AC:WW traumas!

SB addicted I think. she thinks it is totally fab. I, however, have messed up. big time! I had no idea they could really read the letters. SB’s letters have been ‘experimental’ so she got back 4 letters today, all telling her she was mean and nasty because the animals couldn’t understand them – cue severe attack f wailing. I deleted their letters, and said the first ones were usually like that, and have written her some. sigh! Als she has Chow – who I also had, and he is a grumpy whatsit – again no good for SB! oh well. she’s still keen to play, and do a wireless visit to anyone that she knows that plays!

6 responses to “AC:WW traumas!

  1. I wish I had the first idea what you are talking about, although I suspect deep down really I’m pleased I don’t.

  2. lol, hope she doesn’t take it too personally! some of the animals just are the grumpy type and will be grumpy whatever you do.

    wrt the letters, they can’t really read them but they do seem to know if you write in words or just gobbledegook, somehow. Or it’s to do with the length of the letters, try writing a word on each line or something. but in all honesty the letters aren’t really a vital part of the game, they don’t seem to make any difference to the gameplay or the interaction between the animals and your character, other than that the animals will refer to them if you’ve written them, but you don’t lose out by not bothering, iyswim.

  3. be pleased! i did play it for 2 weeks before scrubbing my town to try and avoid this trauma! however, i obviously can write and spell, and none of the villagers made a date with me for me to forget!

  4. but i got all my fruit through the letters! i was too stingy to actually add a present, so put on either a shell or a piece of my fruit, and all the ones i gave fruit to gave back not-my-village fruit! so i told her to do that to get back some fruit.
    she is really proud of hw she is doing. i am having a wobble over the whole turnip thin though!

    being SB, of course she takes it personally, she was actually crying for real that they called her mean. bloody games!

  5. I am SO NOT buying that game for Aprilai!

  6. we’ve had wailing over the RAW online animal park game. She wants to make her animals happy but doesn’t have any treats to give them. Sigh. We had to keep on reminding her that the animals ARE. NOT. REAL.

    Then she was beside herself with joy when her Red River Hogs started breeding. Again THEY. ARE. NOT. REAL.

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