Category Archives: DIY/ house renovation

Lots to do

We have done a fair amount of life and discussion home ed, but not a lot of bloggable! SB been interested in the history behind fireworks night – particularly as it follows on from Elizabethan stuff. She has been writing lots of things – with me or chris spelling the words for her, and is very excited that she has some ringbinder files – for the photocopy for writing, latin and ‘things’ as she put it. She’s also making up lots of stories and songs – both for herself and for me and BB. She has been to ballet – and continues to enjoy it.

We have been lighting our fire in the evening – SB very much enjoys our ‘ancient fire’ and is now keen to tell everyone how to make it and keep it going. i’m sitting here with candlelight and the fire in a very warm room. have just watched the gunpowder plot [whilst blogging] – very enjoyable. The light is on in the conservatory – so it looks quite magical. the vine leaves are loosing the chlorophyll, but back to the veins – so very pretty. must photo.

BB can now stand up unaided, and today did her first step – woohoo!!! crash landed against Chris’s leg. I am so happy to have seen it rather than be told about it. She is an armful of delight. I think her and SB are enjoying playing together – which is nice.

Tonight, seeing both my daughters laugh, giggle, cuddle and tickle [ok and strop!] i just wanted to blog again how lucky we are, and the joy they bring to Chris and I, who just over 5 years ago thought we may never have children. I think its something in those trusting, happy eyes that does it.

We have lots to do this weekend – not sure how we will get through. The dafodil bulbs, garlic and shallots need planting, and ideally the broad beans need to be sown. We should make the xmas cake and the grape jam, and possibly the onion chutney. i’d like to go swimming as well.

At some point, I would like to repaint SB’s bedroom [since we've got the paint] and put up new bunk. Also Mum bought paint to cover the lurid bathroom – so would like to do that too. the rest of the Ivy and the wisteria need trimming. We need to write wills, put BB’s baby bond somewhere [can't believe we haven't done either of those]. And at some point to some Home Ed!! Where shall I find the time?

Summer’s still here.

Oh dear, dozed off on the sofa, now I’ve woken up I of course don’t feel ready to go to bed. So might as well do the blogging I meant to do earlier.

Beautiful sunny morning, both the girls were up with us before Helen had to head off to work, sadly for another 24 hours shift, see you in the morning love :-( Stringbean was keen to do ‘some making’ and keen to raid the craft cupboard. But agreed with my suggestion of breakfast first. So yet another bowl of Cocopops (she will need to go cold turkey when this box is finished) was consumed.

SB then launched into a pianting, cutting and sticking fest. Doing some painting in one of her colouring books, making another ‘robot’ out of an old egg box, and i’m not sure what else exactly as I was giving BB her breakkie, getting her changed etc. She was a bit disappointed to have put some purple glue on top , to be told that it would turn clear once it dried. She has got a lot better at at concieving a plan of action and carrying it out, she had described most of what she was going to do to make a robot before she started.

This seemed to take up the first part of the morning until BB went for her nap by 10am. Resisting the temptation to stay on the bed and listen to R4, I returned to SB and made coffee, she moved onto an old issue of one of the BBC kiddies magazines which she worked her way through, we read all the stories, the spot the differences, and various puzzzles, and then made the Dora game that was in part of it. Though we never got round to playing it.

BB woke up and while I got her and played with her a bit SB took herself off to the playroom and spent ages again playing with the Connect 4 making patterns witht he pieces. Then we tidied up the kitchen bit and had lunch. SB was very good at feeding BB her lunch while I got ours ready.

After lunch we headed into the garden, though it was so hot we decided it was best moslty just to flop. SB helped me concrete in the base for the whirlygig washing line (at last). By then we needed a nice cold drink, so cold iced drinks for us, while BB enjoyed playing and sucking on ice cubes. Had meant to shift the heaps of greenery left over from work at the weekend but decide to sit in the shade and read a few books , and play games with BB instead.

Ahh, BB calls, time for bed I guess, we did have good mathsy workbook session before bedtime though.

General catch up

And on the family front??

Well, SB and BB are really good at playing [most of the time!] SB likes to feed BB, hold and hug her. today we got out the little tykes climbing frame and SB had great fun sitting feeding BB at the top, and then sliding down with her on her knees. [see flikr]

BB rolling and wriggling to get around, and is really good at spotting what might be food! Lovely laugh and giggle, and is such a merry contented baby – I could write a book on my perfect technique!
SB on the whole been great too, keen to play, interact, leading with what she wants to do. Not too much fuss on the tidying up! She is high maintenance to keep happs, and I do worry still that BB therefore gets less of a lookin. It prob is common for second children, but I wish I could just have more time!

Chris been looking at leaking roof – up massively high ladder. SB disappointed that she couldn’t get up there with him. Thought it rather jolly when he took the hosepipe up to see if he could replicate leak conditions [not]. We are debating a bookcase purchase at the mo. We haven’t got the money, so i am tempted to cc it, so I can get the books out [see what debt does to me!] but chris trying to be more sensible.

i have had fun with my girls – SB stayed up till 10pm yesterday playing, so I feel although worked the weekend, I have not been ‘absent’. yet another on call tomorrow though. Cooking risotto, drinking limoncino and blogging – a bad combination!

lovely house…………..

i decided while outside eating dinner looking at it. when i’m panicking over money and wondering what we have done, i am going to go outside and look at it. the back view *is* my dream home, no wonder we overextended to buy it.

Anyway, BB is a happy girl. she has been plying with those press and ghastly woofy tunes play type toys today. mesmerising! Also while in bath did first roll from tummy back to back – a surprise for her! She lies on my lap like a little cherub form rubenesque school! we would make a very rubenesque mother and child!

SB had her stagecoach show today. it was all very lowkey – as anticipated for a group of mostly 4 year olds. i though SB concentrated remarkably well, and her overacting building sandcastle and pretend cry as sea washed it away drew laughs. I was proud!! [also low key].

At home we played shops – gradually i am using money with real values as i think we use switch too often! We also made our own pompoms to turn into a chick. attention span didnt quite last, so i finished. A bit of piano playing and object hide and seek.

the day brightened though, so we went out intio the garden and dug up more potatoes and picked more beans – yummy. SB raced around the garden, and even rode bike without stabilisers [i think the like a bike a like was instrumental there]. We played tag, and i was hampered by BB in my arms, particularly when my trousers fell down – luckilly no cameras! SB also had great fun climbing and swinging on the tp frame.

the weather was so nice we ate our curry sitting on the lawn. BB had peas and swede instead, as dont fancy her having tummy ache!

OH, earlier in the day SB wrote my sisters birthday card. She is getting quite into writing so nearly did sonlight order for getty and dubay but couldn’t find cc. Also hadn’t clicked from mudpud. on that note, cant find my link to sarah’s science experiments in a box??

chris and i have come up with an order of housedisasters to be sorted – roof leak being at number one spot!!

edit – omg 2.30. how did it get to that time??

shhh, BB asleep

at last!
she does seem to have a very low sleep requirement. She had a good day playing today, and had fun bashing keys on baby toy to make a tune the hit herself with it!

chris took the girls swimming, which they enjoyed.will try and go reg on a sun early morn as well. SB keen on idea of lessons, but as monthly we seem to be spending more than i got for a full year as a student I think we may have to pass. [just done budget, and we are def on that trendy asset rich cash poor thing. ho hum!]. they both enjoyed it. SB also had fun with the baby toys and investigated new webland issue

When I escaped home, me ‘n SB hama’d a bit, read some phonics, podded beans ate tea and cuddled up with bedtime stories [ i fell asleep first]. since then i have budgeted [where is gorgeous alvin when you need him?], whizzed around blog ring, and played with BB – as she last slept pre teatime]. She has finally zedded out.

chris has put shelving in what will be craft cupboard, so hopefully can make headway in creating order out of chaos.

sunny day

And so it needed to be, as first opportunity to play with SB for me since I left Kessie. only got home from work at half 10 and ravenous, but after that went for quality SB time, as get more interaction with BB in the evenings.

Started with playing all together, with me n SB stacking up cups for BB to knock down, and putting toys in them for her to find. BB is such a sweetheart, and her face is all aglow with excitement in these combined games with SB, who it is quite clear she hero worships. [what a long sentence]

BB carried on while SB and I started doing some hama aboriginal dreamtime style piccies. Actually SB not bad, though attention span compromised, so moved on to playing copy each others patterns and sorting out the colours. Particularly including counting, adding and spatial relationship skills. Kept us both happy!

we spent alot of the afternoon playing in the sandpit, burying our dinosaur fossil and then hiding it around the garden.
Sb also put on shows for us to watch. We then dug up potatoes and picked broad beans for tea, but actually had pasta – LOL. Oh well, there for tomorrow. Unfortunately the potato tops have blight, and the whole veg patch weed city. Not done a good job.

Actually whilst on house update, roof leaking, bath taps dodgy, showers not working, 100 year old grapevine dying etc etc. sigh massively!

After tea we read the 10p book from the hospital friends stall on rivers and water. very nice. It also had a picture off newt eggs on oxygenator plants. we of course know that now from last years experiment of what are these eggs, and what will they become [well 2 goldfish and 2 newts].

BB hasn’t been ignored, and has been doing lots of standing practice and manipulating objects. also some tummy shuffling. She is such a bundle of happiness. 3rd tooth nearly through.

little nanny walking with special zimmer, and the girls visited her for a long time yesterday – did nanny the power of good I think. the other ladies also cooed over my girls. SB took in the usbourne pocket science book of why we are ill for little nanny, so she would understand 0 bless. other ed moment sith chris [in case he doesn't blog] were stagecoach yesterday final rehearsal, and my fav, SB asking if the world slowed down spinning in summer so the days were longer. we need a globe I think!

I really would like to organise and arrange our home ed better again [still autonomous, but with the ideas etc ready] however, with the house in chaos and me always at work, I am worried that we are never going to do it as we would like. Early days yet I guess.

oh, and Chris P, 2 ways to my heart, food and calling my child gorgeous! Thankyou.

What a busy life we lead.

TBH, at the moment I can’t believe socialisation is thought of as an issue in HE. I guess whe all SB’s friends go to school it may be less manic.

Description of events
This morning we madly tidied the house as Chris’s Aunt and Uncle droppng in. SBis getting quite good at tidying up and helping, so thats def [domestic science] covered! We did some more writing her name on the thankyou letters,[writing] and then made her friend B a birthday card. [art] [B is the one on the right in the picture a few posts down, one of SB's best friends]. She drew a very creditable person, and I was impressed at how much better she is getting at representing people.

When the doorbell went, I thought it was the rellies, 2 hours early, but instead it was a friend popping by with her 2 little stars. I think I have blogged them before? Anyway, S1 slightly younger than SB, and S2 approaching 2. They get on v well, though there was a bit of a fracas over the pushchair for the dollies, and i had to do a rapid removal of felt tips!! A cup of tea and a chat and they went back to Wakefield. Got a nice photo of the 4 kids though.

Rellies arrived bang on time [while Chris blogging in fact, and I thought he was changing BB's nappy!!]. A nice natter and some late presents for the girls. SB much taken with the usbourne princess activities. We enjoyed parsnip and apple soup with crusty rolls together. Chris and SB had to leave precipitously due to B’s party. [socialisation] BB and I entertained guests till departure. I had hoped to have a bit of free-ish time, but read an article in Thurs Guardian which made me howl, so woke up BB for a cuddle!

SB returned with the obligatory party bag, and it contained a dice game. We played it together till bitter end, each having 2 counters. She didn’t try to cheat on the throws, didn’t mind going backwards, and didn’t mind that I won. She counts so well, that it was only when I read in the nursery prospectus that the early learning goal is to count to 10 that I thought anything of it. [numeracy,board games]. Anyway, this is the first time that we have played a board game as equals, so gets huge bit on blog!!

SB and I had a look at the DK world explorer, and she did seem to enjoy that one, particularly the games. She now happily says her north south east west from a get your boat to the treasure one. [geography, IT] That also works so science one only is duff. Actually she must have enjoyed it as she went back to it after her bath cos I hadn’t shut it down.

Other than that we have done a fair bit of playing, tickling etc. Not such a whiney day either. After bath, Chris gave her 2 tops to put on, so she insisted on putting a leg in each arm, and pulling up over bot [she has got small bot] When she then got the bottoms, she decided they could go on her head to keep the pretend rabbit ears warm lol!

BB is improving on the sitting front, and can sit on a squishy cushion for a bit without listing over! obviously aided by big bot and big nappies. She thinks this is hilarious! Still loving her play gym. At 17 weeks she is starting to show interest in the food we are eating – to no avail though, I intend introducing solids as near 6 months as poss!

todays summary – well, i actually felt a bit pressured by all the stuff to fit in, and would rather it wasn’t another birthday party day tomorrow! its quite late on, and the far side of Leeds, so SB will no doubt fall asleep in car on route home, and then be up half the night. Oh, I am being ungracious. It is nice for her to have such a social whirl, as she really is a v sociable girl, and thats one of the things I am desperately keen to maintain.

Renewable energy etc
my other bit of thinking has been around how to make this listed building as energy efficient as poss, and todays guardian magazine had a bit on that kind of thing. Firstly insulate roof to the hilt. chris doesn’t get on well with fibreglass, so we have been thinking of alternatives, and wool here gets a mention. Other optins are flax, or blown cellulose[treated newspaper]. SOme of the windows are secondary glazed, and some not, so it would be worth looking into that as well. I’ve also always fancied a wind generator or solar voltaic cells. Dunster of the BedZed project has a website with lowcost [relatively] products, we have alway fancied the self build, but couldn’t face it with new job, new baby etc – I know, cowardly!!. I think when we have a bit of money again, we might have a bit of a chat to the listed buildings inspector about what we could get away with! it is a shame that we can’t convert the conservatory into a full house height one though, cos I’ve always wanted one of those.