Have cheap terracotta pots. Have practiced painting them with only black today to see how long they take to dry [approx 30 mins], and will break one, to make sure it breaks only into a few pieces – these will I guess have the potential to scratch?
then grown ups can bury and thought of burying with each one a grave good? ie a few hama maxi beads or something. And we might try and bury a few stones or shells as well. If anyone else has anything else that they would like to bury as an idea we can accommodate that too. We’ll mark out some grids. I have a feeling that the younger ones ie SB, may do a dig up as quickly as possible thing, but we will see. We don’t quite have enough digging up things – ie garden trowels or holiday spades.
while waiting for the pots to dry enough to be buried by some of the adults [? about 45 mins??], we can read the archaeologists dig for clues to remind them of what we are doing and or some of the history resources – perhaps the early people ones, and then see if they will run about and play for a bit.
I can have drawing paper and implements in the conservatory laid out for them to draw what they have found – or anything else that takes their fancy. You can get in directly from the garden, so can limit the spread of mud throughout the house! [oh how likely!]
Potential other activities – I am going to make some shallot confiture at some point, so can keep the blanching water and skins for some tie dyeing [though I am aware Merry's have already done this.]
we have prob bits of wood etc out in the garden that we can give them a stash and see if they can build a few small huts [ROFL!!!] for barbie!
Outdoors we have loads of daffodil bulbs to plant if more digging is what they fancy.
If rainy, we could have a go at making the egyptian sweetbreads in the history projects book. [or anyway]
You will all i hope bring spare clothes!!!! as i think this may be messy. and potentially something tlike an apron for the painitng? [we have 2]
I am hoping for Merry [3 girls +baby], Tammy [1 boy] and maybe Karen O [3 boys] to come
lunch could be pasta and either tomato sauce, grated cheese or just better depending on preference. We have lots of fruit.
if anyone has an activity they are desperate to do/try out I’d love to have a go too – except mummified chickens!
won’t bring the chicken then!! It doesn’t smell honest. The day sounds great. I will bring along my trowel. should we do a recording system for finds. I can dig up my old notes-the english do it slightly differently than is shown in the book. can we bring anything for lunch? shall we bring some dessert?
recording system sounds good. dessert also.
looking forward to seeing you
Absolutely must be done as is proper in book
Helen, will give tammy your email and tell her how to get to you too
It sounds great; make sure there is a bit that is un- preprepared for fran as i don’t think she’ll be taken in by pot burying andm ight quite like to have a genuine go at just looking and recording.
All very exciting :))
What as in ‘well Fran, see that big weedy patch we call a veg garden, well if you just ckleasr the wedds first…….’ ?
ROFL CHris!!