Two Wheels on My Wagon.

I did start a blog last night, then closed the window and lost the post :-( Couldn’t be bothered to do it again.

Anyway, recovered from the weekends festivities and the house is mostly back to it’s normal (dis)order. We did get the curtain put up in the front room though by Helen’s parents. They were supposed to go and play golf, but her mum didn’t want to go as it was raining, so cancelled it, and then of course it stopped raining a little while longer…..

Pleased, as fitting the bit along the pelmet thing required sewing Velcro to the back of the ‘dangly bit’, dunno how long that would have taken us to get round to doing (never is probably a good first approximation) all looks good now. They match with the covers on some chairs and cushions, which is all a bit grown up for us.

It was good to catch up with various bits of the family I don’t see so often, though as we now live a lot nearer to many of them I guess we will see them more often. shame a few members weren’t able to make it. Shame also that it rained on Sunday, but we did get to use the inside of the house and the conservatory. It certainly is good gathering/party house :-) It was even the incentive for me to clear the boxes out of the dinning room so we can actually get in and use the room now.

So, yesterday Stringbean started off the day with bit of crafts with Nanny French, making a cut and stick fish. And errrr…. after that I’m not sure. There was breakfast, Butterbean didn’t get up until turned nine, so then that stretched breakfast out a bit longer. Oh yes, making marble runs and some reading mostly I think, plus some computer advice for Grandad. And eating cakes from the rather nice bakery for elevenses ;-)

Afternoon, H was home so she did stuff with the girls, including finishing the clock kit that SB won at Melrose and started ages ago.while I mostly did boring domestic stuff.


Today we started off with ‘Tool Girl’ as SB perused a power tool catalogue (that’s my girl) that came in the post this morning, discussed why there are lots of different ones and why an SDS drill is the dogs danglies for drilling holes in walls. Did expect her to comment on the lack of pink ones though.


She got a treat? of a Cheesestring from the shop this morning and had it for breakfast. I do have a prejudice against this sort of thing, but TBH, not sure why. It’s seems to be just fairly mild cheese, with smattering of Annatto for colouring, just been processed a bit to be able to pull into strings. Anyway she enjoyed it.

I do love the way SB thinks/cares so much about BB, this morning she got out some clothes for BB, not just not set but a ‘summery’ outfit, one for if it’s colder, and one for tomorrow as well :-) So we pottered through the orning, bit of reading of books, hanging up of washing, SB picked a load of flower petals and then tipped them all over herself.


We fed the fish and then spent some time watching/talking about them when SB wondered how they can swim backwards.


After the inevitable lunch of beaked beans on toast I boxed up the car roofbox to send it back for repairs. They sent me a very big empty box to put it in, the courier man was amused by having to deliver just a big box.. SB did assist for a bit , she tried a bit of baby bondage by strapping BB into a spare car seat with the luggage net from the roof box and spent ages in the hayloft reading all her old baby books. She also found a folder of her at work going back ages so she reminisced over that while covering the playroom floor in them.

We then tried out Butterbean in the bike trailer again. She sits much better now and has much better neck control, so we took it for a spin around the village and stopped off at the playground.. BB seemed happy, and SB enjoyed having her in there with here. Will be good to be out using that again. Went on the swings and the seesaw – her first time I think – at the playground and enjoyed them both.


H is on call and had to go back in unfortunately tonight at about 9.30 :-(, I cuddled BB and fell asleep on the sofa, which was nice, but not really conducive to doing me chores, nor is then writing a blog entry. Of course she got back about 1 am, so we of course went off to bed like sensible people, but it’s past 2 am now, so we can go to bed happly now…..

H seems to have just uploaded piccies from our Italy holiday as well.

3 responses to “Two Wheels on My Wagon.

  1. helen here! well its half past 2, but flikr not finished uploading. Have chilled however, as today at work [or yesterday i guess] has been somewhat stress inducing [if not all out coronary!]

  2. aw, lovely post and piccies. :)

  3. Yeah I enjoyed that :-). Your house sounds great!

    I always wanted one of those bike seat things..

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