Category Archives: moving house

Normal service resumed

Thank goodness, as you were all fed up of my ranting/whingeing!

Really didn’t want to get up, as went to bed too late, and BB fed 2ce in the night – unheard of! However, SB was bouncing off walls at only 7.30. Chris off to work.

Decided only option was to throw myself into the day, so we bounded down and had rice crispies, and started making a papier mache volcano. [craft / natural science] its looking v good, but very soggy at the moment, so may be sat/sun before paintable. We discussed volcanos, the dynamic earth centre and its displays, venus, pompeii etc all while doing it, and the benefits of floury water over glue or plain water. SO actually could prob tick lots of diff ed boxes – though most dealt with in one sentence! Following on from that, we looked up volcanos in the usbornes childrens encyclopedia.

In a reading roll, SB then chose the Usborne starting point science on the body [one of her favourites] so we romped through it [biology]. Find the fact that it gets coy after intestines, but can do bladder silly. SB knows that your poo collects in your rectum though.

BB was getting a bit bored of trying to grab the book and feeding at this point, so we all went upstairs for a nappy change and did some baby massage together. SB enjoyed finding bits of bone markings on BB’s body, and where major organs would be – this is difficult due to the scrummy chubbiness of BB [surface anatomy]

A good feed later, and we were all playing magic bus – its a bit like bedknobs and broomsticks, but unfortunately we don’t actually go anywhere, just imagine. So we went ot a volcano, the centre of the earth, the ocean deep and the moon. i’ve noticed the charges are going up though – LOL [maths, drama]. Of course, it does make eye spy a bit more challenging as well, as it could be anything, but at least the first letter is getting a bit more reliable, and we do give clues [ie f, well its probably a]

BB becoming a good sitter now – doesn’t roll over at all, but likes being on her front and makes bottom upping attempts. Her favourite toy is a toss up between a rainmaker and her pudding cube. She likes stuffing things in her mouth. if I wasn’t mean and WHO-ish about this, I would say she is exhibiting classic signs of wanting solids!

When BB fell asleep, we had lunch. SB fancied trying gnocchi, so I did this with olive paste, but not so keen – she did eat a few though. I finsihed them off, and she went for beans on toast. We watched some cbeebies on telly.

Taking advantage of the sun being out – another really variable weather day – we nipped out in the garden and picked a variety of flowers. We have made a flower collage with them. [art] very ephemeral, so I’ve taken piccies. Whilst shredding off petals etc, we looked at stamens, discussed different shapes, and found where the seeds were being made [all in v basic way obviously, but SB interested, so kept on until she stopped asking]. [biology]

We then did about 5 mins of the DK world explorer cdrom [geography] – ours crashes every time you go east, so a bit of a pain. She was still being volcano fixated, so we were looking for them. BB woke up and on getting her SB changed to studydog [literacy] and did one bit.

BB had a nice waggle in her playgym, then went in rocker chair, as on spur of moment, SB and I decided to make chocolate fudge. [domestic science, maths] never tried before, but found a recipe, and gave it a whirl. We have a proper sugar thermometer cos I make jellies and chutnies etc. Hoping its ok. the scrapings from the saucepan were lovely though. Its cooling at the mo.

We have now been doing spot the difference and matching as well as mazes – not sure what I would put them under! [science] prob, as learning to look for differences and similarities, and categorising things.

In dribs and drabs we have sung/danced, played with finger puppets, played hide and seek, played with dollies, so I am utterly exhausted. It has, however, improved my mood no end.

Hearing from the estate agent that our buyers reported we were quite happy with completion date – i had a rant at her! and from the solicitor to say that although our vendors are grumpy about late completion, they are not in a position to exchange, as some searches outstanding, only caused me to roll eyes! Mood still in the positive.

BTW, blogging this early as SB and Chris have walked to local co-op for milk and to post letter. Ah, I have to say, some peace and quiet needed, even if jigging BB and NAKing while blogging!

Not sure what for tea, as a delve into freezer mode – think will be home made beanburgers, sweetcorn and potatoes.

Medicals and Mishaps

I went out for my medical. Actually the doctor that did it was really nice – a single handed GP, at some pains to chat and make me feel comfortable. So although it is inevitable my fatness will bump the premium, he was happy to say I seemed fit and healthy, and he couldn’t see any other risks.

Got home to find the life insurer had sent me a letter as I hadn’t full disclosed my health, could I tell them more about pv bleeding and my IUD!! well, these days they should be called an IUCD or in my case Mirena. I have written back stroppy letter that it was for contraception, no pv bleeding [no menstruation with breastfeeding] and therefore no problem to disclose.

While I was out, our vendors rang to complain bitterly about move date, as we had led them to believe we would want to move in early April. WE DO!!!! chris rang solicitor, as I am prob feeling a bit too incendiary to be allowed! Hopefully exchange will take place, cos we have agreed to date – as if there were any choice! it may add 250 to removal costs – damn and blast.

Did some general book reading [literacy] and playing with SB, also tried out the easier bits of maths on Joe the Dragon [as most above where she is] [maths]. We then planted up our sprouted capsicums, and sowed the tomatoes [natural science]. The weather was being v variable, so we had discussions on storms, clouds, rainbows etc whilst doing this. [as we had all of above]

We found some of the older veg boxes in garage, so SB rooted around for ingredients [she can recognise veg!!] and found onions, potatoes, carrots and cauliflower. We pulled some of the garlic from the garden [it is last years bulbs left in too long, and going for it again, so at the moment kind of garlic leeks!] and made a nice veg curry. SB liked using the pestle and mortar for the spices]. Cooked it in the one pot with the rice so a biryani, as saves on washing up! [domestic science]

We also made some of mums card – it is on cold card and a beach scene using tissue paper, so far so good! Was supposed to have been finished after tea, but evenets overtook us. [art]

Unfortunately, while I was feeding BB she was riding bike on drive [PE], and went head first down approx 1 foot drop onto next doors drive, so sports a number of egg shaped bruises on forehead, eyebrow, and v sore nose. Sorry for self and in pain, but not obviously concussed. We retired to cbeebies on the tv, ate our curry, had a nice bath and to bed [chris doing that at the mo].

I’m watching the what the ancients did for us out of the corner of my eye, and enjoying it. I think I need more wine and chocolate this eve, but my blood pressure remarkably low [100/70] considering the steam that keeps coming out of ears!

thought of the day: happy birthday MUM!! and baby William – see post below

Be Calm

Well I am going to go backwards over today, as need to do the rant first.
Well, thats that done!! Our buyers came round this eve to measure up, and apparently they have already exchanged with her buyer, so moving date legally fixed for that completion. Therefore she can do later than 29th april but not earlier.
GOD IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
i REALLY DON’T THINK THIS IS FAIR, AND NOT HOW i THOUGHT A CHAIN WORKED – YES I’M SHOUTING. but will stop now, as its not you lot I am shouting at! Might shout at my solicitor tomorrow, as they say they exchanged 3 weeks ago.

Be Calm

Was stressed out anyway, as have felt crappy, miserable and hermit crab like all day. Forced myself out of house tio go bead shopping [and found 2 in the nice bead shop in cornmarket, but have decided which one I like best now], and also got BB’s photos done for passport. Returned to car to find some total pillock had effectively boxed me in. the multistory has not much space, so i parked next to a pillar, and very close on that side [inches] so that i had enough room to get BB in and out ok. returned to find said wazzock [i actually don't know what this means, just hope it means thick as pigshit yob] had parked over into my space, so that cars were inches apart. How the fuck I was supposed to get in, let alone child I don’t know. Feeling that the sky was falling in I shouted at cars [to no avail] and looked very much as if I might cry. At this point I noticed a wiry boundy kind of lad bounding my way [marfans-ish] and he kindly squiggled through the credit card gap and drove my car out for me. I didn’t look to see whether the pressure from my car door dented the other, but i kinda hope it did. I was so greatful I did cry and thanked wiry lad profusely as he ran away from hormonally challenged madwoman.

Be Calm!

I think I may have got clocked by speed camera as I went 35 on headingley road – buggeration.

Be Calm!!

Other things SB has had a hair cut. we’ve done singapore maths, cbeebies, sock painting etc

message of the day:


Is this allowed as a title, too coy for the other Chris I should imagine!

bloody buyers from buyers refusing to budge from completion date of 29th April.

I start work on 2nd may FFS.

I need to get on with life rather than paddling/idling


Apparently it is cos its easier to move with an extra day for the bank hols. I’d have thought removal would be more expensive – have yet to check – and if something goes wrong, it takes far longer to sort out.

Also they are in rented, so paid till end of month.

Could thisd bloody take any longer. We made it really clear to buyers we wanted wuick exchange and completion, and it has dragged on and on. we should have had a bidding fight between them and the other and got a bit more money, as we certainly haven’y ended up with a quick sale – after all, we sold end of Jan and it will be 3 months from then.

Of course, we are the only ones moving any distance, who really care about moving time. Bollox, bollox bollox.


Cats and Peas

SB seems to be swearing??? When things don’t go quite right, she says ‘oh..cats and peas’. i take it this must come from sone programme or film other children she comes into contact have watched, as I’ve never head it anywhere.

Yesterday was another party day, this time her friend Z. He had his at a church hall, with a clown, so they did some juggling and played with a parachute. Also SB got her face painted as a ballerina. The clown was getting a bit fractious towards the end, possibly due to some overenthusiastic throwing by a couple of the young boys. [more socialisation!]

I did a quick nip to Asda to buy food for a meal I’m cooking tonight. forgot the lasagne sheets, so its going to be a pasta bake! Had a good look, and couldn’t find any black leggings, as she needs some for stagecoach. Will have to go into town then at some point – sigh! Meanwhile SB and BB were out in the garden with Chris, possibly helping shed tidying, but when I got back they were having tea and biscuits with our next door neighbours.

new webland out, so we romped through that, SB though song was dire, and I have to agree! [IT, general knowledge]

On the house front, the contracts all came through for us to sign, and I guess that then makes us exchange ready, and presumably completion ready – at last!!

thought for the day – do not do noisy childs party, and then very full sat asda in succession if you wish to keep will to live!!

PS i have just heard her tell Chris I am a silly old cow. hmmmm time to move!

Slowly, slowly catchee monkey.

At last, finally got the contracts and other paperwork today for the house sale and purchase, we’ve been rather frustrated as a whole month seems to have passed to achieve very little, and not down to us, as we’ve have been very quick in replying to letters etc. A combination of stuff being queried by us and our buyers, buyers and selllers being on holiday/honeymon, people not responding as quickly as they could to things, solictors being slow at doing stuff….. it all adds up.

Anyway, at least exchange of contracts is now on the horizon, hope we can get them to agree to a quickish completion.

It’s a bit of an odd situation really, we are still in the old/current house, but my head is already thinking and planning about the new house.

It’s been an odd year really, as it has been both very full, but also it’s often felt like we were treading water much of the time. This time last year Helen was in the throws of getting a consultant appointment, the Cambridgeshire job was on the cards, but it looked like a Leeds job was a real possibility – hopefully part time. But it was not to be, though it took many months to arrive at this point. Then we had the whole finish doing up the house, Helen working away from home, getting the post, being pregnant, having Butterbean thing. Lots happening, but under it all a sense of waiting to get on with things – garden went by the board mostly, plans for this year were put on hold etc. this has of course grown as the whole selling/moving thing progressed. Helen has found this harder to handle , as many of the changes impacted her rather more directly and she hates change at the best of times, let alone a year of it. And we do feel that we have missed out a bit on the maternity leave. Rather than a nice calm relaxing :? 6 months with Helen at home, we’ve been selling houses, buying houses, zooming backwards and forwards across the country , and now it’s almost over :-( We had hoped, long ago, for me to take time off during the Mat leave and for us to go travelling somewhere for couple of months, but it was not to be this time and with SB we couldn’t afford it, next time…….

We just want done with it all now, to be packed up, moved, to have got over saying all the good byes (actual and psychological), to be in the new house, getting settled, getting on with new things and enjoying the summer.

Blogging the rest of today can wait, I supose I ought to be in bed really.

PS Well the smoke alrms work fine, went off in response to a bit of singed toast before I noticed the smell. Shame it was 1.15 am……….

Being taken for a ride – rant!

self indulgent ranting
I prob should password this, but the likelihood of someone from ex-work reading this approaches 0. After all, if they can’t read my sodding emails, they’re not going to read a blog.

I have been trying to organise a large RCT comparing the use of a graft material with none. Its all rather complex, but basically, it needs a long timespan audit/pilot study ti show material doesn’t ‘fail’. I did a 2 year audit 2 years ago, and atarted the 4 yr audit last summer. It took approx 60 hours to fill out all the ethics forms, and at 38 weeks pg, with broken foot etc I had to go and present it to the local ethics committee – all with a nominal presence only of the cheif investigator. To be fair, I always knew I was going to do pretty much all the work. She is a fantastic surgeon, but not so keen on the nitty gritty of audit. However, all i’ve actually asked of ‘the team’ is to get the remaining 40 case notes for me [i data entried the other 120 after retrieving them from the void before leaving for new job], 2 signatures, writing permission for honorary contract [so i am allowed to see said case notes], the paper and envelopes. I’ve provided time, stamps, mileage etc gratis. Oh, and I did ask if one of the 2 secretaries could do some of the photocopying. well, i got 1 of the sigs and nothing else, repeated emails and visits. last straw is that i need to pay for the paper and envelopes myself to go ahead [3 reams and 320 envelopes, as well as the 160 stamps] The lack of the second sig – which i’ve only just found out, means I cant do bloody thing yet anyway.

I guess what annoys me is that i still feel the guilty party for non-completion. I will also kick myself for stopping, as it is actually interesting, and may lead to improvement for prolapse results. However, there is no way to get this out before i move, and bugger all hope of ever getting the questionnaires forwarded onand analysed. Also the lack of help when i asked for things, but meaningless gesture offers given now to see if i can be conned into continuing. AAAARRRGH!!!

I’m not sure if they’ve actually grasped i’ve bowed out. i’ve left what i’ve done clearly organised with what needs to come next, but at lunch i was asked about the main rct design! Also some impression i’ll run about getting their posters up to glasgow whatever it takes – i think not!

family life

This unfortunately has spilled over into the rest of the day. I picked up SB from nursery. She was finishing an easter card – very nicely done, with happy easter written in it. And had done a lot of painting and letter shapes. [art, writing]

We went to gingerbread cottage to meet up with the post natal group. it was manic there as all the boys were fighting, some of the mums shouting and most looking harrassed. SB was quite upset as Z and his cousin W wouldn’t play with her at all – they were inseperable on Sun. I explained they were obviously just wanting to play together, and it wasn’t that they didn’t like her, just were in that mood. She was disconsolate, and then wouldn’t play with anyone else until the last 15 mins. sigh – and how do you deal with it? I cuddled her, agreed it was sad and gave options. [socialisation/PE]

We came home and she did some bike riding, then we made chocolate and banana muffins – yummy. I was still in mummy mode when the mixture was strewn around and an egg dropped. [baking] Although i knew i felt headachey and grumpy.

We then did studydog [english] which SB enjoying v much. She tends to do a bit much though and start to mess about. [ I'm still holding together] so we moved to cbeebies website. [IT]

However when we had the usual messing about over eating dinner i could feel myself being so intensely irritated that i had to leave the room before harridan helen took over. It took approaching an hour to eat. I just can’t bear it!

breathe helen!

house update
still not progressing, don’t know outcome of the building regs for carport thing, and waiting for the final surveys on place moving to.



Nipped to Huntingdon to look at house, some of the furniture the present owners want to sell, and then a nursery in the afternoon.

House Moving
Luckilly I still love the house. I say this because i have been panicking about the move and how much it is going to cost us. Wondering whether the right decision has been made to extend ourselves that far etc. In my head the decor has got worse and worse, the garden smaller, the road busier and the jobs more urgent. Looking at it made me realise theat yes, decor not really our taste, but perfectly OK, Garden is a good size though as it was such as sunny day, I could see there was a bit more shade than I’d have liked on veg patch. Jobs do need doing, but house not about to fall down. road is a bit busy, but liveable. It also struck me anew how much space there is in the house as well. SO feeling a bit reassured.

the vendors are lovely as well. i told them the absolute budget we had, and what we would like to get for it [dining room table and chairs, and superking bed] a small humming and it was agreed. We will pay by cheque after we have moved in. they have also thrown in a mantis-a-like tiller for the veg bed, a few old workbenches, bits of wood etc etc.

Cafe Pitstop – education!
At lunch in a cafe, SB impressed me by spontaneously counting up to 5 in German [foreign language] She also said Guten Morgen. So the intermittent Muzzy going OK – or is it me counting in German how many mouthfuls she needs to eat??

in the afternoon we viewed the likely candidate for nursery. At least to start with we will send the girls to nursery 2 days a week. This is so chris can get some supply work and be know for reliability etc before reducing the days available. By next easter when SB has to stop nursery, I will hopefully have negotiated a 4 day week, and chris’s parents will be close, potentially giving him the option still of 1 def day and 1 by negotiation a week. I know it seems odd to say, when I am going to home-ed, but I feel nursery has been excellent for SB and she has blossomed there on the confidence and mixing front.

digression alert! If it were possible to easily flexischool without being bogged down by nat curriculum, and almost inevitable failure, I would be tempted by a 2 day a week for that. I can see why schools not keen to encourage that. We have a private school about 6 doors down when we move, with swimming pool etc, and I was wondering a bit further dwon the line whether some friendliness there may mean joining in for somethings? However with organising stagecoach, looking for a gym class and the local home ed community, I think it prob wont be necessary, as the problem may well be too much socialistion opportunities!

Anyway, the nursery was excellent, particularly the baby rooms for BB. No probs with nappies, breasmilk etc, lots of toys etc, a seperate sleep area, and it seemed v loving. Also set in a huge amount of garden. SB’s group has a veg patch as well. Now I know we will do it at home, but it still seems v well thought out. perhaps SB’s age seems a bit too ‘get ready for school’, but all the children seemed really happy, and they may have been spouting what they thought we wanted to hear. SB was happy as well with it. She asked about visiting BB, and there is free visiting to sibs unless they are asleep. Also, when she saw some easter card making in the 3′s room, and looked interested, she asked nicely if she could join in, and instantly the stuff was there for her to do [art]. She was happy to stay while we looked at some of the other resources. The vibe seemed really comforatble and friendly. SO its a yes.

Home and education
SB then wanted to go to a particularly good playpark in Godmanchester. Unfortunately she was asleep when we got there, and fairly unrousable, so we came home. At home [as she then stayed awake for *ever*] we tried out the studydog link provide by Sarah. We started at the beginning, even though SB beyond it, so that she would get into it. She seemed to enjoy it, so we will carry on for now. [english]

As you know, my mail annoyed me, but heavy duty playing with SB, tickling, giggling, rhyming and making up stories with the cardboard dress up fairies restored my good mood. As did a glass of red wine. Waitwotchering was ruined that day, and no weight loss so far.

At mo SB wailling [fake wails], as still not dressed, and chris and I said no more play until she started to get dressed. He has rung the solicitor on the no way jose front.

Impression of the day: very busy. SB a bit grouchy due to lack of sleep, so hard to juggle her and house sorting. Was a giggle watching her try to persuade a 70 year man to play barbies with her! [she didn't succeed, but his wife did] Underlying tension as want house sale to proceed. We haven’t done a great deal of ‘formal’ as opposed to ‘life’ HE recently, though lots of interactions where it is supported. SInce my new years resolution included not getting carried away, and playing being the key point to learn around, I guess I am keeping that one. Reading some of the other blogs makes me feel we are being a bit slack at times. but gut feeling is that we are right for SB!

Yell, curse and swear

got home from Huntingdon [will blog properly after this] to find letter from our solicitor saying that they want additional indemnity as carport no buildings regs. Further ?60. this is in addition to the ?180 I reluctantly agreed to for the 1965 extension not having asked permisioon of 1933 builders. [ver y reluctantly!!]
Anyway, Chris has googled, and it doesn’t *need* building regs. FFS!!! Very aeriated now. Will ring solicitor tomottor, say no can do, and want exchange asap or will put house back on market.

hmm, getting cd’s to work

Well, I got the DK world and science explorers from ebay, they work on windows 98 and we have XP. chris can normally fiddle with things to get them to work, but not this time. Grump.
Anyone use them on XP, and have a fiddle that gets them to work??
Was thinking of a few other cdroms including zoombinis, but they are also ’98, so a bit reluctant to buy something else that doesn’t work. [obviously ebay only at the mo!]

Work has emailed re contract, and I think finally we might get that sorted out. After all, I was only employed in October!!

On house move front, spoke to solicitor re the indemnity thing, as Chris wrote to them agreeing, but as it is *my* house, i have to confirm it!! He said sale might fall through without, so gritting teeth and paying up.

A nursery day, which she seems to have had fun in. Certainly a really jolly gorgeous girl all evening when she got home, and remarkably easy to go to bed. bit miserable that we still can’t get the science explorer to work, as she wants to have a go.

Well, a giggly girl now. Unfortunately, she enjoys ‘near throws’ up in the air – and at the weight she is, I can’t do many in a row! Certainly having great fun with rattles, baby gym and a pudding club cube that MIL got her from ELC. Squawking again, so I am making this quick!

well, I think I have a lurgy, as soooooooo tired, hot and bothered etc. Think i need some sunshine!

also knackered – his head was lolling every 5 seconds or so watching the treasures programme this eve on TV!

as for car seats
? bebe confort hipsos
? recaro start – wow on price though
? britax kid
? recaro young style