Educating Elinor

Very good day today.v Makes up from too many pajama days!!

We did some maths worksheets [SB loves these, although Singapore maths is our usual]. She impressed me with adding and subtracting [staying within 10, using counters for larger numbers, but most addition in her head], and number bonds for 3 and 4, so get used to concept. Some shape work using our orchard toys snap game. Mostly flats, but some 3D.

We then read an usborne book about dinosaurs, and made a nifty dinosaur model with playdough and spent matches. Also then made a few other shapes, and particularly good birthday cake [for BB apparently]

We went through our jolly phonics cards. I have taken the easier/more logical ones out and SB went through them deciding whether they were easy or hard, and then the ones she didn’t get to. These 3 piles where then divided into 4 envelopes to chose at random over the days until more seem easy, and I will slip the next few in. I’m doing it this way as SB has v v low boredom threshold, but also, if she thinks it is ‘difficult’ she will stop doing it. So we tend to do a coming back technique rather than consilidate at the time.

Had classic FM lunch, with SB doing her dance moves, then watched first german Muzzy video, and went through the first cartoon book to end of first episode.

Then free play with dolls, singing songs to them and making up stories, while I spent a bit more time with BB, who has been fairly angelic today! I got some cheap ‘baby einstein’ vids from ebay – though prob a con, and we didn’t use for SB, as didn’t want her to be a TV watcher – I think they may allow me to give undivided attention to SB for parts of the day better.

Finally after tea, SB fancied doing some ‘jump ahead starting maths’. Some of the games too easy, but she resists making it more ‘difficult’ when given the option. I am trying to say exciting to persuade her!!

chris now settling her in bed. BB asleep too, so having ’5 minutes peace and quiet’. Another easy set game. getting the hang of Quiddler, but def not a top scorer!!

5 responses to “Educating Elinor

  1. so what are jolly phonics cards then? We’ve dug out the JP workbooks again, as part of my drive to get slightly more organised.

  2. on one side is the letter/combo and a word with it in, and the other side a piccie of that word. we are doing alphabet, ee, oo, th and sh in our 4 sets. i’ve lost the first workbook, so looking at second. in a moment of sanity i need to think of a reading programme, as we basically have book people cheapies and sales stuff.

  3. excuse me? baby Einstein Videos??? I would say definately a con.

  4. yeah, they are, but so cheap on ebay, and was suffering for a ‘bb will never get anything new’ moment!! only 2.50 each, and got a set. the new price on amazon astronomical!

  5. Yes full price would be a con.

    BB does seem to like them though, sat watching one, squeaking and gurgling away, at about 1 am (!) this morning while we maniaclly tidied up house for estate agent photo session.

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