At work, as just feeling hemmed in and overworked. the tues on call still having fallout moments!
Positives – well, friend came over for whine and wine! [Always enjoy a communal rant]
Got 2 ebay purchases – usbournes first people and elixabeth1 – we read the elixabeth straight away, and some of the first people. SB spontaneously pointed out the evolution – First people were monkeys and hairy, then a bit less hairy, then just had hairy trousers [!!] However, she then wanted to know what people might evolve into, and when it might happen [thank god for sci fi!!] I do think she actually understood the concept.
We were outside, and a huge black cloud came up, with a patch of sunlight behind – so we were discussing whether it would rain and heavens opened. SB rather fond of rain, and at least it was warm.
At nursery she has made biscuits, played and eaten. It concerns me that her best friend there she says pinches and kicks her. She says she has spoken to a grown up – so maybe we will chat about it there tomorrow.
BB is experimenting with different vocalisations, and is at present playing on the mat. She is particularly excited by the cats when they wander in. Might persuade her to investigate movement, but she is rather well supported in the bottom department.
Hopefully better day tomorrow at work, and the portico party – yay!
Another unmoving well-supported bottom here too! Looking forward to seeing you on Monday.