Category Archives: socialisation

fun day with the combined forces of puddles and monsterteenies

SB sis maths before we went and got excited by crustal kit purchase from ecay.

once there much racing around of children and a small bit of fimo. Much fimo by adults with negligible racing around. Must upload some pics.

BB had sudden fall apart predipitating our departure. She has a cold and now calpoled and nurofened and wailing/ feeding and sleeping in short bursts.

have left handbag at merry’s which has all my work stuff in it, so chris will have to go and collect it and then drop it off – aaarrgh

A shorter post

maily to catch up on blogging as we are well behind on flickr!

SB had CHEF sports and a romp in the park with friends today [chris can elaborate?]

I got home from work early while chris went to dentists. SB did explode the code 4 whilst BB used me as climbing frmae and trampoline – nice! She also had fun with a generic builder kit toy, particularly the hammering – ouch! Chris came back, and I retired for a short nap before dinner having take some migraine tablets, SB I think did some maths.

After dinner/bathes, we explored my naughty book people order. SB was very taken by this atlas, and looked through it whilst I plaed with BB, and the we read this roman flap book together, which had been the real reason for the order. As predicted SB loved it. romans and flaps, what more can a girl ask for [she has the castle one already!]. She also impressed me by trying to read some of the flaps [after I had, so very scaffolded, but a definate interest in reading now]

So we were late to bed. For the last week when at home I have been reading poetry to her [at her request] as bedtime stories. We have now finished the book, so wonder what she’s going to go for next! Oh, and we ended the day with an ebay purchase of an abridged story tape of the railway children, which she very much liked. I have the book somewhere!

salve [an epic!]

as already mentioned by Nic, we have been down to Sussex and back. SB has been reading about the Romans a fair bit, and so, remebering Fishbourne Palace from a school trip, we decided to go camping in chichester. And yes, we did get there!


An early start meant we got to Fishbourne Roman Palace in time for an early lunch before the school trippers, and then could get to the museum part whilst they were lunching. Sb really enjoyed it. She looks with massive concentration at everything, so we can’t do things quickly any more, we looked at every artefact, read every label and discussed everything. Of course BB went wild over this! Chris took her for a run about.

We then went into the Northwing of the palace and looked at the mosaics. Having recently buillt a paper town house, SB good remember a few of the names, and also compare the palace with a standard small villa. Also, the city through time has been read a fair amount, and a few books about romans we have around [though not there with SOTW yet]. There is a centre bit for children to do rubbings of roman coins and tiles, and also make mosiacs etc. The gentleman in there called us over, as he had been watching us and said how well behaved and good and interested SB had seemed to be compared to the school children [proud mummy moment - of course,had she been in a group of 5 home-ed friends with only one parent, she would probably have been as noisy and running about as the 6-8 year olds]. Anyway, we got the bit to ourselves for a bit, and SB rubbed some coins ant tiles, and put some roman pots into the right categories [real roman too, so she was impressed - but it feels like todays pots!] She was confidently identifying samian ware anyway [though by today has no doubt forgotten]. She spent ages doing a mosiac with those plastic cuboids you stick in holes [there was one at melrose one year? proabably Sarah's] and when another boy asked if he could have a go too, confidently directed him and his friend as to how to do the pattern.Another bit of boasting, but more cos it was fun, is that there was a match up todays and ancient roman itmes pairs game. We were about to start this, and a mother of a school group came with a daughter and just took over [so I was grumped] but got the first 2 wrong, and SB corrected her. SB had remebered the oil and scraper [even calling it a strigil] to clean with [courtesy of the city through time series] and that sponges on sticks wiped bottoms [though neither of us know what they were called!]

we discussed pulleys and levers again at the roman lifting device., and then as we went out into the walk around the garden, announced she would be the roman lady in the peristyle [the previous mum was close by and nearly died] I have to say though that today SB couldn’t name a peristyle, but instead the triclinium so its swings and roundabouts, and I don’t imagine she will remember any of these words for long, its just a flavouring to learning about and hearing about romans.

where were we, oh a run about the garden, joining up with BB and ghris and then a mosey around the shop. I bought some books for half price, SB bought some colour in roman sheets and a multi colour pencil thingy – the one where you have to push the plastic bits out and pop them back in the top to get the next colour. She lost one in the car 30 mins later!

tent up, SB scootering and playing around wHile it tipped it down. She did some colouring in of her pictures too. nice flat site and minimal wind so OK. Dinner cooked and girls to bed, shortly followed by parents! I got about 6 million mosquito bites in 30 secs [only slight exaggeration] and SB got one on her forehead that blew up and gives her an ‘unusual’ look for all our photos subesquently!


The next day we got up bright and early, after a very poor might with BB [she can smell the milk at that close a proximity] but still were much later to Nic’s than we intended. The children had great fun, dressed up and ran about. we gossiped and were ably catered for. Had the added bonus of Lucy being there as well, and reassure her that Melrose not that scary, but she needed to bake!!!!!! [well, ok, not necessary, but very nice] We stayed much later than planned as well, and only just got back in time to the campsite before gate closure. girls asleep, but another dreadful night.


SB played with a cheap optics kit I got from the one stop shop across the road, and made a perisocpe, played with the mirror bits, and looked at the various supplied pictures with paddles of different colours, and then ones that diffracted the light wierdly. She enjoyed it, we did a bit of tlak about light, but mostly made each other look wierd through the difractor thingy!

We had been going to go to arundel castle, but Ady and Nic persuaded us that the tariff was extortionate, and Ady sang the praises of chichester walls and cathedral and market. So we went there instead. We did enjoy going round the walls, SB pointed out there were no arrow slits and we discussed lack of them and crenellations etc. There was a good playpark, so we ran down to that and had a good play, and then a picnic a bit later on. SB now can proudly do that monkey swinging thing. I have never been able to do it, so my 5 year old has now surpassed me [before sniggering, I was thin until I met chris!]

As we walked past the cathedral, she decided to visit that, since we had planned to anyway… Its very nice and welcoming, whoever he is in the red cloak gave us a leaflet, and a child’s one for SB, and we were off. In true form, we had to read and look at absolutely everything, so BB and Chris had a running break outside! She was particularly taken by the chapel for the royal sussex regiment, full of poppies, so we discussed the wars and the meaning of the poppies. We looked at the various bishop’s tombs, at his ‘crown’ crook and dog or lion at his feet. [hmm, I am a bit low on the religious symbols here. home ed for me before another cathedral visit!] She liked the kings portraits, but we were bored [yep me too] by a kindly old lady going on about how they had rebuilt part of it. A small talk would have been welcomed, and we looked polite, but probably too much so, and I find it difficult to edge away. SO I allowed SB a bit more leeway in investigating the choir stalls, and lying on the floor to look at windows and ceiling arches than I might otherwise have done. And having done it, it didn’t seem at all irreverant, just a child wanting to see, so i’ll let her do it again.

the cathedral has a lovely cafe BTW, we treated ourselves to a coffee and cake as had had a picnic lunch. it has a nice garden for running about children, where other children were also running about.

Went through the market and only bought olives – so not too bad! We went to the beach at East wittering, must have been high tide, and pebbly. Huge waves and surfers out there. SB wants to surf one day. BB flaked out in car, so CHris and I took turns to watch her [have some peace]

For a change, I tried a sort of camping mexican, and it worked really well. the tortillas are easier than rice to do, so another one pot meal to my repertoire! And very quick. SB, BB and Chris went for a walk to explore while I did this, so 20 mins of pleace – bliss! We read one of the roman books as bedtime story [her choice]

on our last day [after another awful night!] we went to the weald and downland open air museum. absolutely fantastic. we were there about 5 hours, and didn’t get round it all. There were various enactors and workers. SB as always fascinated by the smithy, and the lovely chap there talked to her sensibly about horse shoes and smithying. It was the herb weekend, so quite a bit on strewing herbs, washing herbs and recipes, herbal remedies and cooking herbs about the place. SB loved exploring, and talks more to the enactors now, and BB loved the clmbering up and down steps and looking out of windows. SB bought henry the 8th’s ring in the shop, so is very happy! its too big though.

Dreadfull drive home…

What we been up to then?

Oh dear, our electronic life seems to have gone AWOL lately, not much blooging or Flickr-ing – what’s the world coming to?

So, what’s been happening?

Yesterday we went to Mountfichet Castle with a few other HE families from a local group.

It is the site of a Norman Castle, though little was left above ground other than humps and bumps. A replica of an early Norman wooden motte and bailey castle has been built on the site. It was interesting – certainly looked like I would imagine it to be. but the weather put a dampener on things as it rained rather too heavily for rather too long for what is basically and outside atraction. So didn’t entirley get our moneys worth really (it was fairly expensive) as would have spent a fair bit longer there I imagine, but once we had got out of the rain we didn’t feel like going back into it.

But we did find it enjoyable and interesting, Seeing as we visit a fair few ruins it was good for Stringbean to see the variety of things that would have gone on in the castle.

When we got home just dried out, flopped and had chips for tea :-)

What else?

Thursday we were supposed to go to the next African Drama sessions, unfortunately it was cancleed at the last minute so we didn’t hear about it. So we went to the park instead with M , SB’s favourite pal from the group. Is this the ;atest in playground rides?


Monday was pottering about in the morning, We went Blackberrying in the afternooon and made rather lovley apple and blackberry crumble for dinner

Sunday me and the girsl went to a ‘Life in Roman Britian Day’ at a local country park. SB always enjoys this sort of thing and listens quiet intently to the talks.

We popped into see Helen at work, I thought we were bringing her lunch, but she didn’t and had had lunch, so didn’t communicate well there…..

They got a nice big slide on a heap of earth there now, and a arial ropeway thing so SB had fun on those. It was a beautifully warm day, still felt like summer.

In between times, there has been a fair bit of Explode the Coding going on – started book 4 now. and maths, moslty MPH 1B. We’d got a bit lost with what we were doing, so have been trying to work through this in a sensible order. Some reading, lost of drawing and colouring, and some writing.

The other day SB sat down with a sheaf of pages I’d printed off from Enchante dLearning a while back – a booklet about some dinosaurs. She coloured them all in – she is taken witht he idea that we had no idea what colour thet really were, so they are all a bit like Elmer the Dinosaur. Very jolly. She sat and carefully copied down the little bits of writing about each one – spent ages doing it.

She laos did a picture the other day with shadows on it. she gave each person a shadow, trees etc. Carefully all facing the same way, etc. I think this in the first tiem she has done this.

Oh that will do, moslty it’s just l;ife I guess :-)

very long catch up

about me – well still waiting, have offered up 10% paycut [yes another one!] and awaiting outcome.

SB this week has had a lot of fun playing with cousin Oren, including a fun visit to Hunstanton with grandparents and funfair adventure. Oren was here today as going back to France tomorrow.

We have been less match and sorty – though some going on! But I have read loads of books on history, geography, science, lots of chats and discussions and geomagging and brainbox electronics. We have also baked!

BB getting alot more words. She is very clear over some directions – like get up and move it!! She can shout ‘thumb out’ at SB [which causes a riot!] and lots of other small words appear to be peppered in her still largely incomprehensible [but long!] sentences. She is gettng good at shape sorting, and having a bash at pegboards – but not so good at rotation! She is a know-no-fear climber – loves steps of any kind! A passion second only to that for ‘bicbic, coctut, cake, fapjak’

SO to the weekend – a really fab time at SOTP. they have a great camping field, lovely atmosphere and a good guest list, so that we were too busy wathicng children having fun and nattering rather than taking pictures!!! one of the good things about having met each other a number of times before, is that I no longer am concerned about either of my childs little foibles [wailing/eating everythng in sight] and their responses to other children’s foibles, so it is far more relaxing, and this seeing them used to each othr and adapting, and occaissional nudging into better behaviour [after all, lord of the flies is better as a book than in real life!], should help SB avoid the social pariah trap that I didn’t if things didn’t go my way, or I didn’t ‘get’ the game.

Mmmm to food – pancakes was inspired! Was that a standard pancake mixture or a slightly thicker one? We have gazillions of guests this weekend, so thought i might copy!

ANyway, many thanks to the hosts, hope chaos has been magically transformed back to the oasis of tranquility! lovely seeing everyone. oh, I want one of these for xmas!

IMG 7458 IMG 7479 The usual suspects! playing against Mummy!

oh, and after lots of meddling, I still can’t get flickrbadge to work properly! link to my set.

Romp through the week.

Well, I am at work, and there is a hiatus until I am actually required.

So, CHEF sprts day on Tuesday was good. The children really enjoyed it, and we met Amanda in the flesh, who has already blogged the sports day, and also Katy and children [do you like links or not Katy/Bob?]. I was feeling rough as had been on call, got migraine and obviously not at my best mood-wise anyway. however, the children had such a blast, the sports day was really good? with egg and spoon, sack race, and lots of team races. SB was convinced she had won every race [OK, she said winned!]. BB carried on on escapologist front, and raided everyone’s fruit. We cooled off afterwards in the pools. SB ran around with her friends, and BB took the oportunity to float and investigate getting about in the water. I chatted with Katy in the shade with our toes in the water – bliss. Probably the best place to be on such a warm day. More photos on the flickr set

actually realised?I had saved this not posted, and noticed chris has done it too!Still at work, so will continue! Actually have done a lot of playing with SB and BB in the evenings, and read lots of books. I love BB’s surprised face!

BB is saying lots of words now, and trying really hard to copy lots of words. particular skill at words like biscuit and flapjack are noted! She loves manipulating lego – and also the wacky wigglers – getting things to fit together and pull apart, and can work out how to make it join. Lots of dancing and singing too. Dheloves playing with SB, and always tries to get a lookin. still adamantly breastfed!

SB and I have also read lots of books – about egyptians, space, why is series, greek myths and legends?and general reading books. Our caterpillar life cycle experiment is doing well, with the cabbage white caterpillars hatching out – hopefully chris today has found a better container, and less pongy brassica leaves! We made a mean gears wacky wiggler, with SB designing it, and me helping when required [and BB deconstructing too!], chatted in the thunderstorm outside [sorry Merry] about thunder and lightening, how it works, where not to be when it strikes, electrical conductance etc etc. We have also done a lot of dressing up play – pricesses, pirates and doctors and generally had fun. She has also been very proud of the match and sort she has done this week and the jump ahead year 1. When we chat, she does have a good memory of many snippets of info – all I could ask for really.

Sadly I have beena t work since 5am, but hoping to go home soon! [though still on call]

Sports Day

On Wednesday we had a sports day with a local Home Ed group. nothing to dramatic, so little team races -run back and forth, doing stuff like squats and sit ups, sacks race, egg and spoon, tug of war, daft dressing up race etc. didn’t have to run too far, so although it was very hot (supposed to be around 35- 36 a bit later) we had lots of shade from big trees and there was a nice little breeze to cool us down a bit. Races were followed by a picnic. it was great fun anjoyed by kids and grownups a like. I recommend it to any local groups. afterwards we cooled off by the paddling pools.

Really, Flickr tells the story better than words.

Worst part of the day was driving 40 mins home in the hot humid late afternoon in car in which the aircon isn’t working -esp. if you are a Mum with persistent migraine :-( Much flaking out once we got home

Show and Tell Soup

The day after we had got back from Kessingland, so feeling mostly like just being at home, but got ourselves together to get out.

Monday was a monthly gathering of one of the local HE groups, CHEF. normally there is a theme with activities, crafts etc. This meeting was a bit different. Everyone brought some vegatables and we all sat down and prepared them together – which was all very sociable and cooked them up in a big pot into soup. Some bread rolls were also made.
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While the soup was cooking we had a ‘show and tell’ session, with a bit of prompting she decided to take stuff she had made at Muddlepuddle camp – the needlefelting, the basket and the kite.

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she did a good job of talking about them and showing them round, in fact most of the kids did. Kessingland Tie-dye was also in evidence,

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So some good plugs for MP camp. some people were quite impresed by the quality of the stuff produced.
Once that was over we spent the rest of the time eating soup, fruit cocktail and some cake , yum. Soup was fairly tasty, in a slighty nondescript vegetabley way, there was a good variety of veg in it, onions, leeks, courgettes, celery, peas, broad beans, broccoli, carrots, potatoes. Though these faces may not be a recommendation……
We like the soup - honest :-)

It made a nice change from the normal HE group stuff, i’d recommend it to other groups.

Came home via Sainsburys , where SB demonstrated why pushing a trolley a bit fast and then sliding to a stop is bad idea by crashing it – luckily into me rather than someone else. Oh for the little kiddie trolleys in Waitrose, just right for littlies, then summoned home by SMS as parents popping in, so got home to have a chat/play (as appropriate) with them.

Tuesday happened as well somewhere, filled with normal things such as storytime/library visit – which ends up taking up pretty much all of morning in the end, once we have got up, found books, read a few of them again etc. Dealt with lots of post camp washing, and other post camp sorting, some Explode the Code, got organised to go early to swimming lessons so we could go to the playpark near there for a bit first, quite a nice little park, with a few different bit of equipment – SB liked the little roundabout thing you worked by sitting on it like a bike and pedalling to make it go round. I’ve given up tryimg to watch the lessons, BB just wants to run about climb up and down the seating area etc. so I don’t really gte to watch so now I just go to the cafe stick BB in a high chair, and we drink coffee and nibble things, and I get 20 odd mins quiet time – which since on Tuesdays Helen is often lateish to very late home from work is very welocme by 5pm. Afterwards se wanted again to watch the Circuit Training session for a bit – she seems fascinated by this for some unfathomable reason. I think she probably fancies having a go at it.

In the event, Heklen didn’t get home until 11pmish, so a beear infront of CSI once they were both alseep in bed was very welcome.

picnic day!

which was lovely. we met up with one of tbhe localish home-ed groups for a picnic in the park. It was sunny most of the time, and there were lots of people there. A lovely park too. SB had a whale of a time, running in and out of the play area and the paddling pools with her friends. BB was also very adventurous, and being her usual gorgeous self.

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It was nice for both Chris and I to go, as we often seem to share the children like a relay race, rather than jointly.

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It helped shake some of my cobwebs, as I really am fairly blue at the moment.

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This evening, SB did some paint and learn CD, and then we have watched another segment of sound of music. She was fixated by if they would have a wedding ball, and enjoying the songs – clearly missing most of the plot! Not got to the overt Nazism yet – thats the next installment.

Family Gatherings

i like the 4 generational thing. Mum and Dad brought Little Nanny to visit. I was really happy to see her since it has been a while. Work has been so crazy that I have been derelict in my duties on visiting.

Anyway, I was at work in the morning, but on call since then [and amazingly didn't get called back either - well yet!] so I got to enjoy the whole visit.

SB put on a dance show to start with [surprise!] and BB joined in. We then had some yummy home made sweet potato soup, and some home made bread rolls that Chris and SB? had made in the morning.

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then just a happy family afternoon, some reminiscing, some looking to the future, and a lot of giggling at my girls. SB slightly green tinged which was a shame – a bit like she was overtired actually. She enjoyed dancing on my dad’s feet- just like i did as a girl, and read to my mum. Some dance mat craziness went on, and BB showed her circus skills – almost head over heels and climbing.

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Rather cutely, as they were leaving [after an excellent curry for tea] BB demonstrated a new today skill of blowing kisses – majorly cute! SB and I read some fly on the wall egypt and they are both now asleep. Aah, quiet.