hmm, i spent most of last night awake or having parent type nightmares, so not full of any joys today, and have found it hard to engage. this on its own annoys me, as i have so little time with the family that i should use it to the full.
Girls did painting and playdough, handstand practice. SB can do that climbing up doors thing that Pea did with the portico walls a couple of years back. SHe read a DK book called time travellers, we did the roman and viking bit, then went to the exploration of america book about the vikings, and the eric the red and leif the lucky sonlight book. [i read those]. girls did lots of self directed play whilst i mooched.
piled out into the garden. chris mowed the lawn, i planted out some runner beans, and the girls helped/hindered each of us in turn. I mostly snuggled bb as she didn’t like the unaccustomed noise of the lawnmower!
thats about it. i made up a bit at bathtime and bedtime though. Sb and I are having a break from britannia and reading roald dahl
forgot, Sb has been goign on a bit about improbabilty of tooth fairies. and she noticed that father christmas seemed to have got some things from yellow moon. So she begged me to tell her the truth about tooth fairies. i temporised, but now after several days, with a direct tell me the honest truth, i have. so much desolation.
Ooh, sob for the tooth fairy. Mine was suspicious about Father Xmas too. I lied. May I be forgiven…
i think i should have lied. i feel dreadful. very blah. i did tell her not to ask about anything that she may not want to know the answer to in the future.
she said that next tooth we should see if a fairy comes as maybe i go in too soon. so should i lie????
hmm, my lot extrapolated about Father Christmas after the tooth fairy myth was exposed early on due to our general forgetfulness late at night! Def. don’t think you should lie, although it is sad when innocence and ‘magic’ is lost, but that’s all part of growing up.
Hugs for the blahness, hope tomorrow is better.
SB is very dubious about Father Christmas, she was very suspicious of the stickers she got from him when she noticed they ahd a ‘Yellow Monn’ sticker on, after we bought some other stuff from Yellow Moon. She thought it unlikely that FC got his stuff from them as well.
I don’t think we should lie, but I still think you should play along if they still want to. I remember playin along with the whole idea of TF and FC even though I knew that it was really true. I was happy to ignore that
ah you see, that’s why SAnta only brings one special pressie to our house (and if you’ve seen the adverts tehn you know that Santa uses Argos and sometimes other outlets to get a head start on the gifts!) so it glosses over the whole thing of where all the other stuff comes from, pressies arriving late and the general melee that is Duke’s family dishing out gifts when they all get together on Boxing day.
I don’t feel even slightly mean bout lying about fairies and other mystical gift bearers although I probably should.
Wasn’t Pea, it was Ros!
Oh dear, sorry she was so upset – my eldest two know everything but it was never a problem and they enjoy playing along. Ernest still seems completely convinced of their reality, which worries me, I can imagine him being pissed off when he finds out the truth.
yeah, well SB was always going to take it badly. i took it v badly as cried that i couldn’t believe mum would lie to me. so i did make a huge effort to dissuade her from asking, and telling me what she thought first. oh well.