nose Readers to Nanna, – other than couple of odd words she can pretty much do these now. We played a game where SB was apost man and briought lots of presents, seem to eb an excuse to empty out BB’s toy box….

Whilst I took Nanna home, she did some maths of some sort – ordinal numbers apparently from singapore maths 1a thinking skills. She also did some drawing of farm animals from a how to draw farm animals books, and also spent some time looking for OS symbols on some maps. Before bed whilst palyiong on the floor with SB and BB I managed to hit SB’s head on the door whilst ‘messing her about’- got a nice egg. Didn’t stop her coming back for more though after about 5 minutes. BB is so funny, we were on the floor playing about, she comes trotting across the room, shouting and then flops down on top of you. When she does it to SB she looks like a minature Big Daddy doing a ‘belly splash’ :-)

SB is getting into the Little Toe Radio Show on a whim, as the laptop was on the table (not having DAB radio or dig TV – anyway – listening when you want is much easier), I put it on last Thursday while we had dinner, she sat listening too it silenty almost for the whole hour. So we have been listening to that a bit which she is enjoying. She listend to bit this afternoon, what was funny was that becuase she wasn’t doing anything else she sat on the chair in front of the computer and looked up at the screen, even though it wans’t really doing anything.

Global footprint/earth day

?calculate your ecological footprint

FOOD 0.7







Last year, my result was 1.8 planets, so we are getting worse not better. our food has improved, as we buy from farmers markets and local farm store as much as poss, and also grow our own. the car usage up as I live further from work, and use it more days. The shelter also up – as Leeds house more modest.
Chris would do better, using the car less. Our house is somewhat larger than our needs.

Daft things.

1. Someone posted on a local Freecycle list an unopened bottle of Cherry Coke.

2. The other day after managing to phone me twice in succession, ‘the cold caller with 2 brain cells ‘ rang back because he had heard what i’d said when I said I wasn’t interested! – so why did they think I put the phone down?

The Apprentice

I think today is hte first task that I would have had dificulty doing. Not the selling per se – as that seemed to be a matter of confidence, and ‘qualifying’ [which seemed eminently reasonable], but selling cars. I know very little about cars. I would have become unstuck with the patter of what the car had, and as for valuing trade ins!

i was very impressed by Ruth’s sales – she just did know how to sell, and does exactly what she says on the tin. Not sure that this makes her the best candidate for Alan Sugar’s apprentice, but would certainly make her my top choice for a car saleswoman! [there were 9 candidates, 20 cars in total sold, and she sold 6 of them - just under 1/3!]

well, not sure why its worth a blogpost! Just becaus I can I expect

messing about

How You Life Your Life
You have a good sense of self control and hate to show weakness. You’re laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences. You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren’t attainable.

Wallpaper patterns

Butterbean was a total pain last night, woke up around 2.30 – 3 am, basically spent the next 11/2 – 2 hours crying before going back to sleep. I got so fed up stting on her bed that I came downstairs to watch something on the TV. I think she slept from 4.30 to 6, but I didn’t really.
I did how ever learn that there are only 17 types of wallpaper patterns on some program on BBC2 (it’s all to do with the mathematic of group theory or somesuch – and with how you can repeat a pattern on a plane)