oh so tired

due to various wider family things, i have insomnia at the moment, well i am not sleeping, spending my nights torturing my imagination etc etc, so stroppier than usual. dropped a bombshell on my children about a member of my families health, and both of them not sleeping quite as well as normal, and SB had ‘an accident’ last night – first in approx 4 years! not a ‘complete’ as she realised, but i think we are under strain. so i am shouty, and v sorry about this. we are actually doing fun things as well, but i think we are all a little fragile. so…

i am hoping chris blogs, cos actually he and SB spent most of thurs constructing an absolutely fabulous motte and bailey castle whilst bb raptured over her ds, playing pictochat. if he doesn’t, i will ad a pic! [or a few!]

and then i am hoping he will say that she did a fab presentation at the not so local history group – which was v much enjoyed!

And somewhere down the line she got her BAGA 5 award at gym – i think that might have been last week! She has read a variety of fact books, and we had read the cortes and montezuma part of story of the world in advance of next weeks trip to the british museum. however, tbh, we have done v little formal home ed this week. there has been lots of out and abouting, and lots of emotional things to sort out!

and BB turned 5 – shame i had lost her sylvanian present :roll: but i have been a bit distracted! she loved the ds from my sis, and the games from us [club penguin a bit difficult, disney princesses fine, and diego dinosaurs fine, but not that much of it!], the dinosaurs and bits and pieces from my mum. she is really a gorgeous girl, and def the girl with the curl! we are luckly that the when she is bad is usually about 10% – though seems abit 50/50 this week – sigh.

SB is being v gentle, generous and generally 100% fantastic. bless! today was judo grading, and she has missed the last 2 for a variety of reasons not in her control. we explained to her sensei who was understanding, and i think gave her a bit of leeway in her grading. it was lovely to see her really enjoying the judo [tho bb being somewhat determined to take my attention at the time also] and we are really proud of her and her new orange and white belt! so we gave her a treat of going to see fantastic mr fox. obviously we did take bb too!! [though a close thing!] i think i am just a bit emotionally stressed to be a parent today. but i think i praised sb enough for being great! we did enjoy the film, it was worth seeing, and both girls absolutely loved it. BB wants to see a christmas carol, and we have all decided to see the where the wild things are following the trailer – both girls enjoy the book [which is chris's, as he is my wild thing!]. oh, i guess we did do some french in the car on the way there and back – the fab salut serge! we have in no way done the 20 items on the list this week, but luckilly i am not worried about this! the list was for sb to see what was there, and she chose what to do, but actually they have had a v busy week of socialising, seeing friends and family and she did an amazing 12 hour shift of castle making as well! this, to me, is the joy of HE, the flexibility to organise time according to what suits the current needs of child and family. i would hate to timetable this flexibility out of existance!

SB and BB also having great fun dsing together. SB says bb having a ds has been a great present for her [aw] as they have been mario 64-ing etc. think i might need to find a mario kart as an xmas present! [bb is getting a nintendogs for her bday so they will love doing that together too] any other suggestions that things that 1 excellent reader and 1 non-reader would enjoy together? [dinosaurs a bonus!!]. The girls are , on the whole, playing beautifully together and it is really lovely to see that they have regained that rhythm, tho a bit of encouragement is still required to keep things running smoothly!

we have watched the library 2 parter in doctor who, which we both enjoyed, and generally cuddled and tickled loads and snuggled with books.

4 responses to “oh so tired

  1. (((((((H))))))) You do sound rather overwrought xxxxxxx

    Telling the girls must have been horrible. More hugs for that.

    I will ask the kids what shared games they like.

  2. My lot like Super Mario bros as it has lots of mini games that are good for playing DS to DS :)

  3. Mine say Mario Kart, Mario Party (though ime this causes more arguments than fun!), Cooking Mama 2, and they have always liked and played a lot of the games from 42 Classic Games.

  4. Poor girls having to hear it and poor you having to do it. And.. just poor everyone :(

    And you do sound a bit beside yourself – will do anything i can think of to help.

    Mine say Bomberman & Gardening Mama.

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