rolling back the years

here is some background music for you… my dad had a dansette [which my sister blew up in our childhood] and we listened to this. aw, feeling sentimental and nostalgic again for lost times.

anyway, the morning start was rough. bb woke up just before 12, and so i took her and me into the spare room for what turned out to be 3 hours of not sleeping. aargh. i got up at 10, very slowly! but bless them, sb and bb made me breakfast in bed [i chose weetabix as a v simple choice!]. Actually, i will say here that sb has been trying v hard to be polite and considerate all day, and it is really lovely. please, thankyous and consideration make such a huge boost to the mood! i did get up, we let monsterrabs out, SB did some music theory, we got ready, and at 1 !! managed to leave the house!

we went to a 1940′s weekend and met up with merry. i did enjoy it, it had some really good bits to it. i loved the lindyhop tuition session, the jam sandwiches cafe, the various enactors – specific gold stars to the field nurse/red cross woman and also to the german telephonist for the patience, question answering and general enthusiasm for subject when being interrogated by us all! i loved the recon 40′s caravan too. there was a fab singer or 3 that i remember, singing lots of the classics my dad tried to tempt us over to the jazz dark side with [light swing things] , and some marching scots with bagpipes. we had a general wander, poked our noses at various things, oohed at some really ground hugging flying and aerial displays. the girls got 2 icecreams due to the baking heat, and we bought extra water out. I also loved the fact that so many visitors dressed to era as well. I wondered what my grandparents would have made of it really.

there were a few negatives – it is expensive, you can’t check on the website what is happening when, and the entrance is a bit, well, derelict! but a good day out was had! we finished off with a go on the minature fair. sb had a chair carousel ride – which was hand powered! BB hooked a duck, and they both hammered to hit the bell. so home with goodies too. fab!

chris under the weather, so went to bed on getting home. me and the girls cooled off in the pool, had some pasta and then failed to get bb to bed, and played the bean game with sb. still have migraine from overheating, and AM going to have an earlier night!

SB has been impressing me recently with coming out with lots of facts. obviously lots of things do sink in! she said its because she loves reading…

4 responses to “rolling back the years

  1. It was great. Sorry we lost you at the end and thank you for rescuing me!

  2. tBH, i did wonder whether you had run away from the dithering which is 2 girls with a pound each… BB v swiftly found a lizard beany, sb took longer, and spent 50p on a mystery parcel which turned out to be a timy teddy, and was v happy. both wanted me to pay a fortune for those awful animal fur scarf things

  3. Was that the one at RAF Upwood? The site was already semi-derelict when we lived in the recently-sold-off servicemen’s housing about 10 years ago!

    We went to the 1940′s thing at Anglesey Abbey. The list of attractions was oddly very similar (including some crazy mad Spitfire aerobatics).

  4. yes, it was the raf. when gina said you had gone to anglesey, i thought she actually meant it, as in wales!

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