Category Archives: kentwell costume

Making my Kentwell clothes 7 – kirtles for the girls and I = 3 versions of making

I wrote this post originally in April 2012 after we had been accepted as participants for Kentwell in their summer recreation. I only bought the wool after this point and had completed the linens previously. Buying wool for the novice is a bit of a minefield. Kentwell have elves you can send snippets to. I bought mine and SB’s wool from 2 different elves, BB and DH from a friend. colours, textures and weaves are all important. Bernie the bolt is a reliable seller of suitable wool. we were advised that the colour had to be on the farrow and ball chart, but browns, ochres, hint of sludgy greens should be more evident than they are. I had planned to be sludgy green or brown/russet. it didn’t happen that way! Wool is expensive, I was happy to do linens without knowing if accepted but wanted to be accepted before buying wool.

I used for my reference the Tudor Costume pages by Peronel, the Kentwell costume notes and also a bit of tudor tailor book. This means that the steps detailed here are not originating from my brain, but mixed from the others, though some of the mistakes and how to avoid unfortunately did :blush:.I made the kirtles in essentially 3 different ways. please be aware that since I have a boned bodice on my petticoat, i did not need a boned bodice for my kirtle. If you don’t have a boned bodice in your petticoat, you will need something in your kirtle and will have to look at the sources for how best to do that. I had quite a number of compliments on my ‘tudor shape’ despite being a big size, so would recommend it for those of a larger build. Boned kirtle bodices is something that i would have gone to a costume day to do. [obv i went to a private costume help for the petticoat bodice, and am v grateful for the help]. consider my blogs an adjunct to help elsewhere rather than a text in themselves.

NB Anyone thinking of making clothes for re-enactment, please check with your group the ‘rules’ on materials, colours and look. different tudor years have different styles – tho less so for poor, especially poor kids. following these notes does not guarentee acceptance of clothing by Kentwell or any other group, but may help a total novice such as myself. I had never made any clothes before these – a hint of my novicitude.


I had 2m of blue wool for bb, from which I got all the kirtle including sleeves and some spare, and I had 3m for BB, with enough spare to replace sleeves or bodice if required. I had 4m for myself and also left over enough to replace bodice or sleeves. most average size women will not need more than 3m. You also need an identical amount of linen to line – BB was lined for bodice and sleeves in the blue lining of her petticoat, SB and I were both lined in green linen in entirety.

Dd2 kirtle my kirtle Dd1 kirtle

Method 1 – BB’s kirtle

BB was hard to make a toile for, she is 7, she doesn’t like being still, she doesn’t see the point and she dances about. SO i did a very quick version toile, hoping to catch the essence as being only 7 it doesn’t have to be so tight fitting. The kentwell advice is for kids to have the waist slightly higher as it doesn’t impede movement so much. it also suggests interlining and supporting bodice. However, since BB wool thick, i decided not to bone but did add a canvas interlining. Having made a rough toile and then marked out in pencil better shapes, i did another toile in the lining linen and tacked together how it should go, bribed bb with chocolate to put it on and then let me just repin bits for a better fit. The neckline at the front perhaps a bit high, but no bad thing for a child, the straps perhaps a little bit on the thick side, but wanted then to be comfortable – anyone following this may wish to adjust!

being happy with this, i then cut out the wool – note that i remembered to cut on the fold at the back so no central seam – see I can learn :) . I also cut both wool and linen to have a larger seam allowance under the arm seam, so that in the future i can let out, and also at the waist. but it is ok for the waist to ride a bit high, and you can add a panel strip to each underarm, or one to make a back extensions quite reasonably, as tudor kids often had cut downs and refashioned if not rich. too big an excess would be uncomfortable. I sewed the interlining canvas onto the linen lining. i then sewed with right sides insides the armholes, top and side seams together [ like pourpoint/partlet] and then turned so right side out, checked against daughter and then inverted the bottom to make a good seam and whipstitched along the bottom, whipstitched/ladder stitched the shoulder straps together in 2 parts and the side seams – exactly as did pourpoint and partlet . I the tried on her with fingers crossed and was happy with fit.

bb first try of kirtle bodice

Phew! I then cut out the skirt of the kirtle as one large rectangle that is going to meet at the middle I want it to finish just above the ankle but also have some growth so i add 3 inches to waist to ankle a child it can be mid calf, so this should see us for a few years with some letting out. This isn’t lined, so I hem all round the bottom and the top. I don’t do the sides as these are a selvedge :) so I have just backstitch handsewn these together to make a tube, but finished 4-5 inches short of top, as this will be the opening to get it on and off when attached to kirtle bodice.

Dd2 kirtle

Then I get to the serious business of pleats – I have box pleated and used the kirtle bodice to work out the pleating, leaving an unpleated panel at the front. What i should have done is not sewn up the kirtle skirt and done this flat, and not sewn up the bodice shoulders so that this could also be flat. i then should have learnt from this mistake for next time. but i didn’t. hopefully no one else will make this mistake! Happy with my pinned pleats I whipstitched all along the top to hold them into position. I have a box pleat either side where the bodice side seam is that I can undo when i need to make the waist bigger rather than taking the whole thing off.

Unlined kirtle skirt

I then whipstitch in 2 layers very firmly with doubled over thread the skirt to the bodice

sleeves are next. Tudor sleeves have the seam at the back. There are quite a few complicated diagrams for getting it right. I am, unfortunately, a bit of a bodger! so I measure distance between shoulder and underarm, distance around top of arm, distance around wrist and length of top arm to wrist. I drew a trapezoid shape for upper arm to wrist with these measurements without the seam allowance and then drew a sine wave on top such that the nadir hit the trapezoid 1/4 way along. I cut this out x 2 in linen and x 2 in wool. i forgot to add growth to wrist, and they were slightly tighter than planned. Add a lot of seam allowance to sides! length not such a problem as can add a band to them as she grows if still fit, or make new sleeves. I then sew together the sides of each tube, so i have 4 sleeve tubes. I then place right sides together of linen and wool tubes with the linen outside and the wool inside. I backstitch around the top hole at the seam allowance, snip triangles so it will turn and then turn the linen over so we have the seams all hidden. I fold in at the bottom of the sleeve and carefully stitch around that.

for adding the growth tuck I completely mistook one of the elves and sewed the tuck so that it went inwards and the line shew on the outside. she had meant the tucked material to stick out. I could cover this line with decorative braid, but I haven’t.

eyelets are a pain. You need to do loads of them! so you either need a broad awl and then pop a pencil through to widen it, or get a wide screwdriver sharpened to a point to stick through. this doesnt cut the material but stretches a hole. then you sew madly and quickly around to hold the hole open. The sleeves should be pointed to the shoulders with lucetted cord by at least 2 points if not 3, but her shoulder is small, so we just used 1

And there you go, one kirtle :)

method 2 – pinkish kirtle for me

so having made BB’s successfully all hand sewn, mine I had advice from the fab woman who helped [coaxed and cajoled] me through my bodice, and she makes kirtles differently, so I did it her way. And, because her time is v precious, I used the sewing machine for some of it!! She gave me barbie pink wool to dye, i threw loads of brown at it, it came out ‘porphyry pink’ on the farrow and ball chart. a bit errr, and not russett, but hey! [nice clash with petticoat and lining!]. ANyway, she made the bodice toile for me, as it is impossible to make your own toile . i have kept it safe! I cut out the bodice with the linen and then the wool. I used no interlining or boning, since supported with bodies on petticoat underneat. This time I sewed all the linen panels together – ie at the side seams, the wool panels together – at the side seams. I then put right side to right side and pinned carefully and sewed around arm holes and the neck holes leaving the front undone and also the bottom edge. I tried this on over my bodice so as to get the opening lying right, pinned it and then sewed this, leaving the bottom edge unsewn.

The skirt is a large rectangle, of height from waist to ankle plus seam allowance, and the width was 2m30cm .I then sewed my lining to the wool as a ‘bag’ ie sewed around three sides with right side to right side and then turned inside out. this gave me the hem and also the 2 short sides to whipstitch together. I then did whipstitch these together, forgetting it was easier entirely to do all the pleat pinning with flat material not a tube – sigh!

for the skirt, I placed the seam at the side and then pinned knife pleats facing backwards from in line with shoulder strap each side meeting at back. I had some bagginess along the front so that this will get on and off without the kirtle skirt having an opening.

At this point the bodice and kirtle are 2 separate things. now comes the interesting part. i didn’t get the best pic either. Just like the bodice on the petticoat bodies, i am going to pin on and the sew the kirtle skirt to the lining. so i turn the kirtle skirt so that the unhemmed top seam is running against the unseamed bottom seam of the kirtle. this means that for both the waist is at the top end, and the toes of skirt and the neck of bodice are at the bottom end of your material on the table. the right side of the bodice linen is against the right side of the skirt linen. the bodice wool is pulled away so you don’t catch it in your pinning, and the skirt wool is included in the pinning. [ so it goes - wool of bodice pulled out of way/ linen of bodice/linen of skirt/wool of skirt] pin this together and then sew twice along this with sewing machine as long as your sewing machine is heavy duty enough to go over all of this fabric. May be easier to iron first [no plastic headed pins! - yes, i did make that mistake too] sew from first pleat to last pleat, but leave the kangaroo pouch looking bit of kirtle skirt unsewn.

so, with 2 lines of sewing to hold this nice and firm at the seam allowance part, when you swing the bodice up so that you have a kirtle, the wool front will fall over your visible seam allowance, ready for the seam to be rolled under and hand stitched. so if you look the inner looks good, you can’t see the machining on the linen side.

so i then pinned the wool of the bodice to the wool of the skirt and tried it on to make sure all well. also at the bodice between front pleat one side to front pleat the other side the bodice and kirtle aren’t joined, so these need turning in also and sewn over closed.

final pinned fit

sleeves were pretty much the same, tho i had an extra tab bit which holds them better. This turned out to be contentious, so don’t do it, do yours like BB’s! at the wrist end i had a slit for a button and loop, but actually i often wore the sleeve with revers, which looked well enough.

my kirtle sleeves

the final job was all the eyelets. we did spiral lacing spacing at the front from the zen of spiral lacing we page [now taken down!] and 2 pairs of eyelets sleeve to shoulder

method 3 – sb’s kirtle

actually this was mostly made similar to mine, but without the kangaroo pouch at the front! instead the skirt seam was at the front and had a small opening at the top. also it has a single reed at each side at the front opening so the spiral lacing holds well. no other boning. It also has canvas interlining as the wool more flexible than BB’s

anyway, i started with a toile and then cut out of linen, sewed up and made sure happy with this. i then added the canvas interlining with a stab stitch.

I added the reed support to the front closure [same reed as my reed bodice on petticoat]

then used toile to cut out wool and sewed up side seams of the wool and then right side to right side, sewed the wool and the linen together

dd1 kirtle bodice

this shows better how i attached the kirtle skirt to the bodice. you can see how all the material is lying together when pinned kirtle skirt against the linen of bodice. I did again 2 sewing lines joining the kirtle skirt to bodice linen to make it strong. The skirt i did as a rectangle bagged, exactly as mine was made using the same measurements of 2m by waist to ankle plus seam allowance.

sb then tried it on so that we could make sure that the pinning of outside wool looked good – and in fact i did adjust it.

pinned and pleated kirtle on
then sewed up the front slit

final touches were eyelets for spiral lacing and then sleeves and 2 pairs eyelets made along the lines of BB’s. I also did a tuck to take the length to above ankle like i did BB’s.

i hope that is all clear?

Making my Kentwell Clothing 1 :- petticoat for my daughter

Kentwell costuming – The Petticoate – Children version

Just remind that for costume making I will be following the tudor costume page fairly slavishly the tudor tailor book and nearer the time costume elves [!] for the difficult bits I am currently not a re-enactor, but have visited Kentwell [see preamble] and we are really keen as a family to join the tudors. I plan to make a shift and petticoat for each of us girls, a shift for DH by Xmas, and 2 shifts each before the first open day in feb [ie majority of linens, at my own risk as may well not be accepted] this is because there is a huge amount of sewing to be done, and i think if you are any more than 2, to try and fit it all in after acceptance is really a tall order and hard work.

This means that the steps detailed here are not originating from my brain, but the tudor costume makers, though some of the mistakes and how to avoid unfortunately did :blush: . The tudor costume page has unfortunately got some non-working links, and since it was last updated a fair while ago there are a few non-completed bits. This wasn’t a problem for petticoates though. Nothing detailed here seems particularly at odds with costume notes from a prev year.

Anyone thinking of making clothes for re-enactment, please check with your group the ‘rules’ on materials, colours and look. different tudor years have different styles – tho less so for poor, especially poor kids. following these notes does not guarentee acceptance of clothing by Kentwell or any other group, but may help a total novice such as myself. I had never made any clothes before these – a hint of my novicitude. I wrote this initially in Sept 2011, but have added in the things that had I had known I would have done differently – mostly in italics :)

The Materials:

I have used a drabbish blue 100% pure linen shirting material. I have used cotton thread though, even if linen more authentic in a near matching greyish colour. I washed it and dried it as recommended

*it has to be said, that there isn’t necessarily huge evidence for coloured linen petticoats in a lot of tudor texts, there is definitely evidence for lighter red wool ones tho, and red is a good colour for a petticoat. If making in advance and playing safe, an unbleached linen or red wool, and then you can dye the linen if it is deemed acceptable by the kentwell year you go to, or by the tudor group you join. Also, that this prob should have a bodice on it. so it prob is a half kirtle in linen – yes, the terminology for me still goes above my head :) however, currently a petticoat/half kirtle call it what you will in coloured linen is acceptable for kentwell as an underlayer. It is not essential but useful so you can lift up your woolen kirtle so it doesnt get covered in mud*

The Disclaimer[s]:

the only bit of clothing i have ever otherwise made is a victorian pinny last year with sewing machine. I am a complete novice with any kind of stitching at all. I find it near impossible to follow a pattern and have a strong allergy to straight lines, accurately measuring and cutting and all those other things that make successful dressmakers. I have never been to Kentwell as a re-enactor, so my attempts are as yet unapproved at costume check! ie follow my lead at your peril ;)

Having said that, the Tudor costume appears to have had all her designs accepted at Kentwell, so I am hopeful. So, opening the page to petticoats

[clearly I did pass costume check :) . but what i would now like to add having done Kentwell, is that really really reinforce the sewing to the waistband, if hand sewing double the thread, if machine go over twice! and for your childr make no longer than midcalf for they will always be treading on it. if you are aiming for room to grow, have a small hem, but 4-5 inches above do a tuck of about 2-3 inches of material ]

Measuring Up:

I read the rectangle bit and thought hmmm so what does that mean in terms of widths and lengths for a child then? my material was 50inches wide and my child 23inches all round and 36 inches to just above ankle. so I decided to go for the version where it says have 2 rectangles so they were each 50 inches wide and 40 inches long – ie a multiplication factor of 4 of the waist measurement. *I think this is quite generous now, and think you could prob get away with a x2.5 -3 facto with a maximum of 1m each.*

So having made that decision for SB, I decided to do the version at the bottom of the tudor costume page which allows for pregnancy etc. obviously at 10 this isn’t n issue [phew!] but did want to factor in some growth.

Cutting and Hemming the Rectangles:

I didn’t cut the straightest of lines, but hemming made the rectangles pretty acceptable standard, and they did appear to be of similar length and width also – always a relief! I did decide to handstitch all, and go with the suggested option of hemming the seams and then whipstitching later, though a bit tempted by run and fell for the imaginative title of a stitch :) . *hemming and whipstitching a good option – it allows you to add panels easily later, but the hemming keeps the linen edge ‘hidden’ and as it loves fraying, this is a good thing :) this is called a finished seam I believe*

Proudly looking at my completely hemmed rectangles I re-read the instructions and realised that it hasn’t mentioned hemming yet. So, to do again, I would still hem at this point, but the short sides only :) Definitely do not hem what will be the top. Although nice and neat, think that the waistband is now fairly bulky due to all the material stuffed in it. Oh, I think i forgot to say in the disclaimers that I also have an aversion to undoing and redoing unless absolutely have to. I have decided this top hem is ‘spare length for the future’ though imagine i will never unpick it! A further band round the bottom would be easier. *and actually in keeping with period – TBH placket a good idea for waist stretching, but really don’t be bothered about length for the future – tudors not into big hems as materials cost money, and the skirt can get shorter over the year, and eventually put a band around the bottom *

Preparing the Waistband:

i did actually measure this a lot more carefully! I have 2 waistband halves: the front and the back. each was measured out at 14 inches by 4 inches, with the plan to have a 12 inch by 1 inch band at the end. however, having prepared one, I thought that I would make the other so it was 13 by 1 inch to give a bit more breathing room after putting the 2 12 inch ones around sb. SInce i had included plenty of hem allowance in the cutting, this was very easy. [the costume notes suggest making your waistband 5” longer, i am not sure why? or is it to waistband the placket? I didn’t anyway, and it seems to have worked nicely.

I did all the folds as in the tudor costume page, and then had a crisis and couldn’t overcome my natural disinclination to use an iron. Linen seems to fold well anyway. I did, however, mark the pleats with pen as that seemed very sensible. Due to the voluminous amount of material [hence suggesting a x3 multiplier is more than adequate, and in truth a max of 2m all round] i spaced the pleats at 2cm.

first thing to make - petticoat dd1

Pinning the Pleats:

You can see in the picture above I safety pinned for reference the centre of my waistband and the centre of the skirt together before starting pinning so all was even. I had knife pleats going away from a central point and each pleat went back to the previous one before going ahead the next 2cm ie 4cm forwards and 2cm back, 4 cm forwards etc to space at 2cm. this left me with 3inches of free material on each side of the front 12 inch waistband, which are the plackets for the extendible nature of the petticoate. For the rear 13 inch waistband I did some minor bodging so that it fitted. Tudor petticoats at this time have a central unpleated section at the front and knife pleat all the way around to the back, where they meet as a box pleat.

When I pinned these down, I pinned both the forward turn of the pleat and also the backwards return. please have all your pinheads to the upper rather than heads down. It will make it a lot easier to remove them after stitching!

I then looked critically at both bits, decided I was happy, draped them round a v complaining SB even tho pins were outside as it did look scary [30 pins in each bit] and made sure that it seemed a nice tight fit as since it has extension room, didn’t want it to start too loose! Realised this style accentuates her slimness and felt a pang of jealousy [must do better at diet] . You can see the will-be-placket in one of the pictures

Sewing the Skirt to the Waistband:

I have to say that here I am not entirely sure I have followed instructions. i have hemmed the waistband onto the pleats on the outside as I think it suggests, and then decided just to hem the other side might be a bit weak, especially for a child who will run and trip up etc. SO after hemming the good side, on turning back over I did a running stitch between the pleats and the fold up of the waistband, so invisible from the outside, but hopefully a bit of extra strength.

I removed all the pins – including those lost in the folds because their heads were down – ouch – and hemmed the inside view waistband to pleats. It does look v neat and good [for me] and I am pleased. The waistband is chunky though, due to the unfortuate hemming of all sides thing. Might not be a bad thing though, as won’t ruckle up so much. ou cans see the thickness and the sewing through in one of the pictures.

    Whipstitching the Sides:

This was a nice easy job. from the internet it looks like whipstitching is the same as in patchwork, so that is what i have done all up both seams to the very top, so the placket on each side – which is effectively straight rather than placket shaped ;) – is joining the front and the back. It has 3 inches expansion and SB could easily slip over her hips [and when she can’t i will just free the placket from the back…

i would have been delighted except… it is about 1.5 inches from being a snug waist fit :( ie that extra inch wasn’t required. Ho Hum. She has a 6 month to grow before trying it on for real, so maybe will need some of that inch. The length is just right for now, as she is bound to have a couple more inches of height.

you can see the placket open and closed above

    Making the Linen Ties:

I decided i would have them 1cm wide so cut 2 inches wide and the length of the waistband long. Initially I did it as per the tudor Costume, sewed inside out and attempted a pull through, it did fine till half way when my thread snapped.

I decided to bail out, and did the fold as per waistband [fold each edge into the middle] and did a neat running stitch all along. I think it looks fine . I have then sewed them onto the waistband, recessed along by 3 inches, and since these stitches would be visible, decided to make them v slightly decorative. I think it looks good, will hopefully hold firm, and will scrunch up the sides perhaps 1/2 inch each side, so take most of the spare out. Very happy with the end result. SOme of the seams etc could have been neater, I have definately learnt from the process so the next should be benefitting from this. Alternativeoy, a hook and eye fastening is fine.

What it needs now is a bit of a tidy and neaten job in a few places, and a try on by SB, and then I would iron it and put it away if i was an ironer. Instead I will hang it in the wardrobe and move onto the next petticoat. But, as the first item of clothing I have ever sewn, I am inordinately proud of myself :)

Kentwell Tudor Reenactment – the start of the process!

Kentwell costuming – The preamble

This post was originally written in Sept 2011, but i am rewriting it as now about to start kentwell, so will make it ‘public’ and it may well help others planning for the process, or any other renenctment

Eek! we have decided to apply to become Tudors next year at the grand re-enactment at Kentwell Hall . Various reasons. Firstly educational – the girls will be approaching tudors in our story of the world chronological history at that time, and it will certainly add another dimension to their history knowledge. Tudor life itself is not so different to that in the earlier mediaeval times, particularly for the general workers – which we shall be :) Secondly, we think we will enjoy it. Well, I hope so! We went to the Michaelmas fair yesterday and the girls were v enthusiastic about joining in, even BB, as long as she can be with me.

So… currently BB fancies dairy [so that will be my first choice too then, luckilly should be fine!] and we have agreed alternatives of dyeing station and cotte.

SB most loved the still room, but i think she has to be older, and also liked weaving the corn dollies, so maybe basket weaving. she also would be happy with chopping and preparing food, so cotte there would be ok. may look for a wooden recorder that although not period might slip in as ok.

DH thinks he would be suited to an alchemist. Not sure how many openings for that!!

The big issue is costume making, and for that I will be following the tudor costume page fairly slavishly and begging advise from k at deependers and nearer the time costume elves!! [hoping to not only be accepted then, but pass the nod by the costume elves - scary :) ]

other useful books

In the end, BB and I are in the cotte, SB went for a first choice as a peddlar, and DH is a woodsman